This script uses hostapd, dnsmasq, macchanger, sslstrip as main programs, and systemctl, iptables.
I explained every line of the script in My Page so anyone is able to understand how a Rogue AP works.
Also I don't take any responsability of any possible harms done with this script. I strongly advise to use it for educational purposes.
A Rogue AP is a wireless hotspot that let's people connect, but it also performs Man In The Middle attacks.
This way you can monitorize all the traffic ongoing between the user connected to your AP and the router.
Installation is as simple as:
git clone
And cd
to RogueAP
./rogue_ap <ADAPTER 1> <ADAPTER 2> <ESSID>"
If it doesn't let you execute it: 'chmod +x rogue_ap' and that's it.
Arguments explained:
- ADAPTER 1 : Connected to the network
- ADAPTER 2 : Replicates the signal with ESSID and captures the traffic.
- ESSID : Name of Rogue AP
It's recommended to select as the second adapter the one with more power and the antenna with more dbi's.
Also you can't run the script with the same adapter. You have to select different adapters.
The idea of the MAC change is to make it a little bit more evasive and remain unknown.
When the program finishes it does a clean up and restores original MAC's.
Also writes a log of HTTPS connections into log_rogue_ACTUALDATE.log
It's also recommended to run Wireshark on second adapter to capture all traffic/packets.