This includes:
- a fluent_conv fork @opentalk/fluent_conv
- a i18next-fluent fork @opentalk/i18next-fluent
- the OpenTalk web client @opentalk/opentalk
You need a running controller ( and keycloak instance.
To run the container, use a command similar to:
podman run --rm -p 8090:80 -e CONTROLLER_HOST=localhost:1234 -e BASE_URL=localhost:8090 -e OIDC_ISSUER =localhost:9101 -it
or using docker:
docker run --rm -p 8090:80 -e CONTROLLER_HOST=localhost:1234 -e BASE_URL=http://localhost:8090 -e OIDC_ISSUER =localhost:9101 -it
The frontend will then be available via http://localhost:8090
Variable Name | Required | Default | Description |
CONTROLLER_HOST | yes | The hostname and port under which the controller is reachable, do not include http here. | |
INSECURE | no | false | Whether the connections to the controller should be tls encrypted (http(s), ws(s)) WARNING! This is needed when connecting to a controller hosted on localhost without a TLS cert |
BASE_URL | yes | Base URL of the frontend | |
HELPDESK_URL | yes | The URL to the helpdesk | |
ERROR_REPORT_ADDRESS | yes | An email address, where the error reports should be send | |
IS_BETA_RELEASE | no | true | This flag will show a beta badge for the application |
BETA_BADGE_URL | no | add a link to the Badge | |
LIBRAVATAR_DEFAULT_IMAGE | no | robohash | defaultImage for the Avatar, possible values: '404', 'mm', 'monsterid', 'wavatar', 'retro', 'robohash', 'pagan' |
OIDC_ISSUER | yes | Authority URL (used for discovery using AUTHORITY/.well-known/openid-configuration) (Old name: KEYCLOAK_AUTHORITY) | |
OIDC_CLIENT_ID | no | Frontend | Client ID for the Authorization Code flow |
USER_SURVEY_URL | no | To enable user feedback collection configure a collection URL. (optional) & API KEY | |
USER_SURVEY_API_KEY | no | To enable user feedback collection configure a collection URL. (optional) & API KEY | |
NDT_SERVER | yes | NDT Server to use for the test | |
ACTIVE_FEATURES | no | { userSearch: true... } | An object with boolean values to activate specific features, possible values are: |
FEATURE_USER_SEARCH | no | { userSearch: true} | to enable dashboard feature of geting list of user for inviting them to the event |
FEATURE_MUTE_USER | no | { muteUsers: true} | to enable moderator option to mute user / users |
FEATURE_RESET_HANDRAISES | no | { resetHandraises: true} | to enable moderator option to reset users' raised hands |
FEATURE_ADD_USER | no | { addUser: false} | under construction |
JOIN_WITHOUT_MEDIA | no | { joinWithoutMedia: false} | if is set to true, it will prevent user to join conference with audio/video on |
VIDEO_BACKGROUNDS | no | see here | An array with a configuration of the background (Example: [{ altText: 'OpenTalk', url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/elevate-bg.png', thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/elevate-bg-thumb.png',}] ) |
SIGN_OUT_REDIRECT_URI | no | /dashboard | Uri to redirect the client after signing out |
frontend | |||
CHANGE_PASSWORD_ACTIVE | no | false | enable the reset password button in the dashboard profile settings |
CHANGE_PASSWORD_URL | no | null | set the reset password url for password button in dashboard profile settings |
FEATURE_SHARED_FOLDER | no | false | enable the shared folder feature |
IMPRINT_URL | no | The URL to the imprint page | |
DATA_PROTECTION_URL | no | The URL to the data protection page | |
ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT_URL | no | The account management url for use the dashboard menu, if is true | |
DISALLOW_CUSTOM_DISPLAY_NAME | no | false | Disable editing of display name in profile and lobby page |
SENTRY_DSN | no | Adding a valid sentry dsn will activate error logging | |
WAITING_ROOM_DEFAULT_VALUE | yes | Frontend { waitingRoomDefaultValue: true } | to enable waiting room switch by default |
Copy the images to the /assets/videoBackgrounds
folder and the thumbnails to the /thumbs
subfolder. The images have to have a resolution of 1280x720 and the thumbs 128x72
For developers this folder is in the public
folder of the repository. Add the image to the
variable to add it to the deployment or the videoBackgrounds property of the config.js
if you run it locally.
