- Bring the Njk-loader to a separate NPM-module
- Simplifying the creation of a new project
Create an app folder with the structure below or copy an example from the "examples" folder.
const Config = require('../../config');
module.exports = new Config('Webpack-Config').merge();
You can also customize configuration and expand other web package configurations:
const path = require('path');
const Config = require('../../config');
const { getEntries } = require('../../config/utils');
// env, argv from webpack
module.exports = new Config('Webpack-Config').merge((config, env, argv) => {
config.entry = {};
// get all entries from dir
getEntries('js', '.js').forEach(item => config.entry[path.basename(item, path.extname(item))] = item);
return config;
Runs a local development server, rebuilds bundles when the source files change, and live-reload in the browser.
Builds the app for production to the dist folder.
├── app/ # source
│ ├── components/ # componenets
│ │ └── component/ # component
│ │ ├── component.njk # component markup
│ │ ├── component.js # component script
│ │ └── component.styl # component styles
│ ├── pages/ # pages
│ │ └── index.njk # page markup
│ ├── icons/ # svg icons for sprite
│ ├── resources/ # static files
│ ├── js/ # js
│ │ └── app.js # main script
│ └── stylus/ # styles
│ ├── helpers/ # helpers
│ │ ├── fonts.styl # fonts
│ │ ├── normalize.styl # reset styles
│ │ ├── scaffold.styl # base styles
│ │ └── variables.styl # styl variables
│ └── app.styl # main stylus file
├── dist/ # build
│ ├── assets/ # resources
│ │ ├── fonts/ # fonts
│ │ ├── images/ # images
│ │ ├── js/ # js
│ │ └── css/ # css
│ └── index.html # page
├── data.json # data in json format
└── webpack.config.js # webpack configuration