MailR is a IMAP mail client based on Ruby on Rails platform.
NOTE All path and filenames are based on Rails.root directory.
In Rails 3 and above all dependencies should be defined in file Gemfile. All needed gems can be installed using bundler.
- Checkout the source code.
- Install all dependiences. Check if proper gems (sqlite3/mysql/postgresql) are defined in Gemfile and installed. Use bundler for that:
bundle install
- Check config/settings.yml for proper values. Don't change config/settings.yml. Your specific configuration put into config/my_settings.yml. Values from config/my_settings.yml overrides values in config/settings.yml file.
- Prepare config/database.yml file.
- Migrate database (rake db:migrate)
- Start rails server if applicable
- Point your browser to application URL: For local access: http://localhost:3000 For remote access: http://some_url/mailr
- Using browser do basic setup. If You make a mistake delete all data from DB using rake task:
rake db:clear_data
- Use it.