Use the wii udraw tablet with linux via an arduino interface
Wiring to the Arduino as follows
- Yellow > A5/SCL
- Green > A4/SDA
- Blue > GND
- Brown > 5v
Upload the arduino sketch to your arudino
extract the linux_service folder contents to /opt/udraw ln -s /opt/udraw/udraw.service /etc/systemd/system/udraw.service systemctl enable udraw.service systemctl daemon-reload service udraw start The service will continually try running the python script every 5 seconds, if the tablet is unplugged this will mean it will keep re-trying until it is plugged in again. Stderr is mapped to stdout to prevent tonnes of service errors being generated
If you do not wish a systemd service just run To run as a normal user you need access to /dev/uniput (usually given by plugdev group) and access to the Arduino serial (usually dialout group)
There was little in the way in up to date udev tablet projects I could find online nor any docs for the Udraw tablets protocol. I very much hope this is usefull to somebody.