Collection of files to get my regolith setup up and running.
i3 config in .config/regolith/i3
polybar launch script in .config/polybar/midnight/
The installation scripts are made under the assumption you are running a fresh install of Arch-Linux (with devel). It will probably work on most arch derivatives as well. Arcolinux works, I tested it myself. WARNING: The scripts are pretty shitty atm, so there is still babysitting needed. After installation of the OS, do the following:
mkdir temp && cd temp
git clone
This will install the regolith-de, sddm and betterlockscreen with my configs and the themes I used from the sources stated below. It will also install some programs I use, so make sure to edit that before using my script.
The polybar config mostly comes from adi1090x's polybar themes and is based on the grayblocks style there. Modified everything to suit my needs.
Midnight-GrayNight (Modified to remove rounded corners to better fit my style)
Chili (changed the wallpaper in the assets folder)
Intel Itanium Die shots (Link to the pictures in the first comment of the youtube video)
Material Design Icons: apt install fonts-materialdesignicons-webfont
(ships with regolith by default)
For Arch: yay -S ttf-material-design-icons-webfont