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NanoPlayer - Release History


Release Notes

With this patch version, we resolved an issue during player.setup that could cause an unhandled exception.



  • error condition during player.setup that could result in an unhandled exception


Release Notes

This version includes several improvements. Playback attempts on mobile devices failing due to visibility state hidden at load start will now result in a dedicated event 1009. This allows for clearer differentiation from other startup errors, such as network or stream issues 2003 Not enough media data received. Further we improved playback start behavior in iOS WebView apps, which require user interaction for video playback in their WebView settings. Now, if a playback attempt is rejected due to missing user interaction, the player will emit error 1005 early on, allowing the application to prompt the user for interaction more quickly. Refer to recommended settings for iOS WebView: In general find more information about error codes here:



  • playback attempts on mobile devices failing due to visibility state hidden will now result in a dedicated error event with code 1009 and message Playback failed because the player was in visibility state 'hidden' at load start.
    • allowing to distinguish from network or stream related startup errors, e.g. 2003 Not enough media data received.


  • playback start behaviour in iOS WebView apps requiring user interaction for video playback mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback
    • in case of a playback attempt rejected due to missing user interaction, the player will now emit error 1005 Playback must be initialized by user gesture. early on
    • this enables the application to handle the condition faster by asking the user to interact
    • see recommended settings for iOS WebView:


Release Notes

In this patch release we enhanced the observability of player metrics to better monitor and ensure quality of service when using the Bintu configuration.



  • observability in player metrics for quality of service in case of bintu configuration being used


Release Notes

With this release, we've implemented handling for repeated switch stream failures by introducing cooldown functionality, thereby enhancing the robustness of stream switching. Additionally, we've strengthened access to video elements, ensuring more reliable and stable functionality. Furthermore, we've resolved issues related to preventing multiple 2004 errors and event order discrepancies when a bintu stream group is not live during setup. Lastly, we've addressed a random playback error occurring when keepConnection was enabled, ensuring a smoother playback experience.



  • handling in case of repeated switch stream fails via cooldown functionality


  • hardening video element access


  • redundant 2004 error in case a bintu streamgroup is not live at setup
  • random playback error with keepConnection enabled


Release Notes

This patch release is enabling H5Live-HLS fallbacks when access to ManagedMediaSource API is denied for locally loaded webpages in iOS WKWebView.



  • H5Live-HLS fallback in case of a denied access to the ManagedMediaSource API for locally loaded webpages in iOS WKWebView


Release Notes

This patch release addresses an autoplay issue occurring when the application called player.unmute() without user interaction context. This issue could result in black frames or errors during playback start if unmuted playback was not permitted. Further we enhanced the smoothness of stream switches specifically in H5Live-HLS mode, providing a better viewing experience for users.



  • autoplay issue in case of application calling player.unmute() without user interaction context that could lead to black frames or errors during playback start if unmuted playback was not permitted


  • smoothness during stream switches in H5Live-HLS mode


Release Notes

The update addresses an issue where playback would become stuck after repeated stream switches or pause/play actions in H5Live-HLS mode on iOS devices. Specifically, the fix resolves problems encountered with H5Live-HLS fallback when using locally loaded web pages in iOS WKWebView.



  • playback stuck after repeated stream switches or pause/play in H5Live-HLS mode on iOS
    • H5Live-HLS fallback with locally loaded web pages in iOS WKWebView


Release Notes

This release comes with several improvements. We added the use of a new lean response option via the Bintu API, which improves response times. Further we improved the latency recovery during playback on desktop platforms when transitioning from a hidden to visible state, enhancing user experience. Moreover, we implemented measures to prevent buffering when quality adaptations occur in streams ingested via WebRTC, ensuring smoother streaming experiences. Additionally we improved the detection of iOS desktop mode and application of background suspension, ensuring consistent behavior across browsers and modes on iOS devices. Also we addressed a bug where stream switching failed while in a paused state with keepConnection and forcePlay options enabled, improving overall functionality and stability. We added a fix regarding the unintended fallback behavior in latency control mode fastadaptive to balancedadaptive for Safari versions 17.4 and above on MacOS Sonoma. The fallback was introduced in version 4.23.1. As a last point we enabled H5Live-HLS fallbacks when access to ManagedMediaSource API is denied for locally loaded webpages in iOS WKWebView.



