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This is the iOS SDK of Adjust™. You can read more about Adjust™ at

If your app is an app which uses web views you would like to use adjust tracking from Javascript code, please consult our iOS web views SDK guide.

Read this in other languages: English, 中文, 日本語, 한국어.

Table of contents

Example apps

There are example apps inside the examples directory for iOS (Objective-C), iOS (Swift), tvOS, iMessage and Apple Watch. You can open any of these Xcode projects to see an example of how the Adjust SDK can be integrated.

We will describe the steps to integrate the Adjust SDK into your iOS project. We are going to assume that you are using Xcode for your iOS development.

Add the SDK to your project

If you're using CocoaPods, you can add the following line to your Podfile and continue from this step:

pod 'Adjust', '~> 4.29.3'


pod 'Adjust', :git => '', :tag => 'v4.29.3'

If you're using Carthage, you can add following line to your Cartfile and continue from this step:

github "adjust/ios_sdk"

If you're using Swift Package Manager, you can add the repository address directly in Xcode going to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and continue from this step:

You can also choose to integrate the Adjust SDK by adding it to your project as a framework. On the releases page you can find the following archives:


Since the release of iOS 8, Apple has introduced dynamic frameworks (also known as embedded frameworks). If your app is targeting iOS 8 or higher, you can use the Adjust SDK dynamic framework. Choose which framework you want to use – static or dynamic – and add it to your project.

If you are having tvOS app, you can use the Adjust SDK with it as well with usage of our tvOS framework which you can extract from archive.

If you are having iMessage app, you can use the Adjust SDK with it as well with usage of our IM framework which you can extract from archive.

Add iOS frameworks

Adjust SDK is able to get additional information in case you link additional iOS frameworks to your app. Please, add following frameworks in case you want to enable Adjust SDK features based on their presence in your app and mark them as optional:

  • AdSupport.framework - This framework is needed so that SDK can access to IDFA value and (prior to iOS 14) LAT information.
  • iAd.framework - This framework is needed so that SDK can automatically handle attribution for ASA campaigns you might be running.
  • AdServices.framework - For devices running iOS 14.3 or higher, this framework allows the SDK to automatically handle attribution for ASA campaigns. It is required when leveraging the Apple Ads Attribution API.
  • CoreTelephony.framework - This framework is needed so that SDK can determine current radio access technology.
  • StoreKit.framework - This framework is needed for access to SKAdNetwork framework and for Adjust SDK to handle communication with it automatically in iOS 14 or later.
  • AppTrackingTransparency.framework - This framework is needed in iOS 14 and later for SDK to be able to wrap user's tracking consent dialog and access to value of the user's consent to be tracked or not.

Integrate the SDK into your app

If you added the Adjust SDK via a Pod repository, you should use one of the following import statements:

#import "Adjust.h"


#import <Adjust/Adjust.h>

If you added the Adjust SDK as a static/dynamic framework or via Carthage, you should use the following import statement:

#import <AdjustSdk/Adjust.h>

If you are are using the Adjust SDK with your tvOS app, you should use the following import statement:

#import <AdjustSdkTv/Adjust.h>

If you are are using the Adjust SDK with your iMessage app, you should use the following import statement:

#import <AdjustSdkIm/Adjust.h>

Next, we'll set up basic session tracking.

Basic setup

In the Project Navigator, open the source file of your application delegate. Add the import statement at the top of the file, then add the following call to Adjust in the didFinishLaunching or didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of your app delegate:

#import "Adjust.h"
// or #import <Adjust/Adjust.h>
// or #import <AdjustSdk/Adjust.h>
// or #import <AdjustSdkTv/Adjust.h>
// or #import <AdjustSdkIm/Adjust.h>

// ...

NSString *yourAppToken = @"{YourAppToken}";
NSString *environment = ADJEnvironmentSandbox;
ADJConfig *adjustConfig = [ADJConfig configWithAppToken:yourAppToken

[Adjust appDidLaunch:adjustConfig];

Note: Initialising the Adjust SDK like this is very important. Otherwise, you may encounter different kinds of issues as described in our troubleshooting section.

Replace {YourAppToken} with your app token. You can find this in your dashboard.

Depending on whether you build your app for testing or for production, you must set environment with one of these values:

NSString *environment = ADJEnvironmentSandbox;
NSString *environment = ADJEnvironmentProduction;

Important: This value should be set to ADJEnvironmentSandbox if and only if you or someone else is testing your app. Make sure to set the environment to ADJEnvironmentProduction just before you publish the app. Set it back to ADJEnvironmentSandbox when you start developing and testing it again.

We use this environment to distinguish between real traffic and test traffic from test devices. It is very important that you keep this value meaningful at all times! This is especially important if you are tracking revenue.

iMessage specific setup

Adding SDK from source: In case that you have chosen to add Adjust SDK to your iMessage app from source, please make sure that you have pre-processor macro ADJUST_IM=1 set in your iMessage project settings.

Adding SDK as framework: After you have added AdjustSdkIm.framework to your iMessage app, please make sure to add New Copy Files Phase in your Build Phases project settings and select that AdjustSdkIm.framework should be copied to Frameworks folder.

Session tracking: If you would like to have session tracking properly working in your iMessage app, you will need to do one additional integration step. In standard iOS apps Adjust SDK is automatically subscribed to iOS system notifications which enable us to know when app entered or left foreground. In case of iMessage app, this is not the case, so we need you to add explicit calls to trackSubsessionStart and trackSubsessionEnd methods inside of your iMessage app view controller to make our SDK aware of the moments when your app is being in foreground or not.

Add call to trackSubsessionStart inside of didBecomeActiveWithConversation: method:

-(void)didBecomeActiveWithConversation:(MSConversation *)conversation {
    // Called when the extension is about to move from the inactive to active state.
    // This will happen when the extension is about to present UI.
    // Use this method to configure the extension and restore previously stored state.

