repository to solve a brownie.reverts() bug with reverted transactions
Brownie tests containing either pytest.raises(exceptions.VirtualMachineError)
or brownie.reverts()
producing an error, when the request by design fails (is reverted). This producing an error, when the request by design fails (is reverted).
The test should either fail or succeed, depending on the outcome of the transaction.
When the test is set up in a way, that the transaction is not reverted, the test works correctly without producing an error.
I reduced the code to remove all unnecessary dependencies to contain only the problematic parts. After a complete new setup of a python virtual environment with only the necessary features (described below under setup), I ran the code again, to make sure the issue prevails and is not solved.
The root directory contains the .venv virtual python environment. Under venv Cython and Brownie are installed. In VSC I am using the latest solidity compiler. In order to install ganache I opened a powershell with admin rights and activated the virtual environment, installed nodeenv, and connected it with venv. After this step I installed ganache and tested it. Everything is working correctly. Complete projects are tested and work correctly in this setup, besides tests with brownie.reverts().
(.venv) projectroot>pip install nodeenv
(.venv) projectroot>nodeenv -p
(.venv) projectroot>npm install -g ganache
(.venv) projectroot>ganache --version
(.venv) projectroot>mkdir sourcecode
(.venv) projectroot>cd sourcecode
(.venv) sourcecode>brownie init
(.venv) sourcecode>brownie --version