  • utilizing new lean response option for configuration via bintu API for a faster response
  • faster latency recovery of playback via desktop when returning from hidden to visible state
  • prevent buffering in case of quality adaptions in streams ingested via webrtc
  • iOS desktop mode detection and application of background suspension to ensure consisent behaviour across browsers and modes on iOS
  • use H5Live-HLS fallback in case of a denied access to the ManagedMediaSource API for locally loaded webpages in iOS WKWebView


  • stream switch failing in paused state with keepConnection and forcePlay options enabled
  • remove unintended fallback for latency control mode fastadaptive to balancedadaptive for Safari 17.4+ on MacOS Sonoma (introduced in 4.23.1)

Please find more about the latency control modes feature in our documentation


Release Notes

In this latest release, we're exited to introduce enhanced playback support through the Managed Media Source API (MMSE) for iOS 17.1 and above. By default, this feature provides an upgraded media playback experience in line with desktop and Android platforms, resulting in improved latency, faster start-up times, and an overall enhanced user experience. In the event that MMSE API is unsupported or disabled, H5live-HLS will seamlessly take over on iOS.

Moreover, we've expanded support for the latency control mode balancedadaptive across all iOS versions. This empowers users to achieve lower latency while ensuring a smooth playback experience on iOS devices. For more detailed information, refer to our comprehensive feature description in the documentation.

Additionally, this version includes a general enhancement to buffer and latency control for H5live-HLS playback on iOS. These improvements contribute to an even more refined and optimized playback experience.



  • support for playback via Managed Media Source API (MMSE) on iOS 17.1 and higher
    • media playback workflow similar to desktop and Android
    • replacing h5live-HLS
    • improving: latency, start-up time, general UX
  • support for playback with latency control mode balancedadaptive on iOS (all versions)
    • configuration fallback from fastadaptive to balancedadaptive mode
    • improving: latency (control)


  • buffer and latency control on iOS (all versions)
    • workflow similar to desktop and Android


  • false positive warning event related to switch.method configuration on iOS
  • reconnect behaviour in keepConnection mode
  • adaptive bitrate control after error recovery on iOS
  • redundant adaptive bitrate control down step attempts

Please find more about the fast playback start feature in our documentation


Release Notes

This version is improving the detection of supported browsers for iOS WebView apps with customized user agent strings.



  • detection of supported browsers for iOS WebView apps with customized user agent strings


Release Notes

This release introduces crucial improvements and fixes to elevate your streaming experience. We have addressed issues that had impacted playback on iOS devices, ensuring a smoother experience across various scenarios. This update focuses on improving playback latencies, stream switch buffering on iOS, fullscreen layout issues, and occasional exceptions during player destruction on iOS.



  • preventing higher playback latencies of some webrtc ingest streams that show frequent resolution adaptions


  • randomly occurring issue that could lead to repeated buffering after stream switches on iOS
  • fullscreen layout issue after entering fullscreen mode more than one time
    • affected screens with display ratios higher/wider than the player including mobile landscape orientation
    • the bottom of the video was partially out of the display area
    • (the issue has been introduced in v4.22.0)
  • non critical exception occurring occasionally during player.destroy on iOS


Release Notes

This version fixes a rare issue that could lead to incorrect startup stats, mainly occuring if the browser or tab was not visible in LOADING state.



  • issue with incorrect startup stats in LOADING state at visibility hidden


Release Notes

This version is introducing the new Fast Start Mode feature that enhances playback start-up times with nanoStream Cloud. This cutting-edge addition allows you to significantly reduce startup times when initiating playback. Fast Start Mode can be enabled using the configuration setting config.playback.faststart. Please note that it is disabled by default, so you have full control over its activation. The unused option config.source.options.switch.fastStart has been deprecated.

Furthermore we have improved the Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) initial switch-up behavior in case of degraded network conditions. In addition, a layout issue that occured after exiting fullscreen mode in Safari 16.5 macOS has been fixed.