    [Adjust trackSubsessionStart];

Add call to trackSubsessionEnd inside of willResignActiveWithConversation: method:

-(void)willResignActiveWithConversation:(MSConversation *)conversation {
    // Called when the extension is about to move from the active to inactive state.
    // This will happen when the user dissmises the extension, changes to a different
    // conversation or quits Messages.
    // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers,
    // and store enough state information to restore your extension to its current state
    // in case it is terminated later.

    [Adjust trackSubsessionEnd];

With this set, Adjust SDK will be able to successfully perform session tracking inside of your iMessage app.

Note: You should be aware that your iOS app and iMessage extension you wrote for it are running in different memory spaces and they as well have different bundle identifiers. Initialising Adjust SDK with same app token in both places will result in two independent instances tracking things unaware of each other which might cause data mixture you don't want to see in your dashboard data. General advice would be to create separate app in Adjust dashboard for your iMessage app and initialise SDK inside of it with separate app token.

Adjust logging

You can increase or decrease the amount of logs that you see during testing by calling setLogLevel: on your ADJConfig instance with one of the following parameters:

[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelVerbose];  // enable all logging
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelDebug];    // enable more logging
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelInfo];     // the default
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelWarn];     // disable info logging
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelError];    // disable warnings as well
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelAssert];   // disable errors as well
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelSuppress]; // disable all logging

If you don't want your app in production to display any logs coming from the Adjust SDK, then you should select ADJLogLevelSuppress and in addition to that, initialise ADJConfig object with another constructor where you should enable suppress log level mode:

#import "Adjust.h"
// or #import <Adjust/Adjust.h>
// or #import <AdjustSdk/Adjust.h>
// or #import <AdjustSdkTv/Adjust.h>
// or #import <AdjustSdkIm/Adjust.h>

// ...

NSString *yourAppToken = @"{YourAppToken}";
NSString *environment = ADJEnvironmentSandbox;
ADJConfig *adjustConfig = [ADJConfig configWithAppToken:yourAppToken

[Adjust appDidLaunch:adjustConfig];

Build your app

Build and run your app. If the build succeeds, you should carefully read the SDK logs in the console. After the app launches for the first time, you should see the info log Install tracked.

Once you integrate the Adjust SDK into your project, you can take advantage of the following features.

AppTrackingTransparency framework

For each package sent, the Adjust backend receives one of the following four (4) states of consent for access to app-related data that can be used for tracking the user or the device:

  • Authorized
  • Denied
  • Not Determined
  • Restricted

After a device receives an authorization request to approve access to app-related data, which is used for user device tracking, the returned status will either be Authorized or Denied.

Before a device receives an authorization request for access to app-related data, which is used for tracking the user or device, the returned status will be Not Determined.

If authorization to use app tracking data is restricted, the returned status will be Restricted.

The SDK has a built-in mechanism to receive an updated status after a user responds to the pop-up dialog, in case you don't want to customize your displayed dialog pop-up. To conveniently and efficiently communicate the new state of consent to the backend, Adjust SDK offers a wrapper around the app tracking authorization method described in the following chapter, App-tracking authorization wrapper.

App-tracking authorisation wrapper

Adjust SDK offers the possibility to use it for requesting user authorization in accessing their app-related data. Adjust SDK has a wrapper built on top of the requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler: method, where you can as well define the callback method to get information about a user's choice. Also, with the use of this wrapper, as soon as a user responds to the pop-up dialog, it's then communicated back using your callback method. The SDK will also inform the backend of the user's choice. The NSUInteger value will be delivered via your callback method with the following meaning:

  • 0: ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined
  • 1: ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusRestricted
  • 2: ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusDenied
  • 3: ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusAuthorized

To use this wrapper, you can call it as such:

[Adjust requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler:^(NSUInteger status) {
    switch (status) {
        case 0:
            // ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined case
        case 1:
            // ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusRestricted case
        case 2:
            // ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusDenied case
        case 3:
            // ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusAuthorized case

Get current authorisation status

To get the current app tracking authorization status you can call [Adjust appTrackingAuthorizationStatus] that will return one of the following possibilities:

  • 0: The user hasn't been asked yet
  • 1: The user device is restricted
  • 2: The user denied access to IDFA
  • 3: The user authorized access to IDFA
  • -1: The status is not available

SKAdNetwork framework

If you have implemented the Adjust iOS SDK v4.23.0 or above and your app is running on iOS 14, the communication with SKAdNetwork will be set on by default, although you can choose to turn it off. When set on, Adjust automatically registers for SKAdNetwork attribution when the SDK is initialized. If events are set up in the Adjust dashboard to receive conversion values, the Adjust backend sends the conversion value data to the SDK. The SDK then sets the conversion value. After Adjust receives the SKAdNetwork callback data, it is then displayed in the dashboard.

In case you don't want the Adjust SDK to automatically communicate with SKAdNetwork, you can disable that by calling the following method on configuration object:

[adjustConfig deactivateSKAdNetworkHandling];

Update SKAdNetwork conversion value

As of iOS SDK v4.26.0 you can use Adjust SDK wrapper method updateConversionValue: to update SKAdNetwork conversion value for your user:

[Adjust updateConversionValue:6];

Conversion value updated callback

You can register callback to get notified each time when Adjust SDK updates conversion value for the user. You need to implement AdjustDelegate protocol, implement optional adjustConversionValueUpdated: method:

- (void)adjustConversionValueUpdated:(NSNumber *)conversionValue {
    NSLog(@"Conversion value updated callback called!");
    NSLog(@"Conversion value: %@", conversionValue);

Event tracking

You can use adjust to track events. Lets say you want to track every tap on a particular button. You would create a new event token in your dashboard, which has an associated event token - looking something like abc123. In your button's buttonDown method you would then add the following lines to track the tap:

ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:@"abc123"];
[Adjust trackEvent:event];

When tapping the button you should now see Event tracked in the logs.

