python3.6 or above
pip3 install -r requiremnts.txt
`sudo docker build --tag crudapp . `
`sudo docker run crudapp:latest`
- ["GET"]/addproduct
- ["POST"]/deleteproduct
- ["DELETE"]/updateproduct
- ["PATCH"]
"name": "str",
"brand_name": "str",
"regular_price_value": "float",
"offer_price_value": "float",
"currency": "str",
"classification_l1": "str",
"classification_l2": "str",
"classification_l3": "str",
"classification_l4": "str",
"image_url": "str"
The endpoint to retrive data from DB.
It send all the product data. the functionality can further be improved to send specific data.
The endpoint to add entry to DB.
You can add document to MongoDB. Send in the JSON in the body of the request.
Note: these are necessary keys. If not send, the end point returns an error. other keys can be added along with these keys.
An example json :
{"name": "mustaffa test",
"brand_name": "mustaffa test 1",
"regular_price_value": 99,
"offer_price_value": 99,
"currency": "INR",
"classification_l1": "men",
"image_url": ""
The endpoint to update entry in DB.
You can update the entries in db by sending. Send the JSON of 'which' and 'new' in the body of request.
Key -> which is used to identify the document in db that is to be updated.
key -> new is used to update the entry
An example json :
{"which":{"name": "mustaffa test"},
"new":{"name":"mustaffa name updated"}
The endpoint to delete an entry from DB. It take the id to delete the document.
Send the JSOn in the body.
An example json :