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Contains config files below.

  1. Vim config for Mac OS X/Windows via vim-plug.

  2. STL views support for gdb.

  3. STL tags file generate from

  4. Emacs config for Windows.

The Quick Start below is just for self use, I don't promise it will work well in your environment.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

Mac OS X


  • Set up vim-plug:

    curl -fLo ~/vimfiles/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
  • install cscope, universal-ctags and ripgrep

    If you want to view code, you may need cscope and ctags support, so install it.

    brew install cscope
    brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags
    brew install ripgrep
    brew install yarn
  • generate tags files (optional)

    For better c++ coding experience, generate your crttags and win32tags into ~/tags-files dir.

  • pull config files:

    cd ~
    git init
    git remote add origin
    git pull origin main
  • Install plugins

    Start vim, and exec :PlugInstall

  • Done!


  • install the newest version of GNU Emacs, global and sbcl

    brew install emacs
    brew install global
    brew install sbcl
  • create file /usr/bin/sbcl and change its content to

    exec /usr/local/bin/sbcl "$@"
  • copy c++ headers into ~/.emacs.d/cpp-headers

  • use elpa in Emacs to install plugins below:

    • company

    • ggtags

    • helm-gtags

    • markdown-mode

    • projectile

    • sr-speedbar

    • smex

    • evil

    • jedi

      • pip install virtualenv
      • M-x package-install jedi
      • M-x package-install exec-path-from-shell
      • restart emacs
      • M-x exec-path-from-shell-initialize
      • M-x jedi:install-server
    • evil-nerd-commenter

    • function-args

    • slime

    • slime-company

    • smooth-scrolling

    For example to install ggtags:

    M-x package-install <RETURN>
    ggtags <RETURN>


Add the following line to your ~/.zshrc:

test -e "${HOME}/my.zshrc" && source "${HOME}/my.zshrc"



  • Set up vim-plug:

    md ~\vimfiles\autoload
    $uri = ''
    (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(
  • place ctags

    The plugin tagbar required universal-ctags, so download it, and put it into YourVimInstallPath/vim80/ directory.

    Download link:

  • install ripgrep

    Download link:

  • place cscope (optional)

    If you want to view code, you may need cscope support, put it into YourVimInstallPath/vim80/ directory.

    Download link:

  • generate tags files (optional)

    For better c++ coding experience, generate your crttags and win32tags into ~/tags-files dir.

  • pull config files:

    cd %userprofile%
    git init
    git remote add origin
    git pull origin main
  • install yarn

  • Install plugins

    Start vim, and exec :PlugInstall

  • place iconv.dll

    The plugin fencview, for file encoding detect and switch, required this dll, so download one and add its path to PATH environment variable.

    (You can download iconv.dll I am used here.)

  • Done!


  • get GNU Emacs in

  • add "Edit with Emacs" to context menu with .reg file (replace exe file path to yours first):

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Edit with Emacs]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Edit with Emacs\command]
    @="\"D:\\emacs\\bin\\emacsclientw.exe\" -a \"D:\\emacs\\bin\\runemacs.exe\" \"%1\""
  • download GNU Global from, and copy files to Emacs directory.

  • download sbcl from and install it to default path.

  • copy c++ headers into ~/.emacs.d/cpp-headers

  • use elpa in Emacs to install plugins below:

    • company

    • ggtags

    • helm-gtags

    • markdown-mode

    • projectile

    • sr-speedbar

    • smex

    • evil

    • jedi

      • pip install virtualenv
      • M-x package-install jedi
      • M-x package-install exec-path-from-shell
      • restart emacs
      • M-x exec-path-from-shell-initialize
      • M-x jedi:install-server
    • evil-nerd-commenter

    • function-args

    • slime

    • slime-company

    • smooth-scrolling

    For example to install ggtags:

    M-x package-install <RETURN>
    ggtags <RETURN>

Other common requirements


gem install asciidoctor
gem install coderay
gem install asciidoctor-pdf --pre

Install Chrome Extension below, and enable file address access.