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mirador-compare-plugin is a Mirador 3 plugin that adds functions to compare annotations.

🌐 Website

Visit the demo page to try it out.

📖 Data

Prepare a JSON file with following annotations.

  "annotations": [
        "body": {
            "type": "TextualBody",
            "value": "施設: 図書館"
        "id": "",
        "type": "Annotation",
        "motivation": "commenting",
        "target": ",9582,1352,1236",
        "_compare": {
            "id": "t",
            "label": "図書館"

The JSON file used on the demo site is as follows.

The _compare field is used to compare annotations. The _compare field has the following fields.

Field Description
id Common ID for comparing annotations.
label Label for comparing annotations.

📖 Installation

mirador-compare-plugin requires an instance of Mirador 3. See the Mirador wiki for examples of embedding Mirador within an application and additional information about plugins. See the live demo's index.js for an example of importing and configuring mirador-compare-plugin.


Mirador's development, design, and maintenance is driven by community needs and ongoing feedback and discussion. Join us at our regularly scheduled community calls, on IIIF slack #mirador, or the mirador-tech and iiif-discuss mailing lists. To suggest features, report bugs, and clarify usage, please submit a GitHub issue.

Cite as


The above DOI corresponds to the latest versioned release as published to Zenodo, where you will find all earlier releases. To cite mirador-compare-plugin independent of version, use, which will always redirect to the latest release.