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Repository files navigation


  1. Clone the Repo
  2. Install the shared library
  • git submodule update --init

Running the app



Building for deploying

gulp rel

(NOTE! A few changes need to be made before gulp rel will work)

Adding a new article

1) Create the article file in markdown
2) Create a page that loads your article

Every page that is created in the app/pages directory will create a page on the final site.

Sample page:

extends /app/pages/templates/article  

block configParams
    title    = "Getting Started"  //- Title Of the page
    articles = "rails"            //- The Article group
    icons    = "ruby,rails"       //- The Icons to display

block markdown
  include:md /articles/ruby/rails/
3) Create (or edit an existing) article group

Article groups define the related articles that are shown in the left hand column of article pages.


Sample Article Group File:

  # Used to show the title of the left nav
  title    : Rails
  # Used to create the breadcrumb
    - {title: ruby,  href: /ruby}
    - {title: rails, href: /ruby/rails/getting-started}
  # Articles
  articles :
    - {href: /ruby/rails/getting-started, title: Getting Started}
    - {href: /ruby/rails/connecting-a-database, title: Connecting a database}
    - {href: /ruby/rails/preparing-for-production, title: Preparing for production}
    - {href: /ruby/rails/launching-your-application, title: Launching your application}
    - title: Sub Nav Item
        - {href: '#', title: Lower Article}
        - {href: '#', title: Another}

Generating github quickstart images

We generate the github quickstart headers by launching a headless browser (phantomjs), forming the image in html and saving as a png.

  1. nanobox run gulp
  2. Edit to add the new icons you want to generate an image for to the newIcons array. Also make sure that we have svg icons for that icon.
  3. In a new terminal nanobox run
  4. Run sudo ldconfig /data/lib (in nanobox)
  5. Run coffee (in nanobox)

Adding contributors

(Currently only available for frameworks)

Sample framework landing page (jade). If you add a contributors array, contributors will be added to that framework landing page:

block jsParams
    // (...)
    contributors       = [
      {name:"tolmark12", gravatarHash:'96B5571D8A9CD5B868226A5BD527D8ED', href:""}
    @name         : Their name or username, ask which they prefer
    @twitter      : We use twitter to pull their twitter profile image (vs gravatar)
    @gravatarHash : We use gravatar to show an image, get an email connected to gravatar and generate a MD5 hash. ex :
    @href         : Link to their site, twitter profile, github profile, etc. whatever they want. We probably prefer github.