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A simple wrapper around the jbibtex library, allowing to work with BibTeX bibliographies as data


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A simple wrapper around jbibtex for handling BibTeX bibliographies..

jbibtex is a nice, robust library, but it is a bit too OO to use with direct interop. clj-bibtex provides a way to load a .bib file into plain Clojure data structures, and optionally into a Datascript database, allowing fuzzy searches and de-duplication of entries.

The idea is to build on top of this some functionality for managing the bibliography ()


The API is quite basic. It has functionality to parse and serialize bibliographies (in fi.varela.clj-bibtex.core), and to feed them into a Datascript DB (in fi.varela.clj-bibtex.db), from where we can also do queries, and re-build (normalized) BibTeX output.

The DB API supports fuzzy searches, and finding similar author names or paper titles, which sometimes can sneak into a .bib file used in several papers.


None! Simple, isn’t it?


If you start a REPL in this project, you can test it with

(in-ns 'user)

(require '[fi.varela.clj-bibtex.core :as b]
         '[fi.varela.clj-bibtex.db :as d]
         '[ :as io]
         '[clojure.string :as string])

(def biblio  (b/parse-bibliography (->> "samples/literature.bib"
                                    (#(.getPath %)))))

(def conn (d/make-conn))

(d/ingest-bibliography! conn biblio)
;; => ["Cannot add #datascript/Datom [559 :publication/title \"A machine learning approach to classifying YouTube QoE based on encrypted network traffic\" 536871073 true] because of unique constraint: (#datascript/Datom [407 :publication/title \"A machine learning approach to classifying YouTube QoE based on encrypted network traffic\" 536871023 true])" "Cannot add #datascript/Datom [607 :publication/title \"SDNDASH: Improving QoE of HTTP Adaptive Streaming Using Software Defined Networking\" 536871088 true] because of unique constraint: (#datascript/Datom [152 :publication/title \"SDNDASH: Improving QoE of HTTP Adaptive Streaming Using Software Defined Networking\" 536870953 true])" "Cannot add #datascript/Datom [651 :publication/title \"Understanding the impact of video quality on user engagement\" 536871105 true] because of unique constraint: (#datascript/Datom [431 :publication/title \"Understanding the impact of video quality on user engagement\" 536871034 true])" "Cannot add #datascript/Datom [713 :publication/title \"QoE-centric service delivery: A collaborative approach among OTTs and ISPs\" 536871124 true] because of unique constraint: (#datascript/Datom [316 :publication/title \"QoE-centric service delivery: A collaborative approach among OTTs and ISPs\" 536870994 true])"]
;; Duplicate entries are not added to the DB, currently

(d/fuzzy-by-author @conn "atzor")
;; => [{:publication/publisher "Elsevier",
;;   :publication/volume "110",
;;   :publication/pages "168–179",
;;   :publication/author
;;   [#:author{:name "Ahmad, Arslan"}
;;    #:author{:name "Floris, Alessandro"}
;;    #:author{:name "Atzori, Luigi"}],
;;   :publication/type :article,
;;   :publication/journal "Computer Networks",
;;   :publication/title
;;   "QoE-centric service delivery: A collaborative approach among OTTs and ISPs",
;;   :db/id 316,
;;   :publication/key "ahmad2016qoe",
;;   :publication/year 2016}
;;  {:publication/pages "1–6",
;;   :publication/booktitle
;;   "Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), 2016 Eighth International Conference on",
;;   :publication/author
;;   [#:author{:name "Ahmad, Arslan"}
;;    #:author{:name "Floris, Alessandro"}
;;    #:author{:name "Atzori, Luigi"}],
;;   :publication/type :inproceedings,
;;   :publication/organization "IEEE",
;;   :publication/title
;;   "QoE-aware service delivery: a joint-venture approach for content and network providers",
;;   :db/id 360,
;;   :publication/key "ahmad2016qoeQOMEX16",
;;   :publication/year 2016}
;;    ...

