I use this to browse LiteDB Database in Linux and Mac. The code came directly from LiteDB.Shell by mbdavid
All thanks goes to the original author of LiteDB project
- Clone
dotnet restore & dotnet publish
cd bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/publish/
dotnet LiteDB.Shell.NetCore.dll <LiteDB File Location>
Basic Shell Commands - try `help full` for all commands
> open <filename>|<connectionString>
Open/Crete a new database
> show collections
List all collections inside database
> db.<collection>.insert <jsonDoc>
Insert a new document into collection
> db.<collection>.update <jsonDoc>
Update a document inside collection
> db.<collection>.delete <filter>
Delete documents using a filter clausule (see find)
> db.<collection>.find <filter> [skip N][limit N]
Show filtered documents based on index search
> db.<collection>.count <filter>
Show count rows according query filter
> db.<collection>.ensureIndex <field> [true|{options}]
Create a new index document field. For unique key, use true
> db.<collection>.indexes
List all indexes in this collection
<filter> = <field> [=|>|>=|<|<=|!=|like|between] <jsonValue>
Filter query syntax
<filter> = (<filter> [and|or] <filter> [and|or] ...)
Multi queries syntax
> db.customers.insert { _id:1, name:"John Doe", age: 37 }
> db.customers.ensureIndex name
> db.customers.find name like "John"
> db.customers.find name like "John" and _id between [0, 100] limit 10
I could not find any GUI tool to browse LiteDB database in Unix platform, if you know one - please let me know.