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Problem to solve and general overview

This is the Minimal Viable Prototype to demonstrate asset migration functionality. Specifically we are looking at one of the more complicated use-cases where a digital asset that cannot be recreated on a ledger is temporarily migrated from one ledger to another and back again. To help allow for this migration to occur we introduce a 3rd party Oracle who is in charge of locking the asset on one ledger and generating it’s digital twin on another ledger (or vis versa). This Oracle is a trusted entity to keep the asset locked on one chain when it is being traded on the other chain.

We do not need an Oracle for:

  • permanent asset migration (as we can permanently destroy the asset on the first ledger)
  • temporary asset migration for an asset that can be re-created on the first ledger (as we can destroy the asset on the migrating ledger and re-create it when needed)

Future work: If we do not want one Oracle to be in control of this migration process, we can use multiple Oracles (known as decentralised Oracles), the most popular implementation being from Chainlink. Further more, we can introduce inclusion proofs to a single or decentralised oracle design to make it more difficult for an Oracle to fabricate information. Inclusion proofs require Oracles to post block header information of one ledger into another ledger and then provide a Merkle proof that a transaction was linked to in the block header.

Returning to our demo. We have the following setup:

  • Three actors are involved in the asset migration demo (An Oracle, Party A and Party B)

  • ERC20 tokens on Ethereum will be migrated to the XRP ledger and will be migrated back to Ethereum on demand

  • We use an Oracle as we are migrating ERC20 tokens that have a finite-fixed supply, i.e. all possible ERC-20 tokens of this type have already been created.

  • The Oracle is the issuer of ERC20 tokens on the XRP Ledger. This currency is called an issued currency on the XRP ledger.

  • The Oracle is the owner of the asset migration smart contract on the Ethereum ledger. Sending ERC20 tokens to the address of the asset migration smart contract locks the tokens in escrow, where only the Oracle can move them out of this asset migration smart contract.

  • The rules of our Asset Migration Treaty Contract says that the Oracle must have ERC20 tokens in its possession (here from Party A, but can be from multiple customers on the Ethereum DLT) to be able to issue ERC20 tokens on the XRP ledger. Note that as all actors hold their private keys we cannot enforce the actions of any individual and so we cannot enforce that the Oracle abides by the logic of the Treaty Contract. But we can embed functions into the Treaty Contract that can notify Party A or Party B if the Oracle does not conform to the logic embedded within the Treaty Contract.

  • In our demo flow, the ERC20 tokens are sent by Party A to the Oracle, by sending the tokens to the asset migration contract. At the same time, Party A creates a trustline between Party A and the Oracle on the XRP ledger for this ERC20 token.

  • As Party A provides ERC20 tokens to the Oracle, it can claim them back on the XRP ledger through a payment of issued ERC20 tokens, from the Oracle to Party A, over a trustline between the two parties. The Oracle issues this token with an XRP ledger payment transaction.

  • Now the demo proceeds by Party A sending ERC20 tokens (issued on the XRP ledger) to Party B, trading over a Trustline between the two parties.

  • Party B has now received ERC20 tokens on the XRP ledger and wants to migrate them back to the Ethereum ledger.

  • Over a trustline created by the Oracle between itself and the Party B, Party B sends an amount of issued ERC20 tokens to the Oracle on the XRP Ledger.

  • Then the Oracle unlocks the same ERC20 tokens amount on the Ethereum ledger from the smart contract and sends them to Ethereum's Party B address.

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  • DLTs: Ethereum and XRP Ledger.

  • Asset Migration Smart Contract (AMC): Smart Contract in the Ethereum Ledger. It locks the assets to be migrated and only the Oracle can unlock them. It is written in Solidity.

  • Asset Migration Treaty Contract (AMTC): A Treaty Contract details the rules of interaction between the multiple DLTs, i.e. it contains the multi-distributed ledger logic. It can be written in any language, instantiated and shared between multiple participants and be run in many locations at the same time. It can call directly the DLT node (Ethereum or XRP) or the AMC. It is written in Javascript/Node.js.

  • ERC20 Token: assets to be locked up in the migration and unlocked while getting them back on the Ethereum Ledger (OMG, LINK, BNB,...).

  • Trustline: object allowing to perform payment transactions between accounts in a non-XRP currency in the XRP Ledger.


  • Party A: it runs an ATMC. It migrates ERC20 Tokens from Ethereum to XRP. ERC20 Tokens are then locked up in the AMC and the Oracle pays it back the equivalent amount in the same currency on the XRP Ledger.

  • Party B: it runs an ATMC. It withdraws ERC20 Tokens from XRP to Ethereum. It pays ERC20 Tokens on XRP to the Oracle and gets them back on the Ethereum Ledger from the Oracle. The Oracle uses the ERC20 Tokens locked up on the AMC.

  • Oracle: it runs an ATMC. A trusted third party that locks the asset to be migrated to a ledger to another and back again.