(d/fuzzy-by-title @conn "level ag")
;; => [{:publication/pages "1741–1746",
;;      :publication/booktitle
;;      "2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW)",
;;      :publication/author
;;      [#:author{:name "Varela, Martn"}
;;       #:author{:name "Zwickl, Patrick"}
;;       #:author{:name "Schulzrinne, Henning"}
;;       #:author{:name "Reichl, Peter"}
;;       #:author{:name "Xie, Min"}],
;;      :publication/type :inproceedings,
;;      :publication/organization "IEEE",
;;      :publication/title
;;      "From Service Level Agreements (SLA) to Experience Level Agreements (ELA): The Challenges of Selling QoE to the User",
;;      :db/id 651,
;;      :publication/key "varela2015service",
;;      :publication/year 2015}]

(doseq [entry (map b/->bib  (d/fuzzy-by-title @conn "management"))]
  (println entry))
;; =>
;; @inproceedings{bertozzi2002power,
;; 	volume: {2},
;; 	pages: {926–930},
;; 	booktitle: {Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2002. WCNC2002. 2002 IEEE},
;; 	author: {Bertozzi, Davide and Benini, Luca and Ricco, Bruno},
;; 	organization: {IEEE},
;; 	title: {{Power aware network interface management for streaming multimedia}},
;; 	year: {2002},
;; }
;; @article{wang2017data,
;; 	publisher: {IEEE},
;; 	volume: {24},
;; 	pages: {102–110},
;; 	author: {Wang, Ying and Li, Peilong and Jiao, Lei and Su, Zhou and Cheng, Nan and Shen, Xuemin Sherman and Zhang, Ping},
;; 	journal: {IEEE Wireless Communications},
;; 	title: {{A data-driven architecture for personalized QoE management in 5G wireless networks}},
;; 	number: {1},
;; 	year: {2017},
;; }
;; @inproceedings{hossfeld2017betas,
;; 	pages: {1011–1016},
;; 	booktitle: {Integrated Network and Service Management (IM), 2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on},
;; 	author: {Hoßfeld, Tobias and Fiedler, Markus and Gustafsson, Jörgen},
;; 	organization: {IEEE},
;; 	title: {{Betas: Deriving quantiles from mos-qos relations of iqx models for qoe management}},
;; 	year: {2017},
;; }
;; @inproceedings{awobuluyi:video-quality,
;; 	pages: {1657-1662},
;; 	booktitle: {2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing},
;; 	author: {Awobuluyi, O. and Nightingale, J. and Wang, Q. and Alcaraz-Calero, J. M.},
;; 	title: {{Video Quality in 5G Networks: Context-Aware QoE Management in the SDN Control Plane}},
;; 	doi: {10.1109/CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM.2015.250},
;; 	year: {2015},
;; 	month: {Oct},
;; }
;; ...

(similar-titles @conn)
;;[["Adaptive psychometric scaling for video quality assessment"
;;"Adaptive testing for video quality assessment"
;;["OTT-ISP Joint Service Management: A Customer Lifetime Value Based Approach"
;;"OTT-ISP Joint service management: a customer lifetime value based approach"
;;["OTT-ISP Joint service management: a customer lifetime value based approach"
;;"OTT-ISP joint service management: a Customer Lifetime Value based approach "
;;["Understanding the impact of network dynamics on mobile video user engagement"
;;"Understanding the impact of video quality on user engagement"

(similar-authors @conn :fuzz-level 0.9)
;;[["Heegaard, Poul" "Heegaard, Poul E" 0.9285714285714286]
;;["Heegaard, Poul E" "Heegaard, Poul E." 0.967741935483871]
;;["Kara, Peter A" "Kara, Peter A." 0.96]
;;["Liu, Xi" "Liu, Xin" 0.9230769230769231]
;;["Martini, Maria G" "Martini, Maria G." 0.9629629629629629]
;;["Schatz, Raimund" "Schatz, Raimund." 0.9655172413793104]
;;["Skorin-Kapov, L." "Skorin-Kapov, Lea" 0.9032258064516129]
;;["Yang, Zhe" "Yang, Zhen" 0.9411764705882353]]



Copyright © 2019 Martín Varela

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


A simple wrapper around the jbibtex library, allowing to work with BibTeX bibliographies as data








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