  • fast start mode feature for improved playback start-up times with nanoStream Cloud
    • can be enabled via boolean config.playback.faststart, disabled by default
    • fast start related values in onStreamInfo and onPlay event


  • initial ABR switch up behaviour in case of degraded network conditions


  • layout issue after exiting fullscreen mode in Safari 16.5 macOS


  • deprecated unused option config.source.options.switch.fastStart

Please find more about the media error recovery feature in our documentation


Release Notes

This release brings a range of enhancements and fixes to improve your experience. We have made adjustments to iOS buffer control to ensure best performance with iOS 17. All metrics events now include an event counter and an indication of Document.visibilityState to provide deeper insights into user interactions. Furthermore we've worked on enhancing iOS playback recovery. In case of network interruptions or degradations, the iOS playback will be recovered more smoothly. An issue has been resolved that previously led to a false positive PLAYING state on iOS during network interruptions. This will result in more accurate playback status representation. In addition we've addressed an issue that could occasionally lead to an incomplete or empty stats object in the onPlay event.



  • iOS 17 related adjustment in iOS buffer control
  • indication of Document.visibilityState in all metrics events
  • event counter in all metrics events


  • iOS playback recovery in case of network interruptions or degradations


  • prevent false positive playing state in case of iOS network interruptions
  • issue that could cause an incomplete or empty stats object in the onPlay event


Release Notes

This version fixes an issue that occurred when attempting media error recovery immediately after a switch stream fail on iOS. The issue was introduced in version 4.20.2. Additionally, an issue related to the interactionrequired error with code 1005 on iOS has been resolved. The onStreamInfo event will now be fired correctly before the onError and onPause events. This problem was introduced with the release of version 4.20.3.

Furthermore, a minor issue regarding the automute feature at delayed play attempts without prior or direct user interaction has been fixed. The same applies to unmute attempts without user interaction during playback, that was started in muted state. These attempts will now result in muted playback or, in the case of automute being disabled, in error 1005.



  • issue in case of a media error recovery immediately after a switch stream fail
  • correct emitting of onStreamInfo in case of the error 1005 interactionrequired on iOS
  • automute behaviour at delayed play or unmute attempts without prior or direct user interaction on iOS


Release Notes

This version is fixing an issue in context of a media error occuring during an ongoing stream switch. The issue has been introduced in version 4.20.2.



  • issue in context of a media error occuring during an ongoing stream switch


Release Notes

This version is adding further improvements for error handling and automatic recovery on iOS. The improvements include detection and automatic recovery in cases of stalled video playback due to decoding issues and in cases of buffering errors that could formerly lead to playback stopping. For further informations see the feature description for media error recoveries and the errorcode definitions in the documentation.

Another improvement is related to updateSource API calls made during LOADING state. Until now, updateSource API calls made during LOADING state could run into a loading timeout, especially if initiated late in the loading phase. This will now be prevented by removing the loading timeout in case of an updateSource API call during LOADING state.

The current playback time values in onStats events are now increasing continuously without setbacks after stream switches and error recoveries on iOS to be consistent with other platforms.

Furthermore an issue related to failing rejections of unmuted autoplay on iOS has been fixed. The issue has been introduced in version 4.19.



  • detection and automatic recovery of stalled video playback due to decoding issues on iOS
    • related error: 3005 - 'An error occurred while hls playback when decoding video.'
  • detection and automatic recovery of buffering errors on iOS
    • related error: 3101 - 'An error occurred while buffering on hls playback.'
  • see errorcode definitions
  • see feature description


  • timeout handling in case of updateSource API calls during LOADING state
  • current playback time monotonically increasing after stream switches and recoveries on iOS


  • failing rejections of unmuted autoplay on iOS


Release Notes

This version is introducing improvements for error handling and automatic recovery on iOS. Playback interruptions in context of stream switches in iOS low power mode have been fixed. Furthermore robustness for fullscreen handling in multi-player use cases has been increased. The improvement for classic playback on iOS 15 to avoid buffer impacts after adjusting latency has now been applied for iOS 16 as well. This was introduced in version 4.15.0.