For devops it's in the /usr/share/nginx/html/
folder of the webapp container. You then have to set the environment variable VIDEO_BACKGROUNDS as described below. If you don't set the variable, the following default will be used
altText: 'Elevate',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/elevate-bg.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/elevate-bg-thumb.png',
altText: 'Living room',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot1.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot1-thumb.png',
altText: 'Conference room',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot2.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot2-thumb.png',
altText: 'Beach at sunset',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot3.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot3-thumb.png',
altText: 'Boat on shore',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot4.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot4-thumb.png',
altText: 'Pink living room',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot5.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot5-thumb.png',
altText: 'Bookshelf',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot6.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot6-thumb.png',
altText: 'Bookshelves surround an open door',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot7.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot7-thumb.png',
You will need node
and pnpm
installed on your system.
First install node
. We recommend using a node
version manager like nvm
or n
You should install at least node v18
Afterwards you need to enable pnpm
via corepack
is a built-in feature of node
, which is used for managing package managers
To enable pnpm
corepack enable pnpm
IMPORTANT: If you installed Node.js using Homebrew, you'll need to install corepack separately:
brew install corepack
The packageManager
field in the package.json
will instruct corepack
to always use a specific version on that project.
First setup your local system as described in the chapter Local system setup
After pnpm
is installed you can build local version of the app
Run pnpm install && pnpm build
Place the following file with correct values into app/public/config.js, without the comments
window.config = {
// The hostname and port under which the controller is reachable, do not include http here.
"controller": "localhost:8000",
// Whether the connections to the controller should be tls encrypted (http(s), ws(s))
"insecure": true,
// Base URL of the frontend
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000",
// OIDC Config
beta: {
isBeta: '${IS_BETA_RELEASE:-true}', // show Badge
badgeUrl: "${BETA_BADGE_URL}" // add a link to the Badge
provider: {
// indicates if we are are in the provider context
active: false,
// The account management url for the dashboard menu, if active is true
accountManagementUrl: '${ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT_URL}',
// defaultImage for the Avatar, possible values: '404', 'mm', 'monsterid', 'wavatar', 'retro', 'robohash', 'pagan',
"libravatarDefaultImage": 'robohash',
// disable edditing the display name field in the dashboard profile and lobby page
disallowCustomDisplayName: '${DISALLOW_CUSTOM_DISPLAY_NAME}',
// OIDC Config
"oidcConfig": {
// Authority URL (used for discovery using AUTHORITY/.well-known/openid-configuration)
"authority": "https://keycloak.local/auth/realms/K3K",
// Client ID for the Authorization Code flow
"clientId": "Frontend",
// Scope
"scope": "openid profile email",
// Path under the base_url to which the OP redirects after sign out
"signOutRedirectUri": "/dashboard",
// Path under the base_url to which the OP redirects
"redirectPath": "/auth/callback",
// Path under the base_url to which the OP redirects in a popup
"popupRedirectPath": "/auth/popup_callback",
// Flag and Url to the authority to change the own password
changePassword: {
active: true,
url: '/my-test-change-password-url'
// Speed-Test configuration, see also and
"speedTest": {
// NDT Server to use for the test
"ndtServer": 'localhost:10443',
// js worker file to use for the download test
"ndtDownloadWorkerJs": '/workers/ndt7-download-worker.js',
// js worker file to use for the upload test
"ndtUploadWorkerJs": '/workers/ndt7-upload-worker.js',
// To enable user feedback collection configure a collection URL. (optional) & API KEY
"userSurveyApiKey: 'api_key',
"videoBackgrounds": [
altText: 'Elevate',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/elevate-bg.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/elevate-bg-thumb.png',
altText: 'Living room',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot1.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot1-thumb.png',
altText: 'Conference room',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot2.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot2-thumb.png',
altText: 'Beach at sunset',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot3.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot3-thumb.png',
altText: 'Boat on shore',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot4.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot4-thumb.png',
altText: 'Pink living room',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot5.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot5-thumb.png',
altText: 'Bookshelf',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot6.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot6-thumb.png',
altText: 'Bookshelves surround an open door',
url: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/ot7.png',
thumb: '/assets/videoBackgrounds/thumbs/ot7-thumb.png',
// Configure the maximum video bandwidth.
