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mystborn edited this page Jun 22, 2018 · 3 revisions

In TaffyScript, an enum is a named set of constant values. To declare an enum, write enum followed by the enum name. Inside of a block, you write each constant name seperated by a comma. Each name gets assigned a value starting at 0, and then iterating by one. For example:

enum HorizontalAlignment {
    Left, // = 0
    Center, // = 1
    Right // = 2

If you wish to assign a value to the name you can do so, and each successive name will increment based on that value:

enum State {
    Walking = 5,  // = 5
    Running,      // = 6
    Crawling,     // = 7
    Laughing = 0, // = 0
    Sleeping      // = 1

As such, two names in the same enum can have the same value.

To use an enum, write the enum name, a dot, and then the enum value name like so:

var value = State.Walking;

Typically when writing enums, I use PascalCase for both the name and values, but this is not mandatory.

You can directly use enums defined in external .net libraries:

//In a c# project
namespace CSharpExample
    public enum External 

//In a TS project
using CSharpExample;

script main {

It will automatically convert the enum value into a proper TS type. This means you can't import functions that take an enum parameter, though you might be able to in future versions.

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