  • automatic error recovery during an ongoing stream switch on iOS
  • playback speed ~1.0 on iOS 16 as standard to reduce rebuffering effects after latency adjustment


  • playback interruptions in context of stream switches in iOS low power mode
  • fullscreen handling with multiple player instances
  • unreasoned configuration warnings for event handlers onServerInfo and onFullscreenChange
  • added fields id, player, version, state in onFullscreenChange event object

Please find more about the stream group configuration feature in our documentation

Please find more about secure playback with JWT in our documentation


Release Notes

This version is introducing two new features.

Utilizing the new bintu stream group feature, it is now possible to configure an entire set of ABR streams by passing only the corresponding bintu stream group id via the player source configuration. This allows a much easier configuration for ABR playback. All existing options that are part of the configuration remain unchanged.

Please find more about the stream group configuration feature in our documentation.

Furthermore, this version is adding support for the new secure playback using JSON Web Token (JWT). The new token type can contain playback permissions for one or more stream names. This way a single token can be used for all secure use cases. It can be applied with the current entries configuration and with the new group configuration.

Please find more about secure playback with JWT in our documentation.

Since this version, the nanoStream Player will not attempt to autoplay non live streams configured via bintu stream ID or bintu group ID after the setup call. Instead it will pause with reason 'sourcestreamstopped' and emit the error event 2004 with message 'The source stream has been stopped.'. This will enable the nanoStream Player to properly initialize in the setup method and allow users to reattempt playback even if the stream was not in live state at the time of the initialization.



  • stream group configuration via object
  • support for secure playback using JSON Web Token (JWT)


  • player setup with bintu stream ID or bintu group ID if the stream in not live

Please find more about the video processing feature in our documentation


Release Notes

This version is adding a new public event to the player. The event onActiveVideoElementChange is emitted when the active video element for playback has been created and if the element has been changed in case of a stream switch on iOS. The event data is providing the activeVideoElement and the complete videoElementList. Having a reference to the activeVideoElement simplifies use cases like drawing or rendering images to a canvas or saving snapshots from the video. See the api description of the event and our docs feature entry for more information.



  • new public event onActiveVideoElementChange
    • is emitted when the active video element for playback has been created and if the element has been changed in case of a stream switch on iOS
    • provides the videoElementList {Array.HTMLVideoElement} and the activeVideoElement {HTMLVideoElement} in the event data
    • see the api description


Release Notes

This version adds the possibility to set a general H5Live server domain. A domain can be applied via config.source.general.serverDomain. This can be especially useful with configurations via source.defaults or bintu.streamid. By default, these configurations are using the standard geo-load-balanced domain namest. Please find further information in our documentation regarding this feature.

In addition an issue in relation to timed out stream switches has been fixed. Previously this could lead to a temporarily inconsistent internal stream state.



  • new config parameter config.source.general.serverDomain
    • will override/modify all h5live server domains


  • internal stream state after timed out stream switches


Release Notes

This version is adding improvements for ABR playback. It implements a cooldown mechanism to control the next up-switch. Too frequent up- & down-switches will be prevented. This improves the user experience especially in case of slight but frequent buffer impacts e.g. in case of limited network ressources. Furthermore this release includes an improvement for classic playback on iOS 15 to avoid buffer impacts after adjusting latency. Also the visual switching behaviour on iOS has been improved to prevent a possible black frame effect.



  • ABR upswitch cooldown mechanism to avoid too frequent up- & down-switches in certain scenarios


  • playback speed ~1.0 on iOS 15 as standard to reduce rebuffering effects after latency adjustment
  • z-index only for video element switch on iOS to avoid black frame effect

Please find more about the latency control modes feature in our documentation


Release Notes

This release is solving issues related to the center view player controls and the layout in fullscreen mode. Previously in case the bottom control bar was disabled, the center view player control did not trigger related actions. It occured after a resize of the player e.g. upon entering the fullscreen mode or mobile device rotation. Furthermore a fullscreen layout issue has been resolved. Before, parts of the player were not being rendered inside of the display area under following circumstances: If CSS padding was set on the player div and the player's aspect ratio did not match the form factor of the screen.



