The “ESP 32 IDE Accessible” application is an IDE to program in micropython on ESP 32 microcontrollers.
This application has been developed in accordance with accessibility needs for short sight and blind is suitable for screen reader users such as Non Visual Desktop Access free software (NVDA provided by NV Access foundation).
ESP 32 IDE accessible application goal is to help blind users for : • Mecorpython learning • Development of technical assistance solution based on IOT boards
ESP 32 IDE Accessible has been developed by a student of EPITECH school (Rennes, France) in the frame of an internship.
Student has been welcome by My Human Kit association. (MHK is a fablab dedicated to…. See MHK web site on : ………………..
Development of this application has been based on Upycraft model. But,
* Clone the repository with git clone or download the zip
* Go to the IDE_accessible_MHK folder
* Double click on Ide_accesible.exe
For more examples and usage, please refer to the [Wiki][wiki].
V 1.0 02/10/2020 --> First Version, connection with ESP and Pyboard(with a firmware already installed) OK
Evan Sabre –
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.
All sources and documentation are available on [wiki]:
Github :