Chip8 Emulation and Disassembler
Note to audience: This will be an exploration process (not reading a guide on how its recommended to do something, but just blast forward on my own path of discovery, which could end in spectacular, but educational, failure.)
Haroopad for notes / documentation
C and C++ for the underlying code. I usually Qt-ify my personal projects because I like Qt, but I fear my C/C++ core skills may have rusted a bit in the process
Qt for graphical interface
I have tested regularly on my Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit development platform. I have occasionally tested on Windows XP and Windows 10 Tech Preview running in VMs.
This should be normal portable C++. I have a compilation script in the src directory to compile it.
The emulator should only depend on Qt and libao (cross platform audio library). I'm using Qt 4.8.6 that I'm 75% sure is in the Ubuntu package repo. I wanted to do more as standard C++, but I needed a threading library, so Qt picks up that responsibility rather than pthread or C++ 11 support.
I also briefly tested with Qt 5.3.
Not sure exactly what packages Qt is in, I suspect it is either libqt4-dev or qt5-defaults. The audio library was libao-dev package.
To compile the Qt application, cd with your terminal to src directory.
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../
Alternatively, if one would like to compile without the sound / libao dependency, execute the following:
mkdir build
cd build
qmake CONFIG+=NO_SOUND ../
Inspired by the mobile hit game Flappy Bird, I created a Chip-8 version. It was written in assembly, and then compiled into the ROM format using the CHIPPER assembler.
The bad ghosts sprite doesn't always disasppear and other weird stuff. Still investigating.
Can any number of breakpoints in the emulator to halt the emulator on. CPU Viewer windows allows the user to inspect all the registers and the call stack. User can then single step, reset, or continue running the ROM.
I want to take a few approaches with this.
I want to start making a disassembler that just ingests the whole ROM and interprets every 2 bytes as op-code information. I realize this is wrong because I've noticed some of the ROMs have binary data in the ROM that isn't executable code.
If code will ever jump to an odd-address (addr % 2 == 1), it will produce garbage during linear disassemble.
I then want to expand on that to develop a recursive disassembler (I've read that is how IDA Pro and radare are). This seems like it would be straightforward for hardcoded jump instruction like 1NNN and 2NNN, but will be problematic for BNNN which uses V0 as an offset for the jump.
If I'm fealing really crafty and over-achieving:
- Let the user add addresses to the chunks of binary that will be interpreted as instructions (so the user can analyze a BNNN instruction and manually provide the destination)
- Create a table of all the locations jumped from and too, then comment the disassembly with that info
Update: Haven't seen many BNNN instructions. Do see lots of sprites, added a binary sprite viewer to the disassembler so the sprites can easily be picked out and viewed.
####Linear disassemble (not recommended)
./chip8da -l ~/working/chip8/cots/roms/c/hidden.rom
The hidden.rom is great example because it has lots of graphics and opcodes starting on odd numbers. Completely useless to analyze in this manner.
This will interpret all bytes as opcodes, which shows stuff like the following:
0x0200 jmp 0x021d
0x0202 skipnext_ne v8, 0x49
0x0204 skipnext_ne v4, 0x44
0x0206 skipnext_ne v5, 0x4e
0x0208 call 0x0120
0x020a skipnext_eq v1, 0x2e
0x020c skipnext_eq v0, 0x20
0x020e skipnext_ne v2, 0x79
0x0210 call 0x0044
0x0212 mov v1, 0x76
0x0214 mov v9, 0x64
0x0216 call 0x0057
0x0218 skipnext_ne v9, 0x4e
0x021a BAD OPCODE 0x5445
0x021c BAD OPCODE 0x52a4
0x052a skipnext_ne v0, 0x40
0x052c skipnext_ne v0, 0x3c
0x052e BAD OPCODE 0x007c
0x0530 jmp 0x0010
0x0532 jmp 0x007c
0x0534 BAD OPCODE 0x00ff
0x0536 BAD OPCODE 0x0000
0x0538 mov v0, v0
0x053a mov v0, v0
0x053c BAD OPCODE 0x0000
0x053e mov v0, v0
0x0540 mov v0, v0
0x0542 BAD OPCODE 0x00ff
== Instructions updated to more closely reflect what the CHIPPER assembler uses ==
./chip8da -r ~/working/chip8/cots/roms/c/hidden.rom
Those same sections of code now disassemble as follows:
0x0200 jmp 0x021d ; == BEGINNING OF CODE BLOCK ==
0x0202 DATA = 0x48 GRAPHIC = # # ASCII(H)
0x0203 DATA = 0x49 GRAPHIC = # # # ASCII(I)
0x0204 DATA = 0x44 GRAPHIC = # # ASCII(D)
0x0205 DATA = 0x44 GRAPHIC = # # ASCII(D)
0x0206 DATA = 0x45 GRAPHIC = # # # ASCII(E)
0x0207 DATA = 0x4e GRAPHIC = # ### ASCII(N)
0x0208 DATA = 0x21 GRAPHIC = # # ASCII(!)
