code melli generator is a python class for generating iranian national code by area code.
to install the script you should just download the project directly or you can clone it.
git clone
from classes.CodeMelliGenerator import CodeMelliGenerator
# replace 011 with your area code
cmg = CodeMelliGenerator(area_code='011', print_status_live=True)
# generate codes and prints the status
# prints all generated codes in an array
# prints the amount of all checked modes
# prints the amount of all valid modes (which modes that is a valid national code)
ATTENTION: activing "print_status_live" will increase the execution time
also there is a file to use in cmd with out writing any codes.
in the first step run the following command in the command line:
py -h
then you will see the full usage:
usage: [-h] -a AREACODE -s SAVE [-psl]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
-a AREACODE, --areacode AREACODE
area code [numerical]
-s SAVE, --save SAVE file path for save codes
not required arguments:
-psl, --print_status_live
print status in live | ATTENTION: printing status in live will decrease speed
for the example if you want to generate all national codes for 011(south tehran), you should do some thing like this:
py -a=011 -s=tehran-south.txt -psl
# adding -psl will increase the execution time but it's hot :)
after the code executed, you will see a txt file named "tehran-south.txt" in the directory