If you would like to use InfluxDB and Grafana, then you need to deploy them first.
kubectl apply -f grafana.yaml
kubectl apply -f influxdb.yaml
Then, we need to set up Grafana to show results from the correct Data Store.
kubectl port-forward grafana-random-characters 3000:3000
Default creds are user=admin, pass=admin
Next thing is to add Data Source as InfluxDB (database will be 'k6'). And also you would need to import the dashboard: https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/2587
Remember to change the example.js
for your script.
If you don't want to save results to InfluxDB (and skipped setting it up), then just remove --out
argument (with it's value).
INFLUX_IP=$(kubectl get pods -o wide | grep influxdb | awk '{print $6}')
kubectl run k6 --rm -i --image loadimpact/k6 -- run --out influxdb=http://${INFLUX_IP}:8086/k6 - < example.js