This is my project to make website and management system for my favourite place to eat - Pine Restaurant, Mazgaon, Mumbai.
Live Preview Link -
Changelogs -
v0.1 -
- Alpha release.
- The Project is in very early phase and will be continuosly updated.
- Current working features - ---> Admin login and logout. ---> Adding customer orders. ---> Tracking income and expense of the transactions.
v0.2 -
- Added staff page to the management section of website.
- Employee payroll system added.
v0.3 -
- Homepage is finally added.
- Fully responsive Navbar with hamburger menu for small screens.
- Added Popular Dishes section.
- Added Special Combos section.
v0.4 -
- Added Menu section.
- Added Footer section to the website.
- User experience improvements.
v0.5 -
- Added About us section
- Added Admin login link to the Footer
- Clicking on order button will now display dialog to online ordering services.
v0.6 -
- Added JSON data for popular foods and special combos
- Using Async / Await to fetch the data to DOM.