Technical descriptions

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PARTY A: Migration of ERC20 Tokens from Ethereum Ledger to XRP Ledger


  1. Initialization of the Asset Migration Smart Contract (AMC)
  • Party A runs a local instance of the Asset Migration Treaty Contract (AMTC).

  • It deploys the Asset Migration Smart Contract (AMC) on Ethereum and initialises it using the constructor or finds an already deployed AMC (using the initialiseAssetsMigrationContract function of the AMTC).

  • When the AMC is created, the Oracle can be run.

  1. Waiting for the Oracle to be initialized on the AMC
  • It waits in a loop until the Oracle is set in the AMC for the XRP and Ethereum Ledgers (using the getOracleOnOtherLedger function of the AMTC which is reading the getOracleAccountOnOtherLedger function of the AMC).
  1. Creation of a Trustline object to the Oracle
  • When the Oracle is set on the AMC and then the Oracle's XRP address can be read from the AMC, Party A creates a Trustline object to the Oracle on the XRP Ledger (using the createTrustlineTransaction function of the AMTC). The limit of the trustline must support the payment's amount X the Oracle will have to sent to Party A on the XRP Ledger when the tokens from Party A will be transferred to the AMC and locked up there.
  1. ERC20 Token asset migration request
  • It performs a migration request to the AMC (migrateERC20AssetsToLock on the AMTC which is calling the migrateAssetsRequest function of the AMC). At this step, an amount X of an ERC20 token is transferred from Party A's Ethereum address to the AMC address ( using the core ERC20 solidity function interface transferFrom). These tokens are then locked by the AMC and can be unlocked only by the Oracle. In our scenario, they will be spent when a withdrawal request will be made by Party B.


  1. Reading a new withdrawal request
  • It waits for a new withdrawal request, here from Party B. It is calling the readData (in the AMTC) to read the data from the AMC. When the totalWithdrawalRequests variable is incremented in the AMC, this means a new withdrawal request has been sent to the AMC from a party running an instance of the AMTC in our demo, or more generally, calling the withdrawal request function of the AMC to initialise a new withdrawal request on the AMC.
  1. Payment to the withdrawal requester Party B
  • It performs then a payment to Party B (makeIssuedCurrencyPayment) on the XRP Ledger using the Trustline that Party B has created to Party A. The amount Y of the payment is read from the AMC as it is the amount set by Party B when it has performed the withdrawal request to the AMC. IN DEPLOYMENT WE WOULD HAVE TO THINK OF A DIFFERENT WAY FOR PARTY B AND PARTY A TO TRANSFER ERC-20 ON XRP_LEDGER AS PARTY B MAY NOT WANT TO WITHDRAW ERC-20 INTO ETHEREUM AND MAY WANT TO CONTINUE TRADING IT ON THE XRP_LEDGER
  1. Update data control on the AMC
  • Party A set the transaction hash of the last payment to Party B on the AMC. This transaction hash will be read, along with the transaction hash of the Trustline from the Oracle to Party B, by Party B to let it perform the payment to the Oracle on the XRP Ledger.

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  1. Oracle initialization on the AMC
  • The Oracle runs a local instance of the Asset Migration Treaty Contract AMTC, when Party A has the AMC address.

  • It gets the latest AMC. The called function is getLatestContract on the AMTC, given the sha256 hash of the smart contract byte code through contractIdentifier variable set on the AMC when deploying it.

  • It reads the total number of migrations and withdrawals request (getRequestId function of the AMTC to get the values of totalMigrationRequests and totalWithdrawalRequests AMC variables).

  • It initializes itself as an Oracle on XRP and Ethereum Ledgers (initialiseOracleOnOtherLedger on the AMTC calling addCreationAccountOnOtherLedger function of the AMC), if it has not already (getOracleOnOtherLedger on the AMTC calling oracleAccountOnOtherLedger map on the AMC).

  1. Reading a new migration request
  • It waits for a new migration request, here from Party A. It is calling the readData AMTC function to read data from the AMC. When the totalMigrationRequests on the AMC is incremented, this means a new migration request has been sent to the AMC from a party running an instance of the AMTC.

  • It gets the XRP address of the user requesting for the asset migration and the amount which is due to be sent to it on the XRP ledger (readMigrationWithdraw on the AMTC) after this same user has already sent an amount of ERC20 tokens to the AMC on the Ethereum Ledger. This user is Party A in our scenario.

  1. Payment to the migration requester
  • It performs then a payment to Party A (makeIssuedCurrencyPayment on the AMTC) on the XRP Ledger using the Trustline that Party A has created to the Oracle. The Oracle is playing the role of a non-XRP currency issuer, having the source of issuance from the AMC where parties requesting for migration put there ERC20 tokens in to be paid on the XRP Ledger in exchange. The payment's amount will be done in the ERC20 token symbol. In our scenario, the amount of this payment can be less or equal than the amount of the ERC20 tokens sent by Party A to the AMC.
  1. Finishing the migration request on the AMC
  • It completes the migration request (using the completeMigration function of the AMTC calling the completedMigrationRequest on the AMC) by sending data to terminate the migration by updating data on the AMC for the already processed migration identifier. It increments the total number of the completed migrations and set the current one to a completed state.


