Payment API in Dot Net Core 3
Write a WebAPI with only 1 method called “ProcessPayment” that receives a request like this
- CreditCardNumber (mandatory, string, it should be a valid CCN)
- CardHolder: (mandatory, string)
- ExpirationDate (mandatory, DateTime, it cannot be in the past)
- SecurityCode (optional, string, 3 digits)
- Amount (mandatoy decimal, positive amount) Write a Payment domain/entity with the same properties as the request and a second entity to store the payment state (pending, processed, failed). Use Entity framework code first approach, write entity configurations and generate the migrations. The response of this method should be 1 of the followings based on
- Payment is processed: 200 OK
- The request is invalid: 400 bad request
- Any error: 500 internal server error
- The request should be validated before processed. The payment could be processed using different payment providers (external services) called:
- IExpensivePaymentGateway or
- ICheapPaymentGateway. The payment gateway that should be used to process each payment follows the next set of business rules: a) If the amount to be paid is less than £20, use ICheapPaymentGateway. b) If the amount to be paid is £21-500, use IExpensivePaymentGateway if available. Otherwise, retry only once with ICheapPaymentGateway. c) If the amount is > £500, try only PremiumPaymentService and retry up to 3 times in case payment does not get processed d) Store/update the payment and payment state entities created previously once the processing is completed.
Code covers below concept along with business implementation
- Swagger help API and yaml configuration.
- Automapper & profiles
- NLog
- DotNet DI
- IUnitOfWork & repository pattern.
- NSubstitute and MSUnit Tests
- Entity Framework Core's code first with migrations.
- Fluent API Validation and Entity configuration.
- Clone the solution: $ git clone
- Open solution in Visual Studio 2019
- Change web config in /PaymentApi/appsettings.json file and change the DefaultConnection section with correct Database connection string.
- Build the solution.
- From Command prompt run below migration commands in root folder:
dotnet ef --startup-project PaymentApi/PaymentApi.csproj migrations add InitialModel -p PaymentDataLayer/PaymentDataLayer.csproj
dotnet ef --startup-project PaymentApi/PaymentApi.csproj database update
- Verify database is created
- Run the solution
- Postman collection: has been provided to test API.