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A template for quickly building a project that implements MVVM architecture using ViewModel, Room, Dagger2, RxJava2, Data Binding, WorkManager, Navigation.

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A template for quickly building a project that implements MVVM architecture using ViewModel, Room, Dagger2, Data Binding, WorkManager, Navigation.


  • Android Studio 3.3+
  • Kotlin / Java


  • Single-Activity-Multiple-Fragments

  • MVVM architecture

How to use it

  1. Add/Modify the entities class. In the template, there is only a Product entity. Add your own entity. Then create a corresponding Dao and Repository class, add Dao to AppDatabase class.
  2. Dependency injection:
    • Your activities need to be added in the ActivityBuilder class.
    • Your ViewModel class need to be added in the ViewModelModule class.
    • If any application associated dependencies is required, could be provided in the AppModule class
    • Any activity/fragment associated dependencies could be provided in the xxxActivityModule class or xxxFragmentModule
    • Binds your own Worker in the WorkerBindingModule, do not forget the Factory interface, see the example class PrePopulateDataWorker.
  3. In this template, single-activity-multiple-fragments architecture is using in the whole project. If you use the same architecture, add your fragment in the MainActivityModule and create your xxxFragmentModule
  4. Change the UI components.
  5. Navigation graph:
  • Start destination is the MainFragment
  • One global action to SettingFragment

Navigation Graph

Dagger 2

  • @Inject: Basically with this annotation we request dependencies. In other words, you use it to tell Dagger that the annotated class or field wants to participate in dependency injection. Thus, Dagger will construct instances of this annotated classes and satisfy their dependencies.

  • @Module: Modules are classes whose methods provide dependencies, so we define a class and annotate it with @Module, thus, Dagger will know where to find the dependencies in order to satisfy them when constructing class instances. One important feature of modules is that they have been designed to be partitioned and composed together (for instance we will see that in our apps we can have multiple composed modules).

  • @Provide: Inside modules we define methods containing this annotation which tells Dagger how we want to construct and provide those mentioned dependencies.

  • @Component: Components basically are injectors, let’s say a bridge between @Inject and @Module, which its main responsibility is to put both together. They just give you instances of all the types you defined, for example, we must annotate an interface with @Component and list all the @Modules that will compose that component, and if any of them is missing, we get errors at compile time. All the components are aware of the scope of dependencies it provides through its modules.

  • @Scope: Scopes are very useful and Dagger 2 has has a more concrete way to do scoping through custom annotations. We will see an example later, but this is a very powerful feature, because as pointed out earlier, there is no need that every object knows about how to manage its own instances. An scope example would be a class with a custom @PerActivity annotation, so this object will live as long as our Activity is alive. In other words, we can define the granularity of your scopes (@PerFragment, @PerUser, etc).

  • @Qualifier: We use this annotation when the type of class is insufficient to identify a dependency. For example in the case of Android, many times we need different types of context, so we might define a qualifier annotation @ForApplication and @ForActivity, thus when injecting a context we can use those qualifiers to tell Dagger which type of context we want to be provided.

In the AppComponent class

@Component(modules = [
interface AppComponent : AndroidInjector<MvvmApp> {

    abstract class Builder : AndroidInjector.Builder<MvvmApp>()

  • AndroidSupportInjectionModule. is just an alias of AndroidInjectionModule which is descripted according to official document as
* Contains bindings to ensure the usability of {@code} framework classes. This
* module should be installed in the component that is used to inject the {@link
*} class.
  • ActivityBuilder class is a customized module. We map all activities here, tell Dagger all of our activities in compile time

  • AppModule class provides global dependencies. Like retrofit, okhttp, persitence db etc.

Map Multibindings

Dagger lets you use multibindings to contribute entries to an injectable map as long as the map keys are known at compile time.

