A starter pack of JS exercises
Go to nan-academy.github.io/starter
tested on deno version 1.8.1
deno run --allow-read=. runner.js
tested on node 15.11
node runner.js
# we update the librairies with deno
# and they are commited with the codebase:
deno bundle 'https://jspm.dev/mdast-util-from-markdown@0.8.5' lib/mdast.js
deno bundle 'https://deno.land/std@0.90.0/testing/asserts.ts' lib/std.assert.js
# the style is downloaded from github page markdown
curl -s "https://nan-academy.github.io/$(curl -s https://nan-academy.github.io/starter/quests/1 | rg style.css | cut -d'"' -f 4)" > lib/style.css
Markdown and JS files must be formatted using prettier
prettier -w \
--no-semi \
--single-quote \
--trailing-comma all \
--arrow-parens always \
--prose-wrap always \
--print-width 80 \