  • center view player controls not triggering related actions if the bottom control bar was disabled
    • the issue occurred after a resize of the player (e.g. mobile device rotation or entering fullscreen mode)
  • potential layout issue in fullscreen mode
    • if CSS padding was set on the player div and the player's aspect ratio did not match the form factor of the screen


Release Notes

This release introduces two new latency control modes targeting especially lowest latency use cases like live auctioning. The latency control mode can be selected via the added config.playback.latencyControlMode configuration parameter. The established latency control mode is available as the 'classic' option which remains to be the default mode. In addition the new latency control modes 'balancedadaptive' and 'fastadaptive' have been added. According to the current stream and network conditions they can adjust the latency adaptively. This allows to achieve a lower latency while keeping the playback experience smooth. Please find further information in our feature description in the documentation.



  • added latency control modes and related configuration parameter
    • configuration parameter: config.playback.latencyControlMode
    • string values: 'classic', 'balancedadaptive', 'fastadaptive'


  • improved handling in case of video frames being dropped by the browser

Please find more about the source defaults feature in our documentation


Release Notes

This version includes a fix for a potential CSS layout issue in iOS fullscreen mode, that could lead to page elements unintendedly being displayed above the video layer. The issue has been introduced in version 4.13.2.



  • CSS layout issue in iOS fullscreen mode


Release Notes

This version provides an improvement for iOS metadata processing. The new mode is preventing occasionally delayed metadata on iOS and is enabled by default. To go back to legacy mode it can be disabled by setting the new parameter config.playback.metadataLowDelay to false. Also an issue with changing the metadata connection at stream switch on iOS with switch method 'client' has been solved. Further this patch includes a fix for a potential css related layout issue in iOS fullscreen mode.



  • modified metadata processing to prevent occasionally delayed metadata on iOS
    • can be disabled via new parameter config.playback.metadataLowDelay set to false
    • default: true


  • change metadata connection on iOS at stream switch with switch method 'client'
  • prevent iOS fullscreen layout issue by adding !important flag to position


Release Notes

This version includes a patch regarding the player's style.scaling configuration and updateSource. If style.scaling is set to a different value as default 'letterbox' e.g. 'crop' or 'fill' this setting will now always be preserved during an updateSource call. Before the player styling was falling back to default values after an server-side updateSource call if the new target stream name and the previous stream name were the same. Further an issue with updateSource in PAUSED state with source.options.switch.forcePlay set to false and ABR enabled is solved, preventing unintended switching in PAUSED state.



  • style.scaling with non-default value will be preserved during updateSource with server-side switch to the same stream
  • initial switch up interval with ABR configured source will be prevented from starting in PAUSED state


Release Notes

This version introduces the new source defaults feature that simplifies the source configuration by adding defaults.service to the config.source object. If a service is set, the h5live.server object and the h5live.rtmp.url in each entry can be omitted. In this case defaults will be applied internally. Values for h5live.server and/or h5live.rtmp.url that are defined explicitly in the entry have priority. The available value for defaults.service is 'bintu' for using the standard nanoStream Cloud. See our docs feature entry for more information. Furthermore this release includes improvements in preventing exceptions in case of DOM access restrictions or unreachable DOM elements. A last change is regarding the metrics module of the player. The minimum value of the metrics.statsInterval parameter has been raised to 5 seconds.



  • new config.source parameter defaults.service for simplifying configuration if the standard nanoStream Cloud is used


  • handling of DOM access restrictions or unreachable DOM elements


  • minimum value of metrics.statsInterval set from 1 to 5 seconds


Release Notes

This version is fixing a layout issue in fullscreen mode on iOS that occurred if special CSS position settings in the page are used. It could happen that the player becomes invisible at first fullscreen entering. Furthermore it is containing a minor fix related to config source params object and multi stream configuration.



  • player invisibility issue at fullscreen enter on iOS with special CSS position settings
  • config source params object usage with multi stream configuration


Release Notes

This version is adding the option to configure the minimum number steps during an ABR initialized switch down via the adaption.downStep parameter. Potential related use case are configurations containing a higher number of qualities or configurations with rather close rendition bitrates. The detection of the available buffer time has been improved for iOS in general and iOS 15 in particular. A timing related condition that could lead to buffering after a stream switch has been fixed. The start-buffer calculation in bufferDynamic mode has been fixed to prevent out of range values. Assigning null values to non mandatory configuration parameters will no longer lead to a setup error.