To contribute an entry to a multibound map, add a method to a module that returns the value and is annotated with @IntoMap and with another custom annotation that specifies the map key for that entry.

abstract class ViewModelModule {

     abstract fun bindsMainActivityViewModel(viewModel: MainActivityViewModel): ViewModel

     abstract fun bindsMainFragViewModel(viewModel: MainFragViewModel): ViewModel

In the above example, two ViewModel are added into a map with the structure (Map<K, Provider<V>>)., where key is a customized key annotated with @ViewModelKey, valus is a Provider

annotation class ViewModelKey(val value: KClass<out ViewModel>)

Annotation @Binds is similar to @Provides. Simply put, the difference is @Provides return a concrete instance, while @Binds return an interface

Annotation @ContributesAndroidInjector

Dagger Android introduced an annotation which can reduce the Component Binds IntoSet Subcomponent ActivityKey FragmentKey etc. boilerplate for you.

abstract class ActivityBuilder {

    @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = [MainActivityModule::class])
    abstract fun bindsMainActivity(): MainActivity


ActivityBuilder tells Dagger all activities in the compile time. Using @ContributesAndroidInjector, Dagger generates automatically the following code for us.

@Module(subcomponents = ActivityBuilder_BindsMainActivity.MainActivitySubcomponent.class)
public abstract class ActivityBuilder_BindsMainActivity {
  private ActivityBuilder_BindsMainActivity() {}

  abstract AndroidInjector.Factory<?> bindAndroidInjectorFactory(
      MainActivitySubcomponent.Builder builder);

  @Subcomponent(modules = MainActivityModule.class)
  public interface MainActivitySubcomponent extends AndroidInjector<MainActivity> {
    abstract class Builder extends AndroidInjector.Builder<MainActivity> {}

Thanks to:

How to perform constructor injection in the


public class PrePopulateDataWorker extends Worker {
   public PrePopulateDataWorker(@NonNull Context context,@NonNull WorkerParameters workerParams) {
       super(context, workerParams);

Worker are instantiated by WorkerManager (like Activity and Fragment are instantiated by Android framework) not by us. This means you can’t pass any other parameter as the dependencies in the constructor expect the Context and WorkerParameters, therefore, it is almost impossible to perform constructor injection on Worker class. This left out for us the only option is field injection. However, filed injection is not recommended. The best practice is to use constructor injection.

Expectation We could perform constructor injection like below.

public PrePopulateDataWorker(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull WorkerParameters workerParams, DataManager dataManager) {
    super(context, workerParams);
    this.dataManager = dataManager;

In this template-project, we could perform constructor inject similar to the above code.

public PrePopulateDataWorker(@Assisted @NonNull Context context, @Assisted @NonNull WorkerParameters workerParams, DataManager dataManager) {
   super(context, workerParams);
   this.dataManager = dataManager;

Here we inject the instance of DataManger to the constructor, the Context and WorkerParameters is provides by Android system.

Solution is from this blog post.

Explain WorkManager allows us to provide our own custom WorkFactory which is responsible for creating ListenableWorker instances. WorkManager needs to be initialized when the application starts, before you get an instance of the WorkManager singleton. Hence it should be called either during Application.onCreate() or in a ContentProvider.onCreate().

Worker is a subclass of ListenableWorker

lateinit var myWorkerFactory: WorkerFactory
override fun onCreate() {
    WorkManager.initialize(this, Configuration.Builder().setWorkerFactory(myWorkerFactory).build())

Instance myWorkerFactory is now responsible for creating ListenableWorker object. How does myWorkerFactory create ListenableWorker?

class MyWorkerFactory @Inject constructor(
        private val workerFactories: MutableMap<Class<out ListenableWorker>, Provider<CustomWorkerFactory>>
) : WorkerFactory() {

    override fun createWorker(appContext: Context, workerClassName: String, workerParameters: WorkerParameters): ListenableWorker? {
        var listenableWorker: ListenableWorker? = null
        try {
            var provider: Provider<out CustomWorkerFactory>? = null
            for ((key, value) in workerFactories) {
                if (Class.forName(workerClassName).isAssignableFrom(key)) {
                    provider = value
            if (provider == null) {
                throw IllegalArgumentException("unknown model class $workerClassName")
            listenableWorker = provider.get().create(appContext, workerParameters)
        } catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {

        return listenableWorker

It gets Worker from a Map instance, here is workerFactories. This map has the structure:

  • Key: Class< out ListenableWorker >
  • Value: Provider< CustomWorkerFactory >

in the createWorker method, We search the map workerFactories based on the given workerClassName to find out a CustomWorkerFactory instance, this CustomWorkerFactory is able to create a ListenableWorker via method create(Context context, WorkerParameters workerParams). After that, a ListenableWorker is created and returned.

interface CustomWorkerFactory {
    fun create(context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters): ListenableWorker

Question: where does the workerFactories come from? It's injected by dagger multibindings.

abstract class WorkerBindingModule {

    abstract fun bindsPrePopulateDataWorker(factory: PrePopulateDataWorker.Factory): CustomWorkerFactory

    abstract fun bindsWorkerFactory(factory: MyWorkerFactory): WorkerFactory

We bind objects into a map. In this example, the map has one entry with

  • Key: PrePopulateDataWorker.class. A subclass of Worker
  • Value: PrePopulateDataWorker.Factory instance. It's a subtype of CustomWorkerFactory

Dagger helps us inject a instance of PrePopulateDataWorker.Factory automatically into the map in the runtime.

class PrePopulateDataWorker @AssistedInject constructor(
        @Assisted context: Context,
        @Assisted workerParams: WorkerParameters,
        private val dataManager: DataManager
) : CoroutineWorker(context, workerParams) {

    override val coroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO

    override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
        return coroutineScope {

    interface Factory : CustomWorkerFactory

Question: What is the implementation of the interface PrePopulateDataWorker.Factory? Thanks to AssistedInject, check the generated code:

public abstract class AssistedInject_WorkerAssistedInjectModule {
  private AssistedInject_WorkerAssistedInjectModule() {

  abstract PrePopulateDataWorker.Factory bind_com_jiujiu_mvvmTemplate_worker_PrePopulateDataWorker(
      PrePopulateDataWorker_AssistedFactory factory);

this abstract class is annotated with @Module which provides an implementation of PrePopulateDataWorker.Factory, the PrePopulateDataWorker_AssistedFactory instance which is also generated by AssistedInject

public final class PrePopulateDataWorker_AssistedFactory implements PrePopulateDataWorker.Factory {
  private final Provider<DataManager> dataManager;

  public PrePopulateDataWorker_AssistedFactory(Provider<DataManager> dataManager) {
    this.dataManager = dataManager;

  public ListenableWorker create(Context context, WorkerParameters workerParams) {
    return new PrePopulateDataWorker(

In this class, the DataManager is injected!!! It also returns a PrePopulateDataWorker instance in the create method.

Go back to the dagger multibindings map, now we are much more clear what is inside of this map. It has for now only one entry:

  • Key: PrePopulateDataWorker.class. A subclass of Worker
  • Value: PrePopulateDataWorker_AssistedFactory instance. It's a subtype of CustomWorkerFactory

When we want to enqueue a worker into the WorkManager, our myWorkFactory search the multibinding map and return the corresponding Worker for us.

OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder( {


  • Cannot control how Worker instance is instanced => register a custom WorkerFactory to WorkerManager
  • Cannot perform constructor injection on Worker class => use factory pattern
  • Do not want to implement those factories manually => use AssistedInject

Thanks to: Dagger 2 setup with WorkManager


Notice: Until we perform some concrete operation, such as invoking a @Dao method that hits the database, your database will not be created.


A template for quickly building a project that implements MVVM architecture using ViewModel, Room, Dagger2, RxJava2, Data Binding, WorkManager, Navigation.






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