0x0209 DATA = 0x20 GRAPHIC = #
0x0519 DATA = 0xff GRAPHIC = ########
0x051a DATA = 0x80 GRAPHIC = #
0x051b DATA = 0x8f GRAPHIC = # ####
0x051c DATA = 0x90 GRAPHIC = # #
0x051d DATA = 0x8e GRAPHIC = # ###
0x051e DATA = 0x81 GRAPHIC = # #
0x051f DATA = 0x9e GRAPHIC = # ####
0x0520 DATA = 0x80 GRAPHIC = #
0x0521 DATA = 0x91 GRAPHIC = # # #
0x0522 DATA = 0x91 GRAPHIC = # # #
0x0523 DATA = 0x9f GRAPHIC = # #####
0x0524 DATA = 0x91 GRAPHIC = # # #
0x0525 DATA = 0x91 GRAPHIC = # # #
0x0526 DATA = 0x80 GRAPHIC = #
0x0527 DATA = 0xff GRAPHIC = ########
0x0528 DATA = 0x00 GRAPHIC =
0x0529 DATA = 0x3c GRAPHIC = #### ASCII(<)
0x052a DATA = 0x40 GRAPHIC = # ASCII(@)
0x052b DATA = 0x40 GRAPHIC = # ASCII(@)
0x052c DATA = 0x40 GRAPHIC = # ASCII(@)
0x052d DATA = 0x3c GRAPHIC = #### ASCII(<)
0x052e DATA = 0x00 GRAPHIC =
0x052f DATA = 0x7c GRAPHIC = ##### ASCII(|)
0x0530 DATA = 0x10 GRAPHIC = #
0x0531 DATA = 0x10 GRAPHIC = #
0x0532 DATA = 0x10 GRAPHIC = #
0x0533 DATA = 0x7c GRAPHIC = ##### ASCII(|)
0x0534 DATA = 0x00 GRAPHIC =
0x0535 DATA = 0xff GRAPHIC = ########
We can now plainly see the ASCII text at the beginning of the ROM, and the graphics later in the ROM. There were no bad op-codes found when disassembling this way.
Use the -h flag on disassembly to hide the address field. This creates an output that can assembled with CHIPPER.
./chip8da -r -h ../customRom/floppybird.rom
; Setting used by the chipper assembler
option schip11
option binary
align off
; Recursive Disassembly
End of file
loc_0200: ; == START OF CODE BLOCK ==
call loc_02b2
ld va, #00
ld vd, #06
ld ve, #06
ld v9, #00
call loc_028c
loc_020c: ; == START OF CODE BLOCK ==
call loc_0228
call loc_0296
call loc_027e
ld vf, #00
call loc_0264
se vf, #00
jp loc_0334
ld v1, #0a
Exact match op-codes
- 00E0: clear screen
- 00EE: return from subroutine
Jump Instructions (provides 12-bit address)
- 1NNN: jump to address
- 2NNN: call address
Address Instructions (provides 12-bit address)
- BNNN: Jump to NNN + V0
Operates on register with 8-bit constant
- 3XNN: Skip next instruction if VX == NN
- 4XNN: Skip next instruction if VX != NN
- 6XNN: VX = NN
- 7XNN: VX += NN
- CXNN: VX = rand() & NN
Operations involving 2 registers
- 5XY0: Skip next instruction if VX == VY
- 9XY0: Skip next instruction if VX != VY
- 8XY0: VX = VY
- 8XY1: VX = VX | VY
- 8XY2: VX = VX & VY
- 8XY3: VX = VX xor VY
- 8XY4: VX += VY (VF set to 1 on carry)
- 8XY5: VX = VX - VY (VF set to 0 on borrow)
- 8XY7: VX = VY - VX (VF set to 0 on borrow)
Operations involving only 1 general purpose register:
- 8X06: VX = VX >> 1 (VF set to bit shifted out) - Discrepency between wikipedia and other sites on this opcode
- 8X0E: VX = VX << 1 (VF set to bit shifted out) - Discrepency between wikipedia and other sites on this opcode
- EX9E: Skip next instruction if key stored in VX is pressed
- EXA1: Skip next instruction if key stored in VX is not pressed
- FX0A: Wait for key press, store in VX
- FX07: VX = Delay Timer value
- FX15: Delay Timer = VX
- FX18: Sound Timer = VX
- FX1E: I += VX
- FX29: Sets I to location of character sprite for VX
- FX33: Sets *I - *I+2 to BCD value of VX
- FX55: Stores V0-VX in memory at address I. I += N + 1
- FX65: Fills V0-VX with memory from address I. I += N + 1
Draw Sprite Command (2 registers, + 4 bit constant)
- DXYN: Draw sprite on screen at coordinate (VX,VY). Sprite Height N. Sprite contents at I.