  • new option config.source.options.adaption.downStep
    • for ABR automatic 'deviationOfMean' and 'deviationOfMean2' only

    • allows to define the minimum number of steps during a ABR initialized down switch via the adaption object

    • if the number of remaining lower renditions is smaller than the value then the switch will be performed to the lowest rendition

    • default value is 1

    • e.g.:

      "adaption": {
          "rule": "deviationOfMean2",
          "downStep": 2


  • detection of the available buffer time for iOS in general and iOS 15 in particular
  • config warning message in case of wrong configured properties of an entry


  • timing related condition that could lead to buffering after a stream switch
  • start-buffer calculation in cooldown if bufferDynamic is enabled
    • prevent lower values than the original configured start buffer value
  • assigning null values to non mandatory configuration parameters will no longer lead to a setup error


Release Notes

This version is fixing a video layout issue on iOS that occurred in the integrated WebView of a major social media app. Furthermore it is containing a fix related to the display of the player control bar after tapping on older iOS versions 12 and lower. The issues have been introduced in version 4.10.6. Moreover an issue with poster scaling and aspect ratio changing of the player is solved.



  • validation of parameter config.source.startIndex


  • video layout issue on iOS in the integrated WebView of a major social media app
  • display of the player control bar after tapping on older iOS versions 12 and lower
  • poster scaling while aspect ratio of the player is changing


Release Notes

This version is adding improvements to the fullscreen mode in general and in particular for iOS.

The player background color can now be customized for standard and fullscreen mode separately via the new configuration parameter The default value is the standard background color

The following improvements to the fullscreen mode have been added for iOS Safari and Chrome

  • Preventing the page body from becoming visible during orientation changes and zoom gestures
  • The fullscreen background color will be applied to the notch areas present on iPhone X/11/12
  • Improved up/down swipe handling to hide/show browser address bars
  • Improved layout calculation in Chrome iOS
  • Restoring the initial page scroll position when exiting fullscreen mode
  • Player borders will be hidden in fullscreen mode



  • separate fullscreen background color parameter


  • fullscreen appearance in Safari and Chrome iOS
    • preventing the page body from becoming visible during orientation changes and zoom gestures
    • the fullscreen background color will be applied to the notch areas present on iPhone X/11/12
    • improved up/down swipe to hide/show browser address bars
    • layout calculation in Chrome iOS
    • restoring the initial page scroll position when exiting fullscreen mode
    • player borders will be hidden in fullscreen mode


  • script error in nanoplayer-multi demo page

Please find more about the media error recovery feature in our documentation


Release Notes

This version implements a fix for an issue with the control bar appearing by tapping the player's surface on iOS. The control bar didn't appear by tap in PAUSED state with keepFrame disabled.



  • control bar appearing in PAUSED state with keepFrame disabled on iOS


Release Notes

This version provides a fix for an error related to the player view. The issue occured in case of a rejected setup call or if the config.playback object was not defined in the configuration. The player view is enabled by default (



  • prevent view initialization error in case of:
    • setup call rejection with error 5xxx
    • undefined config.playback object


Release Notes

This version implements an automatic recovery workflow for certain media errors that can occure during playback. Recoverable errors are 3003, 3100 and 1008. The allowed number of recoveries within 60 seconds (default: 3) can be customized by the new config parameter playback.mediaErrorRecoveries. Further the support of the native HTMLMediaElement attribute crossOrigin is added and can be set via the new config parameter playback.crossOrigin. The values can be 'anonymous', 'use-credentials' and 'not-set' (default).

Part of this release are minor adjustments for metrics and an improvement of the Mac OS version detection. Also an issue with the interaction of the style.keepFrame and the style.poster (since 4.9.1) functionality is fixed. Now after a pause the last frame will be kept instead of displaying the poster image with keepFrame enabled.



