(no stable build, only have master branch)
- Node.js > 15
- ffmpeg
- mp4fpsmod
sudo pacman -S pnpm pm2 ffmpeg unzip
yay -S mongodb-bin mp4fpsmod
git clone
sudo systemctl enable pm2 mongodb --now
cd Pixiv_bot
pnpm i
cp config_sample.js config.js
# edit
# vim config.js
# nano config.js
node initial.js # first run
pm2 start --name pixiv_bot app.js
pm2 save
sudo pm2 startup
version 2.0.2 edit the illust collection in local database, you need exec the following command.
node update update_db_2021_june
Version 2.0.3 has changed the file storage directory, you need exec the following command.
node update move_ugoira_folder_and_index_2022_nov
Version 2.0.4 remove hard hostname
and prefix will auto generate by handle_pximg_url function
node update set_imgs_without_i_cf_2023_may
Version 2.0.4 user settings' album
mirgate to album_one
node update override_user_setting_album_2024_may
and changed ugoira url in config.json (without /mp4/), you need modify the config.json.
To subscribe author and popular search.
You can login via your browser and open developer tools to select network tab and get the cookie you logined.
get lastest chrome useragent: proxy, telegraph and send ugoira maybe use it
Report error and no management function
is telegraph token can help you create pages.
see more
When bot recive a error message, it will try to send image link to refetch api.
See my another repo: makeding/WebpageBot-api
1. clone project
2. copy lang/en.js -> lang/_lang_code_.js
3. create pull request
- cache control (./tmp) to instead of
- subscribe (10%)
- error handle (50%)
- web version (5%)
- bookmarks (1%)
- channel support (link chat to channel) (30%)
- download author's all illusts (alpha OK)
- clean the code (with code style and comment)
- safe exit (wait ugoira_to_mp4 & download_file & tg and safe exit)
- unit test (ava.... jest...)
to Typescript- Telegraph edit
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