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Execute mbed-CLI commands from within Vim.


  • By cloning the repository
$ git clone
$ cp mbed-vim/plugin/mbed.vim ~/.vim/plugin
  • By downloading the plugin file to your plugin directory using wget
$ wget -O ~/.vim/plugin/mbed.vim


  • Compiling the current application with different options (clean, verbose mode, etc.) and displaying the output when the compilation is unsuccessful.

  • Adding/Removing a library.

  • Setting the application's target/toolchain.

  • Synchronizing the different dependencies.

  • Running tests and displaying the results.

Default key mappings

<leader>c:   Compile the current application.
<leader>C:   Clean the build directory and compile the current application.
<leader>cf:  Compile and flash the built firmware onto a connected target.
<leader>cv:  Compile the current application in verbose mode.
<leader>cV:  Compile the current application in very verbose mode.
<leader>n:   Create a new mbed program or library.
<leader>s:   Synchronize all library and dependency references.
<leader>t:   Find, build and run tests.
<leader>d:   Import missing dependencies.
<leader>a:   Prompt for an mbed library to add.
<leader>r:   Prompt for an mbed library to remove.
<leader>l:   Display the dependency tree.
<F9>:        Close the error buffer (when open).
<F12>:       Set the current application's target and toolchain.


Add <library_name>        Add the specified library. When no argument is given,
                            you are prompted for the name of the library.
Remove <library_name>     Remove the specified library. When no argument is given,
                            you are prompted for the name of the library.
SetToolchain <toolchain>  Set a toolchain (ARM, GCC_ARM, IAR).
SetTarget <target>        Set a target.


Feel free to contribute to this project, either by opening issues or by forking the repository and opening pull requests.


This project is licensed under MIT, see LICENSE file for more.