Project Description The Independence Project has the following goals:
command: python3
Using python, scrape for the following content:
- Country's name
- Country's colonial name
- Country's colonial power
- Country's date of independence
- Country's head of state at independence
- Country's mean of accessing to independence
Store this data inside a comma separated text file
Build a python program to perform following operations:
Implement a HashTable with reverse indexing capabilities. You should be able to query: 1.1. A colonial power and the colonies that used to associated to it 1.2. A colony and the colonial power that ruled it
Implement a HashTable with a BST to: 2.1. Fetch a colonial power and print colonies that used to be associated to it in the order in which they gained independence
Implement a BST for the following operations: 3.1. Print countries in the order they accessed their independence 3.2. Print the youngest country 3.3. Print the oldest country 3.4. Given a range year x and y, print countries that accessed their independence in that year range