  1. Reading a new withdrawal request
  • It waits for a new withdrawal request, here from Party B. It is calling the readData to read the data from the AMC. When the totalWithdrawalRequests on the AMC is incremented, this means a new withdrawal request has been sent to the AMC from a party running an instance of the AMTC or calling the withdrawAssetsRequest function of the AMC.
  1. Reading the withdrawal amount
  • It reads from the AMC the withdrawal amount Y requested and the XRP address of the user which had performed this withdrawal request. In our scenario, this user is Party B.
  1. Creation of a Trustline object to Party B
  • The Oracle creates a Trustline object to Party B on the XRP Ledger (createTrustlineTransaction on the AMTC). The limit of the trustline must support the payment's amount Y Party B will have to do to the Oracle on the XRP Ledger, before the Oracle performs a transaction on the Ethereum Ledger from the AMC to Party B's Ethereum address of an equal amount Y of ERC20 tokens.
  1. Update data control on the AMC
  • The Oracle adds the transaction hash of the trustline to Party B on the AMC. This transaction hash will be read, along with the transaction hash of the payment from Party A to Party B, by Party B to let it perform the payment to the Oracle on the XRP Ledger.
  1. Waiting for a payment from Party B
  • It reads the payment transaction hash performed by Party B to the Oracle on the XRP Ledger. It is calling the endpoint readData on the getWithdrawalOtherLedgerTxID AMC's function to check if the transaction has been set on the AMC.
  1. Complete the withdrawal request
  • When the payment from Party B is done, it completes the withdrawal request (completeWithdrawal) by updating datas (the state of the current withdrawal set to completed and incrementes the total number of the completed withdrawal requests) on the AMC to terminate the processed withdrawal request. At that step, having the signature, the public key and the message, the Oracle verifies that the signature is valid i.e, the hashed message has been signed by the key pair private key of the stored public key. The Oracle performs then a request to the AMTC (completeWithdrawal which is calling the function completeWithdrawalRequest on the AMC) that unlocks the ERC20 tokens amount Y from the AMC to Party B's address on the Ethereum Ledger. Unlocking the tokens by the AMC is done by implementing the transfer ERC20 solidity method in the complete withdrawal call.

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PARTY B: Withdrawal of ERC20 Tokens from XRP Ledger to Ethereum Ledger


  1. Waiting for a migration request to be completed
  • It waits for a migration request to be finished. It is calling the readData to read the data from the AMC. When the completedMigrations variable on the AMC is incremented, this means a migration has been completed by the Oracle.


  1. Creation of a Trustline object to the Oracle
  • Party B creates a Trustline object to the Party A on the XRP Ledger (createTrustlineTransaction on the AMTC). The limit of the trustline must support the payment's amount Y Party B will have to do to the Oracle on the XRP Ledger, before the Oracle performs a transaction on the Ethereum Ledger from the AMC to Party B's Ethereum address of an equal amount Y of ERC20 tokens.
  1. ERC20 Token asset withdrawal request
  • It performs a withdrawal request calling the AMC (withdrawERC20AssetsToUnlock on the AMTC calling the withdrawAssetsRequest on the AMC). In addition to the usual datas necessary to perform the withdrawal (ledger, address, assets amount...) to be send to control the withdrawal flows of transactions, the XRP public key of Party B is sent along with a signed hashed message by Party B's private key. This signature will be verified later on by the Oracle when it transfers the ERC20 tokens from the AMC to Party B's Ethereum address. This verification is done to be certain that the user requesting for a withdrawal is the owner of the XRP account (account means the address on the XRP Ledger).
  1. Reading data control updates on the AMC
  • It waits for the creation of a Trustline object from the Oracle and for the payment from Party A. It uses the readData endpoint on getWithdrawalOracleTrustlineTxID and getWithdrawalOtherLedgerIncomeTxID AMC's functions to read respectively from the AMC the Trustline transaction hash of the Oracle and the payment transaction hash from Party A.
  1. Payment to the Oracle
  • When both transaction data hashes (Oracle's trustline and Party A's payment) are set on the AMC, Party B performs then a payment to the Oracle (makeIssuedCurrencyPayment on the AMTC) on the XRP Ledger using the Trustline that the Oracle has created to Party B. Party B will get in return the same amount of ERC20 tokens from the AMC. That transaction on the Ethereum Ledger will be performed by the Oracle after receiving Party B's payment on the XRP Ledger.
  1. Update data control on the AMC
  • Party B sets the transaction hash of the payment done to the Oracle on the AMC. This transaction hash will be read by the Oracle to let it perform the ERC20 tokens transfer from the AMC to Party B's Ethereum address on the Ethereum Ledger.

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