The event instance can be used to configure the event further before tracking it:

Revenue tracking

If your users can generate revenue by tapping on advertisements or making in-app purchases you can track those revenues with events. Lets say a tap is worth one Euro cent. You could then track the revenue event like this:

ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:@"abc123"];

[event setRevenue:0.01 currency:@"EUR"];

[Adjust trackEvent:event];

This can be combined with callback parameters of course.

When you set a currency token, adjust will automatically convert the incoming revenues into a reporting revenue of your choice. Read more about currency conversion here.

You can read more about revenue and event tracking in the event tracking guide.

Revenue deduplication

You can also pass in an optional transaction ID to avoid tracking duplicate revenues. The last ten transaction IDs are remembered and revenue events with duplicate transaction IDs are skipped. This is especially useful for in-app purchase tracking. See an example below.

If you want to track in-app purchases, please make sure to call trackEvent after finishTransaction in paymentQueue:updatedTransactions only if the state changed to SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased. That way you can avoid tracking revenue that is not actually being generated.

- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions {
    for (SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in transactions) {
        switch (transaction.transactionState) {
            case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased:
                [self finishTransaction:transaction];

                ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:...];
                [event setRevenue:... currency:...];
                [event setTransactionId:transaction.transactionIdentifier]; // avoid duplicates
                [Adjust trackEvent:event];

            // more cases

In-App Purchase verification

If you want to check the validity of In-App Purchases made in your app using Purchase Verification, adjust's server side receipt verification tool, then check out our iOS purchase SDK and read more about it here.

Callback parameters

You can register a callback URL for your events in your dashboard. We will send a GET request to that URL whenever the event is tracked. You can add callback parameters to that event by calling addCallbackParameter to the event before tracking it. We will then append these parameters to your callback URL.

For example, suppose you have registered the URL then track an event like this:

ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:@"abc123"];

[event addCallbackParameter:@"key" value:@"value"];
[event addCallbackParameter:@"foo" value:@"bar"];

[Adjust trackEvent:event];

In that case we would track the event and send a request to:

It should be mentioned that we support a variety of placeholders like {idfa} that can be used as parameter values. In the resulting callback this placeholder would be replaced with the ID for Advertisers of the current device. Also note that we don't store any of your custom parameters, but only append them to your callbacks, thus without a callback they will not be saved nor sent to you.

You can read more about using URL callbacks, including a full list of available values, in our callbacks guide.

Partner parameters

You can also add parameters to be transmitted to network partners, which have been activated in your Adjust dashboard.

This works similarly to the callback parameters mentioned above, but can be added by calling the addPartnerParameter method on your ADJEvent instance.

ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:@"abc123"];

[event addPartnerParameter:@"key" value:@"value"];
[event addPartnerParameter:@"foo" value:@"bar"];

[Adjust trackEvent:event];

You can read more about special partners and these integrations in our guide to special partners.

Callback identifier

You can also add custom string identifier to each event you want to track. This identifier will later be reported in event success and/or event failure callbacks to enable you to keep track on which event was successfully tracked or not. You can set this identifier by calling the setCallbackId method on your ADJEvent instance:

ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:@"abc123"];

[event setCallbackId:@"Your-Custom-Id"];

[Adjust trackEvent:event];

Session parameters

Some parameters are saved to be sent in every event and session of the Adjust SDK. Once you have added any of these parameters, you don't need to add them every time, since they will be saved locally. If you add the same parameter twice, there will be no effect.

If you want to send session parameters with the initial install event, they must be called before the Adjust SDK launches via [Adjust appDidLaunch:]. If you need to send them with an install, but can only obtain the needed values after launch, it's possible to delay the first launch of the Adjust SDK to allow this behavior.

Session callback parameters

The same callback parameters that are registered for events can be also saved to be sent in every event or session of the Adjust SDK.

The session callback parameters have a similar interface of the event callback parameters. Instead of adding the key and it's value to an event, it's added through a call to Adjust method addSessionCallbackParameter:value::

[Adjust addSessionCallbackParameter:@"foo" value:@"bar"];

The session callback parameters will be merged with the callback parameters added to an event. The callback parameters added to an event have precedence over the session callback parameters. Meaning that, when adding a callback parameter to an event with the same key to one added from the session, the value that prevails is the callback parameter added to the event.

It's possible to remove a specific session callback parameter by passing the desiring key to the method removeSessionCallbackParameter.

[Adjust removeSessionCallbackParameter:@"foo"];

If you wish to remove all key and values from the session callback parameters, you can reset it with the method resetSessionCallbackParameters.

[Adjust resetSessionCallbackParameters];

Session partner parameters

In the same way that there is session callback parameters that are sent every in event or session of the Adjust SDK, there is also session partner parameters.

These will be transmitted to network partners, for the integrations that have been activated in your adjust dashboard.

The session partner parameters have a similar interface to the event partner parameters. Instead of adding the key and it's value to an event, it's added through a call to Adjust method addSessionPartnerParameter:value::

[Adjust addSessionPartnerParameter:@"foo" value:@"bar"];

The session partner parameters will be merged with the partner parameters added to an event. The partner parameters added to an event have precedence over the session partner parameters. Meaning that, when adding a partner parameter to an event with the same key to one added from the session, the value that prevails is the partner parameter added to the event.

It's possible to remove a specific session partner parameter by passing the desiring key to the method removeSessionPartnerParameter.

[Adjust removeSessionPartnerParameter:@"foo"];

If you wish to remove all key and values from the session partner parameters, you can reset it with the method resetSessionPartnerParameters.

[Adjust resetSessionPartnerParameters];

Delay start

Delaying the start of the Adjust SDK allows your app some time to obtain session parameters, such as unique identifiers, to be send on install.

Set the initial delay time in seconds with the method setDelayStart in the ADJConfig instance:

[adjustConfig setDelayStart:5.5];

In this case this will make the Adjust SDK not send the initial install session and any event created for 5.5 seconds. After this time is expired or if you call [Adjust sendFirstPackages] in the meanwhile, every session parameter will be added to the delayed install session and events and the Adjust SDK will resume as usual.

The maximum delay start time of the Adjust SDK is 10 seconds.

