In order to build PyPSA powerflow integration, you need the following environment available:
- JDK (1.8 or greater)
- Maven
- powsybl-core
- Python (only tested on 2.7)
To build PyPSA powerflow integration, just do the following:
$> git clone
$> mvn clean install
It is then possible to use it as any other dependency in a Maven project.
To be able to use PyPSA, you need to have it installed in your pythons packages. PyPSA loadflow integration uses a modified version of PyPSA that includes a relaxation coefficient on Newton Raphson algorithm. It is available on GitHub:
$> git clone
To install it just do the following:
$> git checkout addRelaxationCoeffOnNewtonRaphson
$> python install
Alternatively, if you want to install it only in your user's local directory:
$> python install --user
You will also need to get Jep:
$> JAVA_HOME=<your_JDK_directory> pip install jep
Alternatively, if you want to install it only in your user's local directory:
$> JAVA_HOME=<your_JDK_directory> pip install --user jep
In runtime, you will also need to put the jep installation directory in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, and put your python library in LD_PRELOAD variable:
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/$LD_PRELOAD
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jep:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH