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A backend and frontend application to gather and visualize the current wait times on Xbox Cloud Gaming.



  1. Run poetry install to install the dependencies
  2. Download and extract it to get latest results locally (optionally)
  3. Create an App registration at Microsoft Azure
  4. Authenticate as a Xbox Cloud Gaming user
    • Run poetry run xbox-cloud-authenticate --client-id $CLIENT_ID --client-secret $CLIENT_SECRET
    • Open the URL displayed in your browser and log in with your Xbox Cloud Gaming account
    • You will be redirected to e.g. http://localhost/auth/callback?code=..., paste the code into xbox-cloud-authenticate and hit enter
    • The output will contain a refresh_token
      • If you authenticated with a Free-to-Play account, this this the F2P_TOKEN
      • If you authenticated with a Game Pass Ultimate account, this this the GPU_TOKEN


  1. Export environment variables CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET to authenticate as the App registration
  2. Export environment variables F2P_TOKEN and GPU_TOKEN to authenticate as the user
  3. Run poetry run xbox-cloud-statistics, printing a table with the results and writing them to ./results
➜  backend git:(main) poetry run xbox-cloud-statistics
| Game                                         | Region             | Subscription     | Server time               |   Wait time (s) |
| FORTNITE                                     | AustraliaEast      | Subscription.F2P | 2023-10-22 10:05:46+00:00 |             704 |
| FORTNITE                                     | AustraliaEast      | Subscription.GPU | 2023-10-22 10:05:47+00:00 |              38 |
| FORTNITE                                     | AustraliaSouthEast | Subscription.F2P | 2023-10-22 10:05:46+00:00 |             704 |
| FORTNITE                                     | AustraliaSouthEast | Subscription.GPU | 2023-10-22 10:05:47+00:00 |              38 |
| FORTNITE                                     | BrazilSouth        | Subscription.F2P | 2023-10-22 10:05:45+00:00 |              10 |
| FORTNITE                                     | BrazilSouth        | Subscription.GPU | 2023-10-22 10:05:47+00:00 |              10 |
| FORTNITE                                     | EastUS             | Subscription.F2P | 2023-10-22 10:05:45+00:00 |              10 |


The configuration file (config.toml) contains all games that should be queried. The example below shows the configuration for Fortnite with Xbox Cloud ID FORTNITE, title Fortnite and image (poster) URL and the subscriptions its available in (Free-to-Play and Game Pass Ultimate):

title = "Fortnite"
image_url = ""
subscriptions = ["F2P", "GPU"]

After adding new games to the configuration, please run poetry run toml-sort -i config.toml to keep them sorted.



  1. Run poetry install to install the dependencies
  2. Download and extract it to get latest results locally
  3. Run python3 -m http.server -d dist/ to start a local HTTP server


Run poetry run site-generator to build the static page.


Measurement data

The measurement data is available as JSON in results.tar.gz of this release.