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Code and files related to importing HSY water posts (vesipostit) in Helsinki metropolitan area to OpenStreetMap and Google Maps based maps


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HSY vesipostit kartalla / HSY water posts on map

Vesiposti Helsingissä Google Maps

Kuvaus (in Finnish)

Tämä repo sisältää skriptejä ja tiedostoja HSYn vesipostien näyttämiseen Google Maps ja OpenStreetMap -kartoissa. Vesipostien sijainnit perustuvat HSYn avoimeen dataan: vesipostien sijaintidata, HSY tunniste ja osoitetiedot ovat siis peräisin Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut HSY:ltä. Google Maps ja OpenStreetMap -pohjaisissa kartoissa näkyvät vesipostien tila, tyyppi, kuvat ja lisätiedot ovat käyttäjien keräämiä, ne eivät siis tule HSY:ltä.

Tarkoitus on ylläpitää vesipostien dataa Google Maps -kartassa, jota on helpointa ylläpitää. GPX-tiedostoja ja OSM-karttaa pystyy päivittämään Google Mapsin datan pohjalta käyttämällä tämän repon skriptejä.

Tämä repo ei ole HSYn ylläpitämä. Palautetta kartoista voi lähettää sähköpostilla:


This repositor includes scripts and files for show HSY water posts (Finnish only) in Google Maps and OpenStreetMap. HSY water post locations are based on open data provided by HSY: water post locations, HSY id and addresses come from Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY. Water post status, type, images and extra information are collected by users, so those data do not come from HSY.

The main idea is that the primary source of the data is the Google Maps based map which is easiest to update. GPX files and OSM maps can be updated from Google Maps data with the scripts from this repo.

This repository is not maintained by HSY. Feedback for maps can be sent by email:


Water post images

Images are uploaded to Google Maps (multiple images), Mapillary (primary image only) and Gifyu (multiple images). Gifyu images has advantage that you can generate image url based on the HSY id. Gifyu image urls are:, e.g. . If there are multiple images, image url like this might also exist See all image urls from image url doc.

Most important repository files

This repository contains following files which you might be able to import to e.g. your navigator in order to show all water posts in your device:

  • KML file: Exported from Google Maps
  • GPX file: Converted from above KML file
  • GPX file with shorter POI names: Same as above GPX file but with shorter POI names. Intended mainly for Garmin Edge 800 which does not work well with long POI names like: "HSY vesiposti: Luuvantie 1", it will truncate these to "HSY vesiposti 1", "HSY vesiposti 2" etc. Thus use shorter POI names like: HSY: Luuvantie 1, which seems to work in Garmin Edge 800
  • OSM file: Converted from above KML file


To convert between different file formats, like Shapefile, KML, GPX and OSM, see development document.

Find HSY water posts from OSM

Use overpass turbo. This query:

 * HSY vesipisteet



CC BY 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International)

This licence was chosen since that is the licence of the original HSY data. Note that CC BY 4.0 license is not directly compatible with OpenStreetMap which uses ODbL license. HSY permision is pending for obtaining the necessary waivers.

Any other code in this repository other than HSY water post GPS location and address data can be freely used by providing link to this page.