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Releases: myofficework000/Jetpack-Compose-All-in-one-Guide

Compose Guidebook: Learn Android Jetpack Compose 2.0

01 Mar 19:36
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New Release Documentation - Version 2.0

Welcome to the second release of Compose Guidebook: Learn Android Jetpack Compose! This release brings several new features, lessons, and improvements to help you master Jetpack Compose and Android development.

What's New

  • New Lessons Added: Two new lessons have been added to expand your knowledge and skills in Jetpack Compose.

    • Lesson 13: Localization: Learn how to add language support, format dates and numbers, enable RTL support, and handle string plurals in Jetpack Compose.
    • Lesson 14: Drop Down Menu: Explore how to create drop-down menus efficiently in your Jetpack Compose applications.
  • Third-Party Library Integration: Additional third-party libraries have been integrated into the project to enhance functionality and provide more options for developers.

    • MPChart: A charting library for creating visually appealing and informative charts in your Compose UI.
    • Camera V2 API: Integration with the Camera V2 API for advanced camera functionalities in your applications.
  • Bug Fixes and Enhancements: Various bug fixes and enhancements have been implemented to improve the overall stability and performance of the project.

Lessons Overview

Below is a quick overview of the new lessons added in this release:

Lesson 13: Localization

This lesson covers various aspects of localization in Jetpack Compose, including adding language support, formatting dates and numbers, enabling RTL support, and handling string plurals.

Lesson 14: Drop Down Menu

Learn how to efficiently create drop-down menus in your Jetpack Compose applications, providing users with intuitive ways to interact with your app's features.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the contributors who have helped shape and improve this project. Your dedication and support are invaluable.

Thank you for choosing Compose Guidebook: Learn Android Jetpack Compose. We hope this release enriches your learning experience and empowers you to create stunning UIs with Jetpack Compose. Happy coding!

Android Architecture, Clean Code, and Jetpack Compose Lessons

30 Jun 17:13
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This release includes a comprehensive set of 12 lessons covering various Android architectures, clean code practices, and Jetpack Compose. Each lesson provides detailed explanations, code samples, and practical examples to help developers understand and implement these architectural patterns effectively while leveraging the power of Jetpack

  • Lesson content has been thoroughly reviewed and updated to ensure accuracy and relevance.
  • Each lesson includes practical exercises to reinforce understanding and provide hands-on experience.
  • Code samples have been optimized and refactored based on industry best practices.
  • Lessons cover the latest advancements in Android architectures, clean code practices, and Jetpack Compose.
  • Bug fixes and minor improvements have been incorporated based on user feedback.