Dependencytrack is a tool for scanning dependencies for vulnerabilities.
NAIS oversees the maintenance of this repository, which includes:
- helm charts
- pre-installed & post-install bootstrap configuration
- Stateful set for persistence and no down-time deployments
The repository houses a client for dependencytrack, facilitating its usage for implementations. Please feel free to expand the client interface with additional functionality as required. To update to the most recent version of the client, execute:
go get -u
First asdf install
Run your local instance of dependencytrack with the following command:
make compose
A docker-compose file is available for local development. Please duplicate .env.sample as .env and provide the necessary values. The users.yaml file allows for the creation of pre-installed users for automated testing purposes. You can access the dependencytrack UI.
The API is available at depdendencytrack-api.
The swagger UI is bundled with the docker-compose file.
The image is signed "keylessly" (is that a word?) using Sigstore cosign. To verify its authenticity run
cosign verify \
--certificate-identity "" \
--certificate-oidc-issuer "" \<shasum>
The images are also attested with SBOMs in the CycloneDX format. You can verify these by running
cosign verify-attestation --type cyclonedx \
--certificate-identity "" \
--certificate-oidc-issuer "" \<shasum>
nais/Dependencytrack is licensed under the MIT License, see