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Php Form Package

Manage the form fields in easy way, security and cool.


  • Render form via templates: Bootstrap (v3 and v4) and Uikit v3
  • Ability to add new custom fields
  • Ability to add new custom rules (for validation)
  • Ability to translate the field
  • Cool feature show/hide on
  • Create once and using to render HTML form and validate from the PHP server

Included dependencies

Installation via Composer

	"require": {
		"mvanvu/php-form": "~1.0"

Alternatively, from the command line:

composer require mvanvu/php-form


1 - Clone this repo:

git clone

2 - Go to the repo

cd php-from

3 - Composer install

composer install

4 - Run test server

php -S localhost:9000/tests

5 - Open the browser with url localhost:9000/tests


use MaiVu\Php\Form\Form;

$fieldsData = [/*See tests/index.php to know how to create the fields data*/];
$form = new Form($fieldsData);

// Default template is Bootstrap (the both v3 and v4 are working)
echo $form->renderFields();

// Render Uikit 3 template
echo $form->renderTemplate('uikit-3');

// Or set default template
echo $form->renderFields();

// Render horizontal
echo $form->renderHorizontal();

// Validate form
if ($form->isValidRequest()) // The same $forms->isValid($_REQUEST)
    echo 'Cool! insert the valid data to the database';
    $data      = $form->getData(); // Instance of Registry
    $validData = $data->toArray();

    echo 'Oops. The form is invalid:<br/>' . implode('<br/>', $form->getMessages());

Forms manager

Using the forms manager to manage all your forms

use MaiVu\Php\Form\Form;
use MaiVu\Php\Form\FormsManager;

$fieldsData1 = [/*See tests/index.php to know how to create the fields data*/];
$fieldsData2 = [/*See tests/index.php to know how to create the fields data*/];
$form1 = new Form($fieldsData1);
$form2 = new Form($fieldsData2);
$forms = new FormsManager([$form1, $form2]);

// OR
// $forms = new FormsManager;
// $forms->add($form1)->add($form2);

echo $forms->renderFormFields(0);
echo $forms->renderFormFields(1);
// echo $forms->renderHorizontal(0);
// echo $forms->renderHorizontal(1);

// OR set name for the form
// $forms->set('form1', $form1);
// $forms->set('form2', $form2);
// echo $forms->renderFormFields('form1');

// Validate form
if ($forms->isValidRequest()) // The same $forms->isValid($_REQUEST)
    echo 'Cool! insert the valid data to the database';   
    $validData = $forms->getData(true); // Get data as an array instead Registry
    echo 'Oops. The form is invalid:<br/>' . implode('<br/>', $forms->getMessages());

Consider using the form with name

use MaiVu\Php\Form\Form;
$fieldsData = [
        'name'  => 'text',
        'type'  => 'text',
        'value' => null,		
$form       = new Form('myForm', $fieldsData);
        'myForm' => [
            'text' => 'The text value',

echo $form->getField('text');
// Will render with the form name myForm[text]: <input name="myForm[text]" type="text" value="The text value"/>

// Form deep name
$form = new Form('myForm.params', $fieldsData);
        'myForm' => [
            'params' => [
                'text' => 'The text value',

echo $form->getField('text');
// <input name="myForm[params][text]" type="text" value="The text value"/>

Translate the field (for multilingual purpose, include php-form.min.css & php-form.min.js)

use MaiVu\Php\Form\Form;

// Set option languages
        'languages' => [
            // ISO code 2 => name
            'us' => 'en-US', 
            'vn' => 'vi-VN',

// Then add/set translate = true for the field
$form = new Form(
            'name'      => 'hello',
            'type'      => 'Text',
            'label'     => 'Multilingual',
            'translate' => true,

// Bind with translations data
        'hello' => 'Hello world',
        'i18n'  => [
            'vi-VN' => [
                'hello' => 'Xin chĂ o',

echo $form->renderFields(); // See tests/index.php

// By default all of translate fields are optional, no filters and no rules
// To enable them

$form = new Form(
            'name'      => 'hello',
            'type'      => 'Text',
            'label'     => 'Multilingual',
            'translate' => [
                'required' => true,
                'filters'  => ['string', 'trime'],
                'rules'    => [
                    'Confirm:abc123' => 'The multilingual must be: abc123',

Default fields see at path src/Field

  • Switcher (must include assets/css/php-form.min.css if you don't use the php-assets)
  • Check
  • CheckList
  • Email
  • Hidden
  • Number
  • Password
  • Radio
  • Select
  • SubForm
  • Text
  • TextArea

SubForm field

Display a group fields width in the grid columns layout

    use MaiVu\Php\Form\Form;
    $form = new Form(
                'name'        => 'subform',
            	'type'        => 'SubForm',
                'label'       => 'Subform',
                'description' => 'This is a subform',
                'columns'     => 2,
                'horizontal'  => false,
                'fields'      => [
            		    'name'  => 'firstName',
            		    'type'  => 'Text',
            		    'class' => 'form-control',
            		    'hint'  => 'First name',
            		    'name'  => 'lastName',
            		    'type'  => 'Text',
            		    'class' => 'form-control',
            		    'hint'  => 'Last name',

