This is repository make possible to you create a metadata mirror and keep in sync with
โค๏ธ Recommended by โค๏ธ
If you're using PHP Composer, commands like create-project, require, update, remove are often used. When those commands are executed, Composer will download information from the packages that are needed also from dependent packages. The number of json files downloaded depends on the complexity of the packages which are going to be used. The further you are from the location of the server, the more time is needed to download json files. By using mirror, it will help save the time for downloading because the server location is closer.
This project aims to create a local mirror with ease, allowing greater availability for companies/countries that want to use the composer but do not want to depend on the infrastructure of third parties. It is also possible to create a public mirror to reduce the load on the main repository and allow a better distribution of requests around the world, help us creating a public mirror!
When creating your local copy the child mirror (you) adds a list of other mirrors to use when creating your own mirror, if any mirror fails to deliver the metadata file the client automatically fetches the original file from the main mirror, could be or even another. If you lose your connection to the server or any other problem that prevents you from continuing is okay, it can return from where it stopped running. After the mirror is created, the next runs will only look for the main mirror delta optimally and efficiently.
๐ซ Amazing data mirrors used to download repositories metadata built using this recommended repository or another:
Location | Mirror | Maintainer | Github | Sync |
Brazil | | Webysther | main | Continuously |
Thailand | | Mycools | fork | Every 5 minutes |
China | | Eagle Wu | fork | Every minute |
China | | Aliyun | Every 5 minutes | |
China | | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | fork | Every hour |
China | | Tecent Cloud | Every day | |
Indonesia | | Indra Gunawan | fork | Every 30 seconds |
Japan | | Hiraku | forked | Every 2 minutes |
South Africa | | SolidWorx | fork | Every 5 minutes |
South Korea | | PackagistKR | fork | Every minute |
Not working as a mirror of (checked 2019-11):
Location | Mirror | Maintainer | Github | Reason | Sync |
China | | Huawei Cloud | +100 packages not found, outdated until 2019-09, there no 2019$10 provider, sample working. | ||
China | | No providers inside packages.json at least 2019-11 | |||
India | | Varun Sridharan | fork | Temporary server maintenance | | | Wikimedia | fork | +100 packages not found, outdated until 2019-11 |
If you know any new mirror based or not on this one, please create a issue or a pull request with the new data.
Check status page for health mirror's.
The colors represent the topology drawn below, only show servers in better condition at country level.
With docker and nginx:
The mirror creation save all data as .gz to save disk space and CPU, you need to enable reverse gz decode when a client ask for the decompressed version, normally used only for legacy composer clients.
Change you nginx configuration of gzip_static and gunzip as is:
Create a website on a default nginx instalattion:
sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/
server {
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
gzip_static on;
gunzip on;
๐กTip: use a machine with 2GB at least of memory, with that all metadata keep to the memory helping the nginx and disk to not be consumed at all.
After install nginx edit /etc/crontab
* * * * * root docker run --name mirror --rm -v /var/www:/public \
-e APP_COUNTRY_NAME='Brazil' \
-e MAINTAINER_MIRROR='Webysther' \
-e URL='' \
to more options about image go to docker repository.
Put inside your ~/.*rc
alias logs='watch -n 0.5 docker logs --tail 10 -t mirror'
Update your env vars and see monitoring packagist mirror creation:
source ~/.*rc
Using with docker repository or composer local:
$ git clone
$ cd packagist-mirror && composer install
$ cp .env.example .env
Schedule the command to create and update the mirror:
$ php bin/mirror create -vvv
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.
- Translate and index of mirror.
- More recipes to AWS/Azure/GCP/DigitalOcean and another cloud providers.
- Support gz disabled for limited configuration access to Apache/Nginx.
- Support full mirror mode (for countries/companies with limited access to internet).
- Status report for all mirrors around the world.
- Stats after initial mirror creation.
The following versions of PHP are supported by this version.
- PHP >=7.2
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
- Zencodex create a mirror
- IndraGunawan create a mirror (outdated)
- Hirak create a mirror (outdated)
- Slince Easily switch to the composer repository you want
MIT License. Please see License File for more information.