Snake build has the goal to provide a simple build server which should be configurable and usable from the shell and from a web interface. The difference to existing solutions should be that all configuration and build information should be stored with a VCS. With this it must be possible to rebuild old builds with the same configuration as it was build originally.
To get the information how to use the snake build components see the doc folder. The easiest way to read it build it with make doc and then read the snake-build.html file. Read bellow to see the current state to see what currently is working.
- v0.1
This version provides a first implementation of the resource server and the resource client. This two components can be used to access resources from an existing build server. For example if you have external testing resources which can’t be managed by the build server you are using then this might already be usable. There is currently no support for building software and the configuration files are not yet stored within a a VCS.
- v0.2
This version should provide the possibility to build software with simple build scripts. All the build scripts should be stored within a VCS.
- v0.3
Better build scripts and support for build libraries. Integration of test resources.
- v0.x
Get the control an reporting server. A more detailed plan will be made after further progress.
- v1.0
Everything is working….