Flutter package to talk to a Transmission torrent instance, for a pure dart package please check transmission
To have this package working you need to setup a TransmissionScope like this:
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TransmissionScope(
baseUrl: '',
child: MaterialApp(
Here you just pass the base url of the remote transmission instance, after that you can start adding UI to manage Transmission.
The most easy usage is to launch a full screen, to do so use TransmissionScreen
like this:
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => TransmissionScreen()));
If the easy usage doesn't fit your need you can use dedicated widgets to build your own interface, here is a list of widget available:
Widget | Usage |
TransmissionScreen | full screen to see and interact with transmission data |
TorrentList | List of the transmission's torrents |
TorrentListItem | Torrent representation |
TransmissionSettings | Widget to manage transmission's settings |
TransmissionSettingsDialog | TransmissionSettings but in a dialog |
TransmissionGlobalActions | Toolbar to stop/start all torrents at once |
TransmissionStatusBar | Status bar to toggle alternative speed and access transmission's settings |
RealTimeActionButton | Button to toggle real time pooling data from transmission |
AddTorrentActionButton | Button to add a torrent to transmission instance |