Show on feature

Show or hide the base field in the conditions (UI likes the Joomla! CMS Form)

    use MaiVu\Php\Form\Form;
    $form = new Form(
                'name'        => 'pass1',
                'type'        => 'Password',
                'label'       => 'Password',
                'class'       => 'form-control',
                'description' => 'Enter the password min length >= 4 to show the confirm pass word',
                'required'    => true,
                'name'     => 'pass2',
                'type'     => 'Password',
                'label'    => 'Confirm password',
                'class'    => 'form-control',
                'required' => true,
                'showOn'   => 'pass1:! & pass1:>=4',
                'rules'    => [
                	'Confirm:pass1'                 => 'Password is not match!',
                	'Confirm:pass1|2468'            => 'Password must be: 2468',
                	'Confirm:pass1|4567[when:1234]' => 'Please, when this is 1234 then the Password must be: 4567',

    // Before render field we must include assets/js/php-form.min.js
    echo $form->renderFields();

Show on values

Format: {fieldName}:{markup}

  • {fieldName} = the name of field
  • {markup} = the format of {fieldName} value

For eg: the {fieldName} = MyField

Show when MyField is empty showOn => 'MyField:'

Show when MyField is not empty showOn => 'MyField:!'

Show when MyField min length is 5 showOn => 'MyField:>=5'

Show when MyField max length is 15 showOn => 'MyField:<=15'

Show when MyField value is 12345 showOn => 'MyField:12345'

Show when MyField value is not 12345 showOn => 'MyField:!12345'

Show when MyField value in 12345 or abcxyz showOn => 'MyField:12345,abcxyz'

Show when MyField value not in 12345 or abcxyz showOn => 'MyField:!12345,abcxyz'

AND Operator (&)

Show when MyField not empty and MyField value is abc123

showOn => 'MyField:! & MyField:abc123'

OR Operator (|)

Show when MyField not empty or MyField value is abc123

showOn => 'MyField:! | MyField:abc123'


This is A Php Filters native. Just use the filters attributes (String or Array) like the Php Filters (see

Default Validations (see at path src/Rule)


    $password1 = [/** Password1 config data */];
    $password2 = [
        'name'     => 'pass2',
        'type'     => 'Password',
        'label'    => 'Confirm password',
        'class'    => 'form-control',
        'required' => true,
        'showOn'   => 'pass1:! & pass1:>=4',
        'rules'    => [
            'Confirm:pass1'                 => 'Password is not match!',
            'Confirm:pass1|2468'            => 'Password must be: 2468',
            'Confirm:pass1|4567[when:1234]' => 'Please, when this is 1234 then the Password must be: 4567',


    // Just use the Email type
    $email = [
        'name'     => 'Email',
        'type'     => 'Email',
        'label'    => 'My Email',
        'messages' => [
            'Email' => 'Invalid email.'

    // OR set its rules contain Email: 'rules' => ['Email']    


Check the value is a valid date

MinLength and MaxLength

    $text = [
        'name'     => 'MyField',
        'type'     => 'TextArea',
        'label'    => 'My Field',
        'rules'    => ['MinLength:5', 'MaxLength:15'],
        'messages' => [
            'MinLength:5'  => 'Minimum is 5 chars.',
            'MaxLength:15' => 'Maximum is 15 chars.'


    // Invalid if the value is not in the options attributes  
    $select = [
        'name'     => 'MyField',
        'type'     => 'Select',
        'label'    => 'My Field',
        'options'  => [
                'value' => '1',
                'text'  => 'Yes',
                'value' => '0',
                'text'  => 'No',
        'rules'    => ['Options'],
        'messages' => [
            'Options' => 'The value not found.', // Invalid if the value is not (1 or 0)           


    $regex = [
        'name'     => 'MyField',
        'type'     => 'TextArea',
        'label'    => 'My Field',        
        'rules'    => [
            'Regex:^[0-9]+$' => 'The value must be an unsigned number',

Custom function

    $switcher = [
        'name'     => 'MyField',
        'type'     => 'Switcher',
        'label'    => 'My Field',        
        'rules'    => [
            'custom' => function ($field) {
                $isValid = $field->isChecked();

                if (!$isValid)
                    $field->setMessage('custom', 'Please enable this field');

                return $isValid;

Extends Field and Rule

Create all your fields at src/Field, the field must be extended \MaiVu\Php\Form\Field class


Create all your rules at src/Rule, the rule must be extended \MaiVu\Php\Form\Rule class


if you want to use your custom namespace

    use MaiVu\Php\Form\Form;

Then create your FieldClass in your namespace

   namespace Your\Custom\MyNS;
   use MaiVu\Php\Form\Field;
   class MyCustomField extends Field
        public function toString()
            return '<p>Hello World!</p>'; // Return input field
   // Usage: type => 'MyCustomField'

Create your RuleClass in your namespace

   namespace Your\Custom\MyNS;
   use MaiVu\Php\Form\Rule;
   use MaiVu\Php\Form\Field;
   class MyCustomRule extends Rule
        // Php validator
        public function validate(Field $field) : bool 
            return $field->getValue() === '1'; // Value = 1 is valid or not
   // Usage: rules => ['MyCustomRule']