- DXYN: Draw Sprite. When N is zero, there is now support for a 16-row sprite to be drawn. If in High-Res mode, the sprite will also be double width (16 pixels), and will require I to be pointed at 32-bytes of data. In Low-Res mode, it will support writing a 8x16 pixel sprite.
== My reference emulator I use doesn't support a sprites on the bottom of the screen overflowing to the top of the screen in High-Res mode, and it breaks my minesweeper rom, need to make this configurable. ==
- 00CN: Scroll Down N pixels for High-Res mode, or N/2 pixels for Low-Res mode. David Winter describes the possibility for a half-pixel shift for the low-res mode if N is odd. I did not implement because it sounds ridiculous.
- 00FC: Scroll Left 4 pixels for High-Res mode, or 2 pixels for Low-Res mode
- 00FB: Scroll Right 4 pixels for High-Res mode, or 2 pixels for Low-Res mode
- 00FD: Quit. Stops emulator.
- 00FE: Low-Res Mode (64 x 32 resolution)
- 00FF: High-Res Mode (128 x 64 resolution)
- FX30: Load Hi-Res Font. I supported characters 0-F, but most emulators only support 0-9.
- Save HP48 Flags. Did not implement
- Load HP48 Flags. Did not implement
Super Chip-8 also offers double the screen resolution (128x64) over the standard Chip-8 resolution of 64x32.
- V0: General purpose / jump offset
- V1-VE: General purpose
- VF: General purpose / Carry flag
- I: Index Register (16 bits)
- IP: Instruction Pointer (0 - 0xFFF)
- Stack: 16 registers deep, 16-bits
- Delay Timer
- Sound Timer
I saw a post on r/emudev about a Chip-8 test ROM. I tried one of the test ROMs and found a bug in my emualtor right away. I still need to run the SuperChip version of the test. The author of the test ROMs is BestCoder and Sergey Naydenov, see readme of the ROMS for more details.
Chip-8 had a popularity resurgence in the 1990s when Andreas Gustafsson ported an emulator to the very memory contrained HP-48x graphing calculators that were popular in the engineering community at the time. The small size of the emulator and the Chip-8 ROMs allowed several of the games to be loaded at one time on a calculator.
I've tried my best to document below how to get the correct binaries and load your HP48G calculator with a Chip-8 emulator and some ROMs.
Kermit is the standard file transfer utility for transfering data to and from an HP48G calculator using it's built in serial port.
It's in the standard Ubuntu repos, so easy to install
sudo apt-get install ckermit
I plugged HP-48G into USB-Serial converter. Started kermit. And then typed in the following commands:
set line /dev/ttyUSB0
set speed 9600
set parity none
set file type ascii
set carrier-watch off
set modem type direct
set flow none
set block 2
set control prefix all
send filename.bin
show communications
show modem
At the bottom of this readme I include a link to the github repo containing the Chip-8 emulator for HP48G calculator that I have tested and confirmed working. Chromatophore has several binaries in his repo (I also forked it incase it disappeared for some reason), but the ones that worked for me were:
Chip 8 instruction set (including superchip instructions):
David Winter's Chip-8 Webpage:
- - Octo project is an online emulator and Chip-8 toolset. Has many new unique games and a new XO-Chip extension that I need to add into my emulator one day.
- - Chip-8 project where I found the test roms at
Chip-8 emulator that works on HP48G: