Oy is a lightweight, modular, and extensible content management system (CMS) based on the Flask micro-framework.
Oy provides you with a flexible, full-fledged CMS engine, without hiding away the elegant Flask API behind a custom facade.
oy implements the following content management features:
- A base Page model containing comprehensive metadata fields
- Pages are managed in a tree using nested sets which allows for faster traversal of the page tree
- Routing to any page type is handled transparently using the familiar decorator syntax
- The ability to apply middlewares to modify page responses
- A wide range of Model Mixins to easily build custom content types
- Editable settings that users can edit in runtime (e.g, through the admin dashboard) which the developer/designer can use in code or templates.
- An optional module system which augment Flask Blueprints with additional behavior
- Makes perfect use of some of the best flask extensions (Flask-Admin, Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-Security..etc.)
Building on the top of this powerful core, oy provides most of it's functionality via contrib packages which use the familiar flask extension API.
Extensions under the oy.contrib package supplies you with the following additional features:
- oy.contrib.admin providing the administration dashboard (based on Flask-Admin).
- oy.contrib.media manage user uploads (images, and documents) through an intuitive interface, and attach them to models (uses the excellent file depot package).
- oy.contrib.form easily design forms and publish them as pages, and view and download submissions through the admin
- oy.contrib.redirects setup custom redirects
- oy.contrib.users provides user management with an extensible user profiles.
First things first, install oy via pip:
$ pip install oy
Oy provides the oyinit command to help you scaffold your new projects. To create a project with the default template, navigate to your projects directory and run:
$ oyinit mysite
Creating a new project called `mysite` from `...`
Using project template: default.
New project created at /home/projects/mysite
Then cd to the project directory and create the database with some demo content:
$ cd mysite
$ oy createall
Creating database tables...
Database tables created.
Creating a new super user account...
super User created successfully.
User account details: the username is: admin and the password is the chosen password
Please change the default password.
Adding some demo data to the database
Adding demo data from module: oy.contrib.media
Adding demo data from module: oy.contrib.form
Adding demo data from module: oy.contrib.demo_content
Adding demo data from module: mysite.home_page
Finished adding all available demo data.
Finally run the server:
$ flask run
Then visit your newly created site at you will be greeted with the default home page. To edit the site content visit the administration dashboard at and use the default account details: username=admin, password=adminpass.
To develop oy locally, first clone the repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/mush42/oy-cms.git
$ cd oy-cms
Create a virtual environment and install the required packages from PYPI:
$ virtualenv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Then cd to the frontend directory and install the frontend components:
$ cd frontend
$ yarn install
# or if you don't have yarn installed
$ npm install
Static assets are not pushed to the repository because they are generated automatically using gulp
Install gulp-cli globally, and then use gulp to build and copy the static files:
# install the gulp command line interface globally
$ yarn global add gulp-cli
# or if you don't have yarn installed
$ npm -g -i gulp-cli
# Then build and copy the static assets
$ gulp clean
$ gulp build
$ gulp copy
Finally install oy in editable mode:
$ cd ..
$ pip install -e .
oy content management system is still in alpha status, contributions are more than wellcome. Help is needed in perfecting existing features as well as adding new ones.
Currently we are workon on the following areas:
- Increasing test coverage
- Implementing a RESTFUL API with sensible defaults
- Migrating the Gutenberg block editor to oy in order for it to be used as the default rich-text widget
- Using React.js to implement some admin widgets (inline fields, image and document choosers...etc)
- Translations (i18n)
We thought you already know. But in case you don't, here is a hint:
The Midwest, a deserted village, an already dead boy, a junky teenager, a black woman with two faces, and a serious man whom you don't want to mess with.
Oy CMS is copyright (c) 2019 Musharraf Omer and oy contributers. It is licenced under the MIT License.