Inside the PU14
directory you can find code we borrowed from the Pileup2014 workshop that takes care of reading in the events and mixing background with signal events.
Inside the include
directory you can find a couple of classes performing background subtraction, grooming jets, and a jet-to-jet matching algorithm.
Follow the installation instructions below to run an example program.
If you are using mac or linux, the steps are relatively straightforward. For windows machines I'm not sure what to do. These are the things you need to install:
- C++ compiler: on mac you could install xcode (found on App Store) to get the g++ compilers
- Latest version of ROOT: follow instructions here
- Fastjet and contrib package: follow the steps in the above about the fastjet installation
- Pythia 8: it can be found here -
Make sure that the root-config, pythia8-config and fastjet-config executables can be found in the $PATH environment variable. Once the above is done, we can proceed with the compilation of the JetToyHI code:
git clone
cd JetToyHI
echo (FASTJET LOCATION) > .fastjet
echo (PYTHIA8 LOCATION) > .pythia8
cd PU14
echo (FASTJET LOCATION) > .fastjet
echo (PYTHIA8 LOCATION) > .pythia8
cd ..
scripts/ -f -s -1 -r -8 '-IPU14' -l '-LPU14 -lPU14 -lz'
./runFromFile -hard samples/PythiaEventsTune14PtHat120.pu14 -pileup samples/ThermalEventsMult12000PtAv0.70.pu14 -nev 10
If you don't have an lxplus account, you can request one here:
First install fastjet and the contrib package (you only have to do this once)
ssh -Y <username>
cd <dirInWhichYouWantToInstall>
source /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/
#Install fastjet (you just have to do this once)
curl -O
tar zxvf fastjet-3.3.0.tar.gz
cd fastjet-3.3.0/
./configure --prefix=$PWD/../fastjet-install
make check
make install
cd ..
export FJ_CONTRIB_VER=1.026
curl -Lo source.tar.gz"$FJ_CONTRIB_VER".tar.gz
tar xzf source.tar.gz
cd fjcontrib-"$FJ_CONTRIB_VER"
./configure --fastjet-config=$FASTJET/bin/fastjet-config --prefix=`$FASTJET/bin/fastjet-config --prefix`
make install
make fragile-shared #make shared library
make fragile-shared-install
cd ..
In /JetTotHI/, change the PYTHIA8LOCATION to your own pythia8 installation Next steps
git clone
cd JetToyHI
. #this step you will need to repeat next time you login
echo `$FASTJET/bin/fastjet-config --prefix` > .fastjet
cd PU14
echo `$FASTJET/bin/fastjet-config --prefix` > .fastjet
cd ..
scripts/ -f -s -1 -r -8 '-IPU14' -l '-LPU14 -lPU14 -lz'
./runFromFile -hard samples/PythiaEventsTune14PtHat120.pu14 -pileup samples/ThermalEventsMult12000PtAv0.70.pu14 -nev 10
You will have produced a root file with a tree. In this tree properties of jets are stored in std::vector format and are all alligned to the signal jets. So you can for example plot sigJetPt
vs csJetPt
to get the response matrix for constituent-subtracted jets. An example ROOT plotting macro which will draw the jet energy and mass scale can be found here: plot/plotJetEnergyScale.C
- If you want to contribute to this code you need to have a github account. Go here to do so:
- Fork the original repository. Go to: and click 'Fork' in the upper right corner.
- Instead of cloning the original repository as shown above, clone your own.
- After committing your changes to your own branch, push them to your own fork. Don't know how to do this, ask your colleages or use google which might bring you here
- Do a pull request once you have finished your developements.
Event samples can be found in the jet quenching CERNBOX:
- From lxplus: /eos/project/j/jetquenching/www
- Webbrowser CERNBOX:
- Webbrowser: (You can use wget and curl on this)
- Mount eos on a laptop or local desktop:
You will find samples from various event generators. For underlying event we have: 'thermal' which is independent particle production using a Boltzmann distribution with a fixed multiplicity and mean pT (indicated in the file names). For the hard signal we have PYTHIA8 and JEWEL events with various pT,hat settings.
More details about the available samples can be found here: (public) (old twiki at cern:
Just compile and link with HepMC and run.