Attribution callback

You can register a delegate callback to be notified of tracker attribution changes. Due to the different sources considered for attribution, this information can not be provided synchronously. Follow these steps to implement the optional delegate protocol in your app delegate:

Please make sure to consider our applicable attribution data policies.

  1. Open AppDelegate.h and add the import and the AdjustDelegate declaration.

    @interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, AdjustDelegate>
  2. Open AppDelegate.m and add the following delegate callback function to your app delegate implementation.

    - (void)adjustAttributionChanged:(ADJAttribution *)attribution {
  3. Set the delegate with your ADJConfig instance:

    [adjustConfig setDelegate:self];

As the delegate callback is configured using the ADJConfig instance, you should call setDelegate before calling [Adjust appDidLaunch:adjustConfig].

The delegate function will be called after the SDK receives the final attribution data. Within the delegate function you have access to the attribution parameter. Here is a quick summary of its properties:

  • NSString trackerToken the tracker token of the current attribution.
  • NSString trackerName the tracker name of the current attribution.
  • NSString network the network grouping level of the current attribution.
  • NSString campaign the campaign grouping level of the current attribution.
  • NSString adgroup the ad group grouping level of the current attribution.
  • NSString creative the creative grouping level of the current attribution.
  • NSString clickLabel the click label of the current attribution.
  • NSString adid the unique device identifier provided by attribution.
  • NSString costType the cost type string.
  • NSNumber costAmount the cost amount.
  • NSString costCurrency the cost currency string.

If any value is unavailable, it will default to nil.

Note: The cost data - costType, costAmount & costCurrency are only available when configured in ADJConfig by calling setNeedsCost: method. If not configured or configured, but not being part of the attribution, these fields will have value nil. This feature is available in SDK v4.24.0 and above.

Ad revenue tracking

Note: This ad revenue tracking API is available only in the native SDK v4.29.0 and above.

You can track ad revenue information with Adjust SDK by invoking the following method:

// initilise ADJAdRevenue instance with appropriate ad revenue source
ADJAdRevenue *adRevenue = [[ADJAdRevenue alloc] initWithSource:source];
// pass revenue and currency values
[adRevenue setRevenue:1.6 currency:@"USD"];
// pass optional parameters
[adRevenue setAdImpressionsCount:adImpressionsCount];
[adRevenue setAdRevenueUnit:adRevenueUnit];
[adRevenue setAdRevenuePlacement:adRevenuePlacement];
[adRevenue setAdRevenueNetwork:adRevenueNetwork];
// attach callback and/or partner parameter if needed
[adRevenue addCallbackParameter:key value:value];
[adRevenue addPartnerParameter:key value:value];

// track ad revenue
[Adjust trackAdRevenue:source payload:payload];

Currently we support the below source parameter values:

  • ADJAdRevenueSourceAppLovinMAX - representing AppLovin MAX platform.
  • ADJAdRevenueSourceMopub - representing MoPub platform.
  • ADJAdRevenueSourceAdMob - representing AdMob platform.
  • ADJAdRevenueSourceIronSource - representing IronSource platform.

Note: Additional documentation which explains detailed integration with every of the supported sources will be provided outside of this README. Also, in order to use this feature, additional setup is needed for your app in Adjust dashboard, so make sure to get in touch with our support team to make sure that everything is set up correctly before you start to use this feature.

Subscription tracking

Note: This feature is only available in the native SDK v4.22.0 and above. We recommend using at least version 4.22.1.

Important: The following steps only set up subscription tracking within the SDK. To complete setup, certain app-specific information must be added within Adjust’s internal interface. An Adjust representative must take this action: please contact or your Technical Account Manager.

You can track App Store subscriptions and verify their validity with the Adjust SDK. After a subscription has been successfully purchased, make the following call to the Adjust SDK:

ADJSubscription *subscription = [[ADJSubscription alloc] initWithPrice:price
[subscription setTransactionDate:transactionDate];
[subscription setSalesRegion:salesRegion];

[Adjust trackSubscription:subscription];

Only do this when the state has changed to SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased or SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored. Then make a call to finishTransaction in paymentQueue:updatedTransactions .

Subscription tracking parameters:

Just like with event tracking, you can attach callback and partner parameters to the subscription object as well:

ADJSubscription *subscription = [[ADJSubscription alloc] initWithPrice:price
[subscription setTransactionDate:transactionDate];
[subscription setSalesRegion:salesRegion];

// add callback parameters
[subscription addCallbackParameter:@"key" value:@"value"];
[subscription addCallbackParameter:@"foo" value:@"bar"];

// add partner parameters
[subscription addPartnerParameter:@"key" value:@"value"];
[subscription addPartnerParameter:@"foo" value:@"bar"];

[Adjust trackSubscription:subscription];

Event and session callbacks

You can register a delegate callback to be notified of successful and failed tracked events and/or sessions. The same optional protocol AdjustDelegate used for the attribution callback is used.

Follow the same steps and implement the following delegate callback function for successful tracked events:

- (void)adjustEventTrackingSucceeded:(ADJEventSuccess *)eventSuccessResponseData {

The following delegate callback function for failed tracked events:

- (void)adjustEventTrackingFailed:(ADJEventFailure *)eventFailureResponseData {

For successful tracked sessions:

- (void)adjustSessionTrackingSucceeded:(ADJSessionSuccess *)sessionSuccessResponseData {

And for failed tracked sessions:

- (void)adjustSessionTrackingFailed:(ADJSessionFailure *)sessionFailureResponseData {

The delegate functions will be called after the SDK tries to send a package to the server. Within the delegate callback you have access to a response data object specifically for the delegate callback. Here is a quick summary of the session response data properties:

  • NSString message the message from the server or the error logged by the SDK.
  • NSString timeStamp timestamp from the server.
  • NSString adid a unique device identifier provided by adjust.
  • NSDictionary jsonResponse the JSON object with the response from the server.

Both event response data objects contain:

  • NSString eventToken the event token, if the package tracked was an event.
  • NSString callbackId the custom defined callback ID set on event object.

