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All statistical models / machine learning / computer vision / financial models / NLP / PySpark / python techniques / library tutorials can be found here.

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The statistical models

The repository is contained the several models as well as models tutorial. There are various kinds of works related such as:

  • Time series model: It covers statistical analytics on time series data.
  • Statistic analysis / technique: This provides useful / helpful statistical tasks that could be integrate in the models.
  • Libraries tutorial: The useful python libraries provides as the tutorials, which is effortless to follow.
  • Deployment: The branch to keep materials for ML Model deployment.
  • Computer vision: It contained both of notebook file and branch realted to computer vision topic.
  • Market risk: This is not my main area, which is credit risk. Thus, all related to market risks are placed under this topic.
  • Customer and Marketing: Recently, it is better to know how to apply data science skills with marketing areas.
  • PySpark: -soon-
  • Natural language processing (NLP): -soon-
  • Others: -soon-

There will be many more to come in the future.

Time series model

  • bayesian_linear_regression.ipynb: The Bayesian linear regression is an approach to linear regression in which the statistical analysis is undertaken within the context of Bayesian inference.
  • ARIMAModel.ipynb: The ARIMA Model (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) used for stock price prediction.
  • SARIMAModel.ipynb: The SARIMA Model (Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) used for oil price prediction.
  • pca.ipynb: The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) appiled for time series data.
  • pcr.ipynb: The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with linear regression appiled for time series data.
  • pls_regression.ipynb: The Partial Least Squares (PLS) for time series data.
  • timeSeriesSlide.ipynb: The time series model cross validation with time slide window.
  • timeSeriesSplit.ipynb: The time series model cross validation with time split window.
  • Utilised SAS to perform the time series model cross validation with time split window.

Statistic analysis / technique

  • MICE.ipynb: MICE is the Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations.
  • SHAPInterpreter.ipynb: SHAP values are used to explain individual predictions made by a model.
  • chi_squareTest.ipynb: The Chi-square test for categorical data.
  • Utilised SAS to perform K-Fold cross validation.
  • one_hot_encoding.ipynb: The transformation categorical data for modelling purpose.
  • 1_WayANOVA.ipynb: The 1-Way ANOVA Statistical testing for categorical features with regression problem.
  • Theil_SenRegression.ipynb: The Theil-Sen Regression for outlier data.

Libraries tutorial

  • PyCaretModel.ipynb: PyCaret is an open source, low-code machine learning library.
  • optimumBinning.ipynb: The tutorial for using OptBinning library to develop credit score card.
  • pipelineModel.ipynb: The tutorial for using Pipiline module in scikit-learn library.


  • localHostDeploy: The ML Model local host deployment using Flask.
  • dockerDeploy: The ML Model local host deployment using docker.

Computer vision

  • KimJoug_unModel.ipynb: The face recognition model of Kim Jong-un with dlib library.
  • LisaFaces.ipynb: The face recognition model with a few lines of code using face_recognition library.
  • agePrediction.ipynb: The age prediction from image using age_net.caffemodel pre-trained model.
  • face_recognition_pca_svm.ipynb: Building face recognition by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM).
  • HOGClassification.ipynb: Building car logo classification model by using histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) with K-Nearest neighbor.
  • slidingWindow.ipynb: Sliding window for image processing.
  • nonMaximumSuppression.ipynb: Non-maximum suppression for true positive image processing.
  • classicObjectDetection.ipynb: Apply HOG Features extraction with image sliding window and Non-maximum suppression to create object detection model.
  • faceTracking.ipynb: Object tracking using FaceNet model for face detection. Then, using OpenCV as the tracker.
  • faceMaskTiny: The face maks detection using YOLOV4-Tiny pre-trained model from Darknet.

Market risk

  • sharpeRatio.ipynb: Portfolio optimisation using Sharpe ratio.

Customer and Marketing

  • RFMAnalysis.ipynb: The customer segmentation with RFM Analysis.
  • marketBasket.ipynb: The market basket analysis to uncover associations between items in the shop.
  • basicCLV.ipynb: The basis Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).
  • customerCohort.ipynb The customer behaviour model using Cohort analysis.

Natural language processing (NLP)

  • The regular expression (RegEx) by python. To deal with text mining for NLP.
  • twitterIO.ipynb: The TwitterIO data analytics to find inside topic of fake accounts by Information Operation (IO).
  • twitterIOLSA.ipynb: The topic modelling of TwitterIO Dataset using LSA Model.


  • PySparkUsedcarData.ipynb: The basic data processing using PySpark library.


  • COVIDLogScale.ipynb: The plot of log-scale for COVID-19 Stop pandemic.
  • ExcelWorkingfile.ipynb: The integration of python and Excel using XlsxWriter.
  • RVModelRandomForest.ipynb: The used car residual values model using Random Forest Regression with Double Declining Balance (DDB) function.
  • sir_seir_model.ipynb: The simulation model for COVID-19 pandemic.
  • googleScraping.ipynb: The web-scraping by BeautifulSoup.
  • The question during interview process.
  • waterfallChart.ipynb: The waterfall analysis plots by using matplotlib.


All statistical models / machine learning / computer vision / financial models / NLP / PySpark / python techniques / library tutorials can be found here.




