Take a look at our Wiki: https://github.com/FCO/Red/wiki
Red - A WiP ORM for perl6
It's not published yet, so you'll have to clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/FCO/Red.git
install it's dependencies
zef install . --deps-only
once cloned, you can run it with -Ilib
on the repo's root
perl6 -Ilib examples/blog/index.p6
perl6 -Ilib -MRed -e 'your code here'
perl6 -Ilib t/02-tdd.t # this runs 1 test file
or you can run the tests with
zef test .
or install it with
zef install .
use Red;
model Person {...}
model Post {
has Int $.id is id;
has Int $!author-id is referencing{ Person.id };
has Str $.title is unique;
has Str $.body is column;
has Person $.author is relationship{ .author-id };
has Bool $.deleted is column is rw = False;
has Instant $.created is column = now;
method delete {
$!deleted = True;
model Person {
has Int $.id is id;
has Str $.name is column;
has Post @.posts is relationship{ .author-id };
method active-posts { @!posts.grep: { not .deleted } }
my $*REDDB = database 'Pg';
my Post $post1 = Post.^load: :42id; # Returns a Post object with data returned by
# SELECT * FROM post me WHERE me.id = 42
my $id = 13;
my Post $post2 = Post.^load: :$id; # Returns a Post object with data returned by
# SELECT * FROM post me WHERE me.id = ? with
# [13] as bind
say $post2.author; # Prints a Person object with data returned by
# SELECT * FROM person me WHERE me.id = ?
say Person.new(:1id).posts; # Prints a Seq (Post::ResultSeq) with
# the return of:
# SELECT * FROM post me WHERE me.author_id = ?
# with [1] as bind.
# converted for Post objects
say Person.new(:2id)
.grep: { .created > Date.today } # SELECT * FROM post me WHERE
; # me.author_id = ? AND me.deleted = 't'
# AND me.created > '2018-08-14'::datetime
# with [2] as bind.
my $author = $post2.author;
$author.name = "John Doe";
$author.^save; # UPDATE person SET name = ?
# WHERE id = ? with ['John Doe', 13] as bind
$author.posts.elems; # SELECT COUNT(*) FROM post
# WHERE author_id = ?
my $p = $author.posts.create: # INSERT INTO post(author_id, title, body, deleted, created)
:title<Bla>, # VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Red is a WiP ORM for perl6. It's not working yet. My objective publishing is only ask for help validating the APIs.
is column
is column{}
is referencing
is rs-class()
is rs-class<>
is table<>
model MyModel is table<custom_table_name> {}
class CustomResultSeq does Red::ResultSeq {}
model AnotherModel is rs-class(CustomResultSeq) {}
MyModel.^load: 42;
MyModel.^load: id => 42;
Question.grep: { .answer == 42 }; # returns a result seq
Fernando Correa de Oliveira fernandocorrea@gmail.com
Copyright 2018 Fernando Correa de Oliveira
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.