A Flutter App which helps users to track their expenses during the month, Which uses Google Sheets & Cloud console as their Backend to store the data of all the expenditures.
Features of this App are: ⏬
- A Neumorphic flutter card designs, with An Animated Spiral Loader.
- Shows Total Balance, Incomes and Expenses with Green and Red updown indicators.⬆️⬇️
- List View of all the expenditures with their title and Income/Expensed. 💰💸
- An Add Button for the New Transactions, where you can add your recent Incomes/Expenses with the coloured Toggle, Red for expenses and Green for income.
📌 I've tried to use CRUD operations Creat & Read implemented, soon Update and Delete options will be in action. Where we can change the data of given expenditures.