If any value is unavailable, it will default to nil.

And both event and session failed objects also contain:

  • BOOL willRetry indicates that there will be an attempt to resend the package at a later time.

Disable tracking

You can disable the Adjust SDK from tracking any activities of the current device by calling setEnabled with parameter NO. This setting is remembered between sessions.

[Adjust setEnabled:NO];

You can check if the Adjust SDK is currently enabled by calling the function isEnabled. It is always possible to activate the Adjust SDK by invoking setEnabled with the enabled parameter as YES.

Offline mode

You can put the Adjust SDK in offline mode to suspend transmission to our servers while retaining tracked data to be sent later. While in offline mode, all information is saved in a file, so be careful not to trigger too many events while in offline mode.

You can activate offline mode by calling setOfflineMode with the parameter YES.

[Adjust setOfflineMode:YES];

Conversely, you can deactivate offline mode by calling setOfflineMode with NO. When the Adjust SDK is put back in online mode, all saved information is sent to our servers with the correct time information.

Unlike disabling tracking, this setting is not remembered bettween sessions. This means that the SDK is in online mode whenever it is started, even if the app was terminated in offline mode.

Event buffering

If your app makes heavy use of event tracking, you might want to delay some HTTP requests in order to send them in one batch every minute. You can enable event buffering with your ADJConfig instance:

[adjustConfig setEventBufferingEnabled:YES];

If nothing is set, event buffering is disabled by default.

GDPR right to be forgotten

In accordance with article 17 of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you can notify Adjust when a user has exercised their right to be forgotten. Calling the following method will instruct the Adjust SDK to communicate the user's choice to be forgotten to the Adjust backend:

[Adjust gdprForgetMe];

Upon receiving this information, Adjust will erase the user's data and the Adjust SDK will stop tracking the user. No requests from this device will be sent to Adjust in the future.

Third-party sharing for specific users

You can notify Adjust when a user disables, enables, and re-enables data sharing with third-party partners.

Disable third-party sharing for specific users

Call the following method to instruct the Adjust SDK to communicate the user's choice to disable data sharing to the Adjust backend:

ADJThirdPartySharing *adjustThirdPartySharing = [[ADJThirdPartySharing alloc] initWithIsEnabledNumberBool:@NO];
[Adjust trackThirdPartySharing:adjustThirdPartySharing];

Upon receiving this information, Adjust will block the sharing of that specific user's data to partners and the Adjust SDK will continue to work as usual.

Call the following method to instruct the Adjust SDK to communicate the user's choice to share data or change data sharing, to the Adjust backend:

ADJThirdPartySharing *adjustThirdPartySharing = [[ADJThirdPartySharing alloc] initWithIsEnabledNumberBool:@YES];
[Adjust trackThirdPartySharing:adjustThirdPartySharing];

Upon receiving this information, Adjust changes sharing the specific user's data to partners. The Adjust SDK will continue to work as expected.

Call the following method to instruct the Adjust SDK to send the granular options to the Adjust backend:

ADJThirdPartySharing *adjustThirdPartySharing = [[ADJThirdPartySharing alloc] initWithIsEnabledNumberBool:nil];
[adjustThirdPartySharing addGranularOption:@"PartnerA" key:@"foo" value:@"bar"];
[Adjust trackThirdPartySharing:adjustThirdPartySharing];

Consent measurement for specific users

To enable or disable the Data Privacy settings in the Adjust Dashboard, including the consent expiry period and the user data retention period, you need to implement the below method.

Call the following method to instruct the Adjust SDK to communicate the Data Privacy settings, to the Adjust backend:

[Adjust trackMeasurementConsent:YES];

Upon receiving this information, Adjust changes sharing the specific user's data to partners. The Adjust SDK will continue to work as expected.

SDK signature

The Adjust SDK signature is enabled on a client-by-client basis. If you are interested in using this feature, please contact your account manager.

If the SDK signature has already been enabled on your account and you have access to App Secrets in your Adjust Dashboard, please use the method below to integrate the SDK signature into your app.

An App Secret is set by calling setAppSecret on your AdjustConfig instance:

[adjustConfig setAppSecret:secretId info1:info1 info2:info2 info3:info3 info4:info4];

Background tracking

The default behaviour of the Adjust SDK is to pause sending HTTP requests while the app is in the background. You can change this in your AdjustConfig instance:

[adjustConfig setSendInBackground:YES];

If nothing is set, sending in background is disabled by default.

Device IDs

The Adjust SDK offers you possibility to obtain some of the device identifiers.

iOS Advertising Identifier

Certain services (such as Google Analytics) require you to coordinate device and client IDs in order to prevent duplicate reporting.

To obtain the device identifier IDFA, call the function idfa:

NSString *idfa = [Adjust idfa];

Adjust device identifier

For each device with your app installed, adjust backend generates unique adjust device identifier (adid). In order to obtain this identifier, you can make a call to the following method on the Adjust instance:

NSString *adid = [Adjust adid];

Note: Information about the adid is available after the app's installation has been tracked by the adjust backend. From that moment on, the Adjust SDK has information about the device adid and you can access it with this method. So, it is not possible to access the adid before the SDK has been initialised and the installation of your app has been tracked successfully.

User attribution

The attribution callback will be triggered as described in the attribution callback section, providing you with the information about any new attribution when ever it changes. In any other case, where you want to access information about your user's current attribution, you can make a call to the following method of the Adjust instance:

ADJAttribution *attribution = [Adjust attribution];

Note: Information about current attribution is available after app installation has been tracked by the adjust backend and attribution callback has been initially triggered. From that moment on, Adjust SDK has information about your user's attribution and you can access it with this method. So, it is not possible to access user's attribution value before the SDK has been initialised and attribution callback has been initially triggered.

Push token

Push tokens are used for Audience Builder and client callbacks, and they are required for uninstall and reinstall tracking.

