My Portfolio Website fully custom made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Live Link -
- Portfolio website for some of my skills showcase.
- Fully Responsive design for all types of devices.
- Fully Custom design made by myself.
- Hamburger menu for mobiles and tablets.
Changelogs -
v2.1.1 -
- Updated resume links.
- Added new project in project section.
- Removed page section links from footer (can always access them from Navbar).
v2.1 -
- Skills now displayed through a local JSON file. This will avoid repetition of the HTML code.
- Footer layout improvements for mobile devices.
v2.0 -
- Complete new design with a focus on KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).
v1.04 -
- Updated the Projects Section.
v1.03.1 -
- Skills should show properly on small devices now.
v1.03 -
- Added Git to the skills section
- Removed target attritbute from Discord and number links in Reach me section.
v1.02 -
- Mobile navbar will close automatically now on clicking the navbar menu items.
v1.01 -
- Adjusted the position of navbar menu (hamburger) on mobile devices.
- Added more responsiveness to the website.