Julian Rohrhuber and Juan Sebastián Lach Lau.
A generalisation of additive synthesis, as described in our article Generic Additive Synthesis. Hints from the Early Foundational Crisis in Mathematics for Experiments in Sound Ontology
Here we provide some examples from the article and will add more in the future.
A few simple examples, using SuperCollider:
Ndef(\g, {
var combinator = { |a, b| a <> b }; // operator: function composition
var c = { |i| LFTri.ar(1 / i, 1 / i).range(-1, 1).max(0) }; // spectrum: time varying
var g = { |x, i|
SinOsc.ar(i * 40, x * 3) // basis: sine function that takes a modulated phase argument
var n = (1..12); // number of operands
n.inject(0, { |x, i| // inject is also known as left fold. Base case is 0 here
g.(x, i) * c.(i) + (x * (1 - c.(i))) // this is so we get 0 as the neutral element
}) * 0.1
Ndef(\g, {
var combinator = { |a, b| a + b }; // operator: just binary sum here
var c = { |i| 1 / ((i % 7) + (i % 8) + (i % 11) + 1) }; // spectrum: jagged static shape
var g = { |i|
SinOsc.ar(110 * i) * c.(i); // basis: sine function
var z = (1..30); // number of operands
var set = z.collect { |i| g.(i) }; // sequence
// combine and scale output:
set.reduce(combinator) ! 2 * (1 / z.size)
Ndef(\g, {
var combinator = { |a, b| a * b }; // operator: product function
var c = { |i| 8 / i }; // spectrum: linear
var g = { |i| // basis: phase modulated pulses
var cn = c.(i);
var y1 = SinOsc.ar(120 * i, SinOsc.ar(cn * 10 * i) * (1/i));
var y2 = LFPulse.kr(cn, 0, SinOsc.ar(cn * i, i, 0.2, 0.3));
y1 * y2 * cn + 1
var n = (1..12); // number of operands
var set = n.collect { |i| g.(i) }; // sequence
LeakDC.ar(set.reduce(combinator) * (0.01 / n.size)).tanh * 0.1 ! 2 // tanh projects the final output into range
Ndef(\g, {
var x = MouseX.kr(0, 50);
var y = MouseY.kr(0, 10);
var combinator = { |a, b| a + b }; // operator: just binary sum here
var c = { |i| // spectrum: jagged dynamic shape
i = i * y + x;
1 / (((i % 7) + (i % 8) + (i % 11)).max(0) + 1)
var g = { |i|
SinOsc.ar(50 * i) * (100 / i) * c.(i); // basis: sine function
var z = (1..100); // number of operands
var set = z.collect { |i| g.(i) }; // sequence
// combine and scale output:
set.reduce(combinator) ! 2 * (1 / z.size)
Another example, using the Steno embedded language:
t = Steno.push(8); // a small 8 channel spectrum
// definition of a spectrum composition operator G
t.filter(\G, { |in, envir|
var r = \rotate.kr(0);
in = in.collect { |x| PanAz.ar(in.size, x, 2*r/in.size) }.sum;
SinOsc.ar((100 / (\index.kr + 1)), in * 2)
// the last node mixes down to stereo
t.filter('.', { |in|
t.setGlobal(\index, { |i| i + 1 });