To send us the push notification token, add the following call to Adjust in the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken of your app delegate:

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
    [Adjust setDeviceToken:deviceToken];

Pre-installed trackers

If you want to use the Adjust SDK to recognize users that found your app pre-installed on their device, follow these steps.

  1. Create a new tracker in your dashboard.
  2. Open your app delegate and add set the default tracker of your ADJConfig:
ADJConfig *adjustConfig = [ADJConfig configWithAppToken:yourAppToken environment:environment];
[adjustConfig setDefaultTracker:@"{TrackerToken}"];
[Adjust appDidLaunch:adjustConfig];

Replace {TrackerToken} with the tracker token you created in step 2. Please note that the dashboard displays a tracker URL (including In your source code, you should specify only the six-character token and not the entire URL.

  1. Build and run your app. You should see a line like the following in XCode:

    Default tracker: 'abc123'

Deep linking

If you are using the adjust tracker URL with an option to deep link into your app from the URL, there is the possibility to get info about the deep link URL and its content. Hitting the URL can happen when the user has your app already installed (standard deep linking scenario) or if they don't have the app on their device (deferred deep linking scenario). Both of these scenarios are supported by the Adjust SDK and in both cases the deep link URL will be provided to you after you app has been started after hitting the tracker URL. In order to use this feature in your app, you need to set it up properly.

Standard deep linking scenario

If your user already has the app installed and hits the tracker URL with deep link information in it, your application will be opened and the content of the deep link will be sent to your app so that you can parse it and decide what to do next. With introduction of iOS 9, Apple has changed the way how deep linking should be handled in the app. Depending on which scenario you want to use for your app (or if you want to use them both to support wide range of devices), you need to set up your app to handle one or both of the following scenarios.

Deep linking on iOS 8 and earlier

Deep linking on iOS 8 and earlier devices is being done with usage of a custom URL scheme setting. You need to pick a custom URL scheme name which your app will be in charge for opening. This scheme name will also be used in the adjust tracker URL as part of the deep_link parameter. In order to set this in your app, open your Info.plist file and add new URL types row to it. In there, as URL identifier write you app's bundle ID and under URL schemes add scheme name(s) which you want your app to handle. In the example below, we have chosen that our app should handle the adjustExample scheme name.

After this has been set up, your app will be opened after you click the adjust tracker URL with deep_link parameter which contains the scheme name which you have chosen. After app is opened, openURL method of your AppDelegate class will be triggered and the place where the content of the deep_link parameter from the tracker URL will be delivered. If you want to access the content of the deep link, override this method.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary *)options {
    // url object contains your deep link content

    // Apply your logic to determine the return value of this method
    return YES;
    // or
    // return NO;

With this setup, you have successfully set up deep linking handling for iOS devices with iOS 8 and earlier versions.

Deep linking on iOS 9 and later

In order to set deep linking support for iOS 9 and later devices, you need to enable your app to handle Apple universal links. To find out more about universal links and how their setup looks like, you can check here.

Adjust is taking care of lots of things to do with universal links behind the scenes. But, in order to support universal links with the adjust, you need to perform small setup for universal links in the adjust dashboard. For more information on that should be done, please consult our official docs.

Once you have successfully enabled the universal links feature in the dashboard, you need to do this in your app as well:

After enabling Associated Domains for your app in Apple Developer Portal, you need to do the same thing in your app's Xcode project. After enabling Assciated Domains, add the universal link which was generated for you in the adjust dashboard in the Domains section by prefixing it with applinks: and make sure that you also remove the http(s) part of the universal link.

After this has been set up, your app will be opened after you click the adjust tracker universal link. After app is opened, continueUserActivity method of your AppDelegate class will be triggered and the place where the content of the universal link URL will be delivered. If you want to access the content of the deep link, override this method.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity
 restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray *restorableObjects))restorationHandler {
    if ([[userActivity activityType] isEqualToString:NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb]) {
        NSURL *url = [userActivity webpageURL];

        // url object contains your universal link content

    // Apply your logic to determine the return value of this method
    return YES;
    // or
    // return NO;

With this setup, you have successfully set up deep linking handling for iOS devices with iOS 9 and later versions.

We provide a helper function that allows you to convert a universal link to an old style deep link URL, in case you had some custom logic in your code which was always expecting deep link info to arrive in old style custom URL scheme format. You can call this method with universal link and the custom URL scheme name which you would like to see your deep link prefixed with and we will generate the custom URL scheme deep link for you:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity
 restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray *restorableObjects))restorationHandler {
    if ([[userActivity activityType] isEqualToString:NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb]) {
        NSURL *url = [userActivity webpageURL];

        NSURL *oldStyleDeeplink = [Adjust convertUniversalLink:url scheme:@"adjustExample"];

    // Apply your logic to determine the return value of this method
    return YES;
    // or
    // return NO;

Deferred deep linking scenario

You can register a delegate callback to be notified before a deferred deep link is opened and decide if the Adjust SDK will try to open it. The same optional protocol AdjustDelegate used for the attribution callback and for event and session callbacks is used.

Follow the same steps and implement the following delegate callback function for deferred deep links:

- (BOOL)adjustDeeplinkResponse:(NSURL *)deeplink {
    // deeplink object contains information about deferred deep link content

    // Apply your logic to determine whether the Adjust SDK should try to open the deep link
    return YES;
    // or
    // return NO;

The callback function will be called after the SDK receives a deferred deep link from our server and before opening it. Within the callback function you have access to the deep link. The returned boolean value determines if the SDK will launch the deep link. You could, for example, not allow the SDK to open the deep link at the current moment, save it, and open it yourself later.

If this callback is not implemented, the Adjust SDK will always try to open the deep link by default.

Reattribution via deep links

Adjust enables you to run re-engagement campaigns with usage of deep links. For more information on how to do that, please check our official docs.

If you are using this feature, in order for your user to be properly reattributed, you need to make one additional call to the Adjust SDK in your app.

