- https://cloudconvert.com/ - CloudConvert is an online file converter. We support nearly all audio, video, document, ebook, archive, image, spreadsheet, and presentation formats. To get started, use the button below and select files to convert from your computer.
- https://codebeat.co/ - Automated code review for mobile and web.
- https://sonarcloud.io/ - Automatic Code Review, Testing, Inspection & Auditing
- https://www.codefactor.io/ - Automated Code Review for C#, C++, Java, CSS, JS, Go, Python, Ruby, TypeScript, Scala, CoffeeScript, Groovy, C, PHP, Dockerfile, Shell, YAML, Vue, HTML, Swift, Kotlin, PowerShell, Dart and R source code.
- https://mergely.com/ - Mergely is an online web application for viewing and merging changes between documents online. It is a pure-Javascript library that can be used to enhance your online CMS system. Mergely is open source and also available for commercial use.
- https://devdocs.io/ - DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface.
- https://www.textfixer.com/tools/remove-duplicate-lines.php - Quickly paste text from a file into the form below to remove all duplicate lines from your text.
- http://www.mynikko.com/tools/tool_duplicateremover.html - Quickly paste text from a file into the form below to remove all duplicate lines from your text.
- https://1loc.dev/ - Favorite JavaScript Utilities in single line of code! No more!
- https://sourcegraph.com/ - Github repository code editor and helper
- https://colorhunt.co/ - Color Palettes for Designers and Artists
- https://coolors.co/ - The super fast color schemes generator! Create the perfect palette or get inspired by thousands of beautiful color schemes.
- https://cssgr.id/ - An interactive CSS Grid tool and generator
- https://fontello.com/ - This tool lets you combine icon webfonts for your own project.
- icongr.am - With icongram you can easily use icons from popular icon sets on the fly.
- introDNS - IntoDNS checks the health and configuration and provides DNS report and mail servers report. And provides suggestions to fix and improve them, with references to protocols’ official documentation.
- Simpe DNS Plus - This function will trace the DNS delegation for a domain name from the Internet DNS root servers down to the DNS servers responsible (authoritative) for the domain. This can be useful to find out if a domain is delegated correctly.
- https://publicapis.sznm.dev/ - Find some public APIs for your next projects
- StackBlitz - Online VS Code IDE for Angular & React.
- repl.it - Is to make programming more accessible. We build powerful yet simple tools and platforms for educators, learners, and developers.
- CodeSandbox - CodeSandbox is an online editor that helps you create web applications, from prototype to deployment.
- pingdom - Test the load time of that page, analyze it and find bottlenecks.
- GTmetrix - Analyze your site’s speed and make it faster. GTmetrix gives you insight on how well your site loads and provides actionable recommendations on how to optimize it.
- http://cssreference.io/ - Learn by example: cssreference.io is a free visual guide to CSS. It features the most popular properties, and explains them with illustrated and animated examples.
- https://javascript.info/ - The Modern JavaScript Tutorial, How it's done now. From the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations.
- https://flexboxfroggy.com/ - Flexbox Froggy, a game where you help Froggy and friends by writing CSS code!
- https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore - .gitignore.io is a web service designed to help you create .gitignore files for your Git repositories. The site has a graphical and command line method of creating a .gitignore for your operating system, programming language, or IDE.
- https://www.iloveimg.com/compress-image
- https://compressor.io/
- https://ezgif.com/optipng
- https://tinypng.com/
- https://compresspng.com/
- http://photopea.com/
- https://vectr.com/ - Vectr is a free graphics software used to create vector graphics easily and intuitively. It's a simple yet powerful web and desktop cross-platform tool to bring your designs into reality.
- https://www.iloveimg.com/photo-editor
- https://www.cleanpng.com/ - Upload & discover png files without a hitch!
- https://icons8.com/ - FREE ICONS, PHOTOS, VECTORS, MUSIC, AND TOOLS.
- https://www.iconfinder.com/ - free and premium svg, png, csh etc. image search engine.
- https://www.flaticon.com/ - The largest database of free icons available in PNG, SVG, EPS, PSD and BASE 64 formats.
- https://www.transparenttextures.com/ - Transparent textures.
- https://www.freepik.com/ - Find Free Vectors, Stock Photos and PSD