Angular component which monitors specified models and sets form validation if they don't match.
Maintainer: Nabil Boag <>
bower install --save angular-confirm-field
Load angular-confirm-field.min.js:
<script src="path/to/angular-confirm-field.min.js"></script>
Add the ng.confirmField
directive as a dependency in your application:
angular.module('demo', ['ng.confirmField'])
Add an HTML directive element with the ng-confirm-field
directive. Add a
confirm-against attribute specifying the model to compare this directive with.
<input ng-confirm-field ng-model="emailConfirm" confirm-against="email" name="emailConfirm"/>
This can be used in conjunction with another model. For example another input value can be used with the above code.
<input ng-model="email" name="email" />
A full example including some error messaging:
<form name="form">
<input ng-model="email" name="email" />
<input ng-confirm-field ng-model="emailConfirm" confirm-against="email" name="emailConfirm"/>
<div ng-show="form.emailConfirm.$dirty && form.emailConfirm.$invalid">
<span ng-show="form.emailConfirm.$error.noMatch">Fields do not match</span>
We ❤️ pull requests!
To contribute:
- Fork the repo
- Run
npm install
- Run
bower install
- Run
gulp watch
to watch for changes, lint, build and run tests as you're working - Write your unit tests for your change
- Run
gulp package
to update the distribution files - Check that the demo app works (acceptance tests to be added)
- Update and, if necessary, the demo page