Once you have received deep link content information in your app, add a call to the appWillOpenUrl method. By making this call, the Adjust SDK will try to find if there is any new attribution info inside of the deep link and if any, it will be sent to the adjust backend. If your user should be reattributed due to a click on the adjust tracker URL with deep link content in it, you will see the attribution callback in your app being triggered with new attribution info for this user.

The call to appWillOpenUrl should be done like this to support deep linking reattributions in all iOS versions:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary *)options {
    // url object contains your deep link content
    [Adjust appWillOpenUrl:url];

    // Apply your logic to determine the return value of this method
    return YES;
    // or
    // return NO;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity
 restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray *restorableObjects))restorationHandler {
    if ([[userActivity activityType] isEqualToString:NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb]) {
        NSURL url = [userActivity webpageURL];

        [Adjust appWillOpenUrl:url];

    // Apply your logic to determine the return value of this method
    return YES;
    // or
    // return NO;

Link resolution

If you are serving deep links from an Email Service Provider (ESP) and need to track clicks through a custom tracking link, you can use the resolveLinkWithUrl method of the ADJLinkResolution class to resolve the link. This ensures that you record the interaction with your email tracking campaigns when a deep link is opened in your application.

The resolveLinkWithUrl method takes the following parameters:

  • url - the deep link that opened the application
  • resolveUrlSuffixArray - the custom domains of the configured campaigns that need to be resolved
  • callback - the callback that will contain the final URL

If the link received does not belong to any of the domains specified in the resolveUrlSuffixArray, the callback will forward the deep link URL as is. If the link does contain one of the domains specified, the SDK will attempt to resolve the link and return the resulting deep link to the callback parameter. The returned deep link can also be reattributed in the Adjust SDK using the [Adjust appWillOpenUrl:] method.

Note: The SDK will automatically follow up to ten redirects when attempting to resolve the URL. It will return the latest URL it has followed as the callback URL, meaning that if there are more than ten redirects to follow the tenth redirect URL will be returned.


    callback:^(NSURL * _Nullable resolvedLink)
        [Adjust appWillOpenUrl:resolvedLink];

[beta] Data residency

In order to enable data residency feature, make sure to make a call to setUrlStrategy: method of the ADJConfig instance with one of the following constants:

[adjustConfig setUrlStrategy:ADJDataResidencyEU]; // for EU data residency region
[adjustConfig setUrlStrategy:ADJDataResidencyTR]; // for Turkey data residency region
[adjustConfig setUrlStrategy:ADJDataResidencyUS]; // for US data residency region

Note: This feature is currently in beta testing phase. If you are interested in getting access to it, please contact your dedicated account manager or write an email to Please, do not turn this setting on before making sure with the support team that this feature is enabled for your app because otherwise SDK traffic will get dropped.


Issues with delayed SDK initialisation

As described in the basic setup step, we strongly advise you to initialise the Adjust SDK in the didFinishLaunching or didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of your app delegate. It is imperative to initialise the Adjust SDK in as soon as possible so that you can use all the features of the SDK.

Deciding not to initialise the Adjust SDK immediately can have all kinds of impacts on the tracking in your app: In order to perform any kind of tracking in your app, the Adjust SDK must be initialised.

If you decide to perform any of these actions:

before initialising the SDK, they won't be performed.

If you want any of these actions to be tracked with the Adjust SDK before its actual initialisation, you must build a custom actions queueing mechanism inside your app. You need to queue all the actions you want our SDK to perform and perform them once the SDK is initialised.

Offline mode state won't be changed, tracking enabled/disabled state won't be changed, deep link reattributions will not be possible to happen, any of tracked events will be dropped.

Another thing which might be affected by delayed SDK initialisation is session tracking. The Adjust SDK can't start to collect any session length info before it is actually initialised. This can affect your DAU numbers in the dashboard which might not be tracked properly.

As an example, let's assume this scenario: You are initialising the Adjust SDK when some specific view or view controller is loaded and let's say that this is not the splash nor the first screen in your app, but user has to navigate to it from the home screen. If user downloads your app and opens it, the home screen will be displayed. At this moment, this user has made an install which should be tracked. However, the Adjust SDK doesn't know anything about this, because the user needs to navigate to the screen mentioned previously where you decided to initialise the Adjust SDK. Further, if the user decides that he/she doesn't like the app and uninstalls it right after seeing home screen, all the information mentioned above will never be tracked by our SDK, nor displayed in the dashboard.

Event tracking

For the events you want to track, queue them with some internal queueing mechanism and track them after SDK is initialised. Tracking events before initialising SDK will cause the events to be dropped and permanently lost, so make sure you are tracking them once SDK is initialised and enabled.

Offline mode and enable/disable tracking

Offline mode is not the feature which is persisted between SDK initialisations, so it is set to false by default. If you try to enable offline mode before initialising SDK, it will still be set to false when you eventually initialise the SDK.

Enabling/disabling tracking is the setting which is persisted between the SDK initialisations. If you try to toggle this value before initialising the SDK, toggle attempt will be ignored. Once initialised, SDK will be in the state (enabled or disabled) like before this toggle attempt.

Reattribution via deep links

As described above, when handling deep link reattributions, depending on deep linking mechanism you are using (old style vs. universal links), you will obtain NSURL object after which you need to make following call:

[Adjust appWillOpenUrl:url]

If you make this call before the SDK has been initialised, information about the attribution information from the deep link URL will be permanetly lost. If you want the Adjust SDK to successfully reattribute your user, you would need to queue this NSURL object information and trigger appWillOpenUrl method once the SDK has been initialised.

Session tracking

Session tracking is something what the Adjust SDK performs automatically and is beyond reach of an app developer. For proper session tracking it is crucial to have the Adjust SDK initialised as advised in this README. Not doing so can have unpredicted influences on proper session tracking and DAU numbers in the dashboard.

For example:

  • A user opens but then deletes your app before the SDK was even inialised, causing the install and session to have never been tracked, thus never reported in the dashboard.
  • If a user downloads and opens your app before midnight, and the Adjust SDK gets initialised after midnight, all queued install and session data will be reported on wrong day.
  • If a user didn't use your app on some day but opens it shortly after midnight and the SDK gets initialised after midnight, causing DAU to be reported on another day from the day of the app opening.