"errorReportAddress": '',
// Activate error logging for frontend
glitchtip: {
dsn: '${SENTRY_DSN}',
// Available moderator's features, can be enabled by setting feature to true
"features": {
"userSearch": true,
"muteUsers": true,
"resetHandraises": true,
"addUser": true,
"joinWithoutMedia": false,
"sharedFolder": false,
settings: {
waitingRoomDefaultValue: true
After that you need a webserver to serve the files from the /app/dist directory.
First setup your local system as described in the chapter Local system setup
To install all dependencies run: pnpm install
in this project directory.
After that you can run pnpm start
, see further down.
You need to add the same config to app/public/config.js as in the chapter Build local version
This repository is a monorepo. Libraries here are considered unstable and their inclusion should ease their development. Libraries, except the app, will be moved to a separate repository and released to NPM once they are mature enough.
packages/libraries are not a part of the app. Therefore the default hot reload mechanism will not work for changes you make there.
If you work on a package and want to speed-up the development by using hot reload, you need additional setup on your local system.
For details, please refer to the app/hotReload/
In this directory, you can run:
Builds libraries and calls pnpm start
in @opentalk/opentalk
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits in the app.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
If you plan to modify one of the libraries in this monorepo, execute a watcher inside of that library. See Development for details information how to that.
Similar to pnpm start
with extended hot reload functionality for the @opentalk
For details, please refer to the app/hotReload/
Builds libraries and calls pnpm test
in @opentalk/opentalk
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\
Builds libraries and calls pnpm build
in @opentalk/opentalk
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
Builds libraries and calls pnpm build:profiler
in @opentalk/opentalk
, this build
can be used for profiling the application.
The Dockerfile
for the app is located in ci/Dockerfile
To build the image, execute in the root of the repository:
docker build -f ci/Dockerfile . --tag <your tag>
In example/git_hooks/
there are pre-commit git hooks that mimic the projects CI-pipeline.
There are two flavors:
- Fancy -- Install the pre-commit tool and use it with our CI config:
cp example/git_hooks/.pre-commit-config.yaml ./
pre-commit install
- Old School -- Activate it by copying
cp example/git_hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/
This project can run several end2end tests against different instances with different user
- run
npx playwright install
- run
pnpm install
- create
file in thee2e
directory - fill in your variables (look at
or in the table) - run
pnpm playwright test
Have a look in to the Commands section
- for local testing, create an .env file like the .env-example and fill it with your data
- tests will be created in the
folder - separate tests in different file depending on what should be tested
- keep tests clean and simple
Variable Name | Required | Default | Description |
INSTANCE_URL | yes | The instance Baseurl against the tests should be run | |
USERNAME | yes | Username for login | |
USER_EMAIL | yes | Email for login | |
PASSWORD | yes | Password for login | |
ALL_TESTS | no | false | Per default just smoke tests are running, if all tests should run set this variable to true |
Inside that directory, you can run several commands:
Run the end-to-end test
pnpm playwright test
Starts the interactive UI mode.
pnpm playwright test --ui
Runs the tests only on Desktop Chrome.
pnpm playwright test --project=chromium
Runs the tests in a specific file.
pnpm playwright test example
Runs the tests in debug mode.
pnpm playwright test --debug
Auto generate tests with Codegen.
pnpm playwright codegen
We suggest that you begin by typing:
pnpm playwright test