I replicated the classic Connect Four game where players alternate placing pieces until a winner is able to connect four in a row.
- Live Site URL: https://mv805.github.io/four-in-a-row/
- Webpack
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Javascript
- Factory Design Pattern
- Object Oriented Programming
- Jest - Testing framework
- Test Driven Development Workflow
- Chrome: Debug Tools
This project gave me a great opportunity to develop my application development and Javascript fundamentals. I utilized the factory design pattern to build separate communicating objects to control the logic and flow of the game in a natural way.
I built the project utilizing Webpack to further my understanding of this great tool and to take advantage of easy output and multiple module usage.
The greatest learning opportunity I had was to understand the true power of TDD with Jest. The hardest part of the game design was coming up with a win detection algorithm that could work reliably for all the extensive amount of possible cases. I was able to generate multiple simple test cases to ensure I captured all edge cases and was confident in the functionality without any manual testing whatsoever. In conjuction with the Chrome debug tools, I was able to quickly hunt down any problems and solve them in the algorithm and efficiently.
Example test case:
it('Should flag a game win by yellow', () => {
let board = [
['', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
['', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
['', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
['', '', Y , R , Y , '', ''],
['', R , R , Y , R , Y , ''],
[R , Y , R , Y , R , R , Y ],
testGameState.placeAChecker(3);//The column to drop a piece( index 0)
I did not consider Mobile optimization in this application, choosing to focus on TDD and game design first. In the future I would like to redo the UI and layout to make it mobile friendly.
- Github - Matt Villa
I have been following the cirriculum from the amazing website, The Odin Project. After learning about testing frameworks and further solidifying my Javascript skills, I decided to create this game in lieu of the 'Battleship' game project due to personal preference for the Connect Four clone.
- Initial release