For all these reasons, please follow the instructions in this document and initialise the Adjust SDK in the didFinishLaunching or didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of your app delegate.

I'm seeing "Adjust requires ARC" error

If your build failed with the error Adjust requires ARC, it looks like your project is not using ARC. In that case we recommend transitioning your project so that it does use ARC. If you don't want to use ARC, you have to enable ARC for all source files of adjust in the target's Build Phases:

Expand the Compile Sources group, select all adjust files and change the Compiler Flags to -fobjc-arc (Select all and press the Return key to change all at once).

I'm seeing "[UIDevice adjTrackingEnabled]: unrecognized selector sent to instance" error

This error can occur when you are adding the Adjust SDK framework to your app. The Adjust SDK contains categories among it's source files and for this reason, if you have chosen this SDK integration approach, you need to add -ObjC flags to Other Linker Flags in your Xcode project settings. Adding this flag will fix this error.

I'm seeing the "Session failed (Ignoring too frequent session.)" error

This error typically occurs when testing installs. Uninstalling and reinstalling the app is not enough to trigger a new install. The servers will determine that the SDK has lost its locally aggregated session data and ignore the erroneous message, given the information available on the servers about the device.

This behaviour can be cumbersome during tests, but is necessary in order to have the sandbox behaviour match production as much as possible.

You can reset the session data of the device in our servers. Check the error message in the logs:

Session failed (Ignoring too frequent session. Last session: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss, this session: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss, interval: XXs, min interval: 20m) (app_token: {yourAppToken}, adid: {adidValue})

With the {yourAppToken} and either {adidValue} or {idfaValue} values filled in below, open one of the following links:{yourAppToken}&adid={adidValue}{yourAppToken}&idfa={idfaValue}

When the device is forgotten, the link just returns Forgot device. If the device was already forgotten or the values were incorrect, the link returns Device not found.

I'm not seeing "Install tracked" in the logs

If you want to simulate the installation scenario of your app on your test device, it is not enough if you just re-run the app from the Xcode on your test device. Re-running the app from the Xcode doesn't cause app data to be wiped out and all internal files that our SDK is keeping inside your app will still be there, so upon re-run, our SDK will see those files and think of your app was already installed (and that SDK was already launched in it) but just opened for another time rather than being opened for the first time.

In order to run the app installation scenario, you need to do following:

  • Uninstall app from your device (completely remove it)
  • Forget your test device from the adjust backend like explained in the issue above
  • Run your app from the Xcode on the test device and you will see log message "Install tracked"

I'm seeing the "Unattributable SDK click ignored" message

You may notice this message while testing your app in sandbox environment. It is related to some changes Apple introduced in iAd.framework version 3. With this, a user can be directed to your app from a click on iAd banner and this will cause our SDK to send an sdk_click package to the adjust backend informing it about the content of the clicked URL. For some reason, Apple decided that if the app was opened without clicking on iAd banner, they will artificially generate an iAd banner URL click with some random values. Our SDK won't be able to distinguish if the iAd banner click was genuine or artificially generated and will send an sdk_click package regardless to the adjust backend. If you have your log level set to verbose, you will see this sdk_click package looking something like this:

[Adjust]d: Added package 1 (click)
[Adjust]v: Path:      /sdk_click
[Adjust]v: ClientSdk: ios4.10.1
[Adjust]v: Parameters:
[Adjust]v:      app_token              {YourAppToken}
[Adjust]v:      created_at             2016-04-15T14:25:51.676Z+0200
[Adjust]v:      details                {"Version3.1":{"iad-lineitem-id":"1234567890","iad-org-name":"OrgName","iad-creative-name":"CreativeName","iad-click-date":"2016-04-15T12:25:51Z","iad-campaign-id":"1234567890","iad-attribution":"true","iad-lineitem-name":"LineName","iad-creative-id":"1234567890","iad-campaign-name":"CampaignName","iad-conversion-date":"2016-04-15T12:25:51Z"}}
[Adjust]v:      environment            sandbox
[Adjust]v:      idfa                   XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
[Adjust]v:      idfv                   YYYYYYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYYYYYYYYYY
[Adjust]v:      needs_response_details 1
[Adjust]v:      source                 iad3

If for some reason this sdk_click would be accepted, it would mean that a user who has opened your app by clicking on some other campaign URL or even as an organic user, will get attributed to this unexisting iAd source. This is the reason why our backend ignores it and informs you with this message:

[Adjust]v: Response: {"message":"Unattributable SDK click ignored."}
[Adjust]i: Unattributable SDK click ignored.

So, this message doesn't indicate any issue with your SDK integration but it's simply informing you that our backend has ignored this artificially created sdk_click which could have lead to your user being wrongly attributed/reattributed.

I'm seeing incorrect revenue data in the adjust dashboard

The Adjust SDK tracks what you tell it to track. If you are attaching revenue to your event, the number you write as an amount is the only amount which will reach the adjust backend and be displayed in the dashboard. Our SDK does not manipulate your amount value, nor does our backend. So, if you see wrong amount being tracked, it's because our SDK was told to track that amount.

Usually, a user's code for tracking revenue event looks something like this:

// ...

- (double)someLogicForGettingRevenueAmount {
    // This method somehow handles how user determines
    // what's the revenue value which should be tracked.

    // It is maybe making some calculations to determine it.

    // Or maybe extracting the info from In-App purchase which
    // was successfully finished.

    // Or maybe returns some predefined double value.

    double amount; // double amount = some double value

    return amount;

// ...

- (void)someRandomMethodInTheApp {
    double amount = [self someLogicForGettingRevenueAmount];

    ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:@"abc123"];
    [event setRevenue:amount currency:@"EUR"];
    [Adjust trackEvent:event];

If you are seing any value in the dashboard other than what you expected to be tracked, please, check your logic for determining amount value.


The Adjust SDK is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Adjust GmbH,

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



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