This plugin lets you retrieve proxy settings for specific URL.
Currently iOS and Android supported.
On Android it uses ProxySelector
On iOS it uses CFNetworkCopySystemProxySettings
and for PAC (Script/Url) CFNetworkExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationURL
to resolve PAC script.
FTP (iOS only) and SOCKS not tested. Credentials (iOS) not supported.
You can use your own proxy server or any other proxy tools for testing purpose. I used Proxyman.
- Install Proxyman
- Set up your physical device with Proxyman. Goal is to be able track all traffic in Proxyman
- Open browser and enter some random address
- Proxyman displays all requests
- Run example project on your device
- Execute entered URL
- No proxy displayed in Proxyman
- Enable Proxy
- Execute entered URL
- Proxy settings displayed
You need nginx on your device and a pac file. For easy set up i used this PAC which points to Proxyman proxy
function FindProxyForURL (url, host) {
// return 'PROXY 1111.1111.1111.1111:9999; DIRECT';
return 'PROXY [Enter here ip address of Proxyman and port]; DIRECT';
and nginx.conf with root as path to dir ith contained pac file.
events {}
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig;
server {
location / {
# path to root where testfile.pac located
root /../../../;
After this reload or start nginx. Your PAC should now be accessible under your local ip address (localhost). Care that the file returned with the mime type: application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
Enter your ip address as URL in your proxy setting of the device. After this you can test PAC with the example.
Following sources were used to implement this plugin.