  • automatic recovery workflow for media errors
    • recoverable error codes:
      • 3003 (media decode error)
      • 3100 (media source ended)
      • 1008 (hls playback error)
    • new config parameter (number) playback.mediaErrorRecoveries, default: 3, to set the number of max recoveries within 60 seconds
    • recoveries will be indicated by an onWarning event
    • sample warning message:
      • 'Recovering from media error 3003, recovery 1/3 within the last 60 seconds (12 total).'
    • if threshold reached the error will be thrown followed by a pause with reason 'playbackerror'
    • see playback section in config
    • see feature description
  • support of native crossOrigin attribute for HTMLMediaElements (applies to all player-internal video & image elements)
    • new config parameter (string) playback.crossOrigin, default: 'not-set'
    • sets or disables the native "crossOrigin" attribute for all internal video elements and images (poster)
    • possible values are:
      • 'anonymous'
      • 'use-credentials'
      • 'not-set' (default), if used the attribute will not be added
    • see playback section in config


  • minor adjustment for metrics
  • Mac OS version detection


  • keepFrame functionality while poster is set (Note: keepFrame is not supported on iOS)


Release Notes

This version comes with several small improvements and fixes. An infinite loop related to error code 1004 is now prevented. It occurred if play or pause was triggered before the player setup was finished. This non-critical error 1004 has been changed now to a warning. Further providing the correct Mac OS X version for player metrics has been improved and a wrong detection of unsupported Chromium browsers on Mac OS X has been fixed (introduced in 4.9.1). Also an error on iOS with the keepConnection option enabled has been fixed.

For the view a small fix for the style option related to the displayed height on mobile devices has been done.



  • change non-critical error 1004 to warning "A pause call has been ignored since the player has not been set up successfully."
  • provide correct Mac OS X version to player metrics
  • correct player height on mobile devices if set to true


  • prevent infinite loop related to error code 1004 in case of play/pause before player is ready
  • unsupported browser detection for Chromium on Mac OS X if codecs not present (introduced in 4.9.1)
  • playback starts on iOS with config.playback.keepConnection set to true


Release Notes

This version introduces a redesign of the player internal icons and control bar appearance including customizable colors and transparency. The default color scheme is providing a more modern and familiar look and feel. The symbol color can be customized via the parameter (default: "rgba(244,233,233,1)"). The control bar background color can be customized via the parameter (default: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"). The given color string can be a valid css (case insensitive) keyword, hex code with/without alpha, rgb, rgba, hsl or hsla. Example values: "white", "#ffffff", "rgba(237,125,14,0.5)". The highlighting of the clickable buttons can be disabled via The animation of the clickable buttons can be disabled via Also the cursor at button mouseover (default: "pointer") can be customized over by passing a valid css cursor keyword or url.

Furthermore support for poster images has been added. Poster images can be applied via the parameter. The string has to be a relative or absolute path to a valid "img" element source like "./assets/poster.png" or "https://[YOURDOMAIN]**/assets/poster.gif".



  • redesign of the player internal icons and control bar appearance
  • customizable icon and control bar background colors and transparency
  • customizable button behaviour
  • support for poster images


  • iOS desktop mode detection and handling in Safari and Chrome


  • setVolume method not applying the value 0/zero
  • use 'parentNode' instead of 'parentElement'


Release Notes

This version improves the compatibility of the player. The 'toLocaleTimeString' functionality was replaced to avoid potential issues with javascript polyfills.



  • remove 'toLocaleTimeString' usage


Release Notes

This version introduces a new error code. In case the media element fires an error event without a specifc error code the new player error code 3200 with the message An unspecific media error occurred. will be passed in the onError event. Furthermore a WebSocket prototype polyfill is removed completely. This finally solves a compatibility issue with connection handling with angular/zone.



  • add new error code 3200 - An unspecific media error occurred.
  • removed WebSocket prototype polyfill

Please find more about the fullscreen API feature in our documentation**


Release Notes

This version patches minor issues. One patch addresses a compatibility issue with angular zone.js. The other one improves the behaviour of internal iframe handling on iOS in case of unavailability.



  • check for WebSocket event listener manipulation, use default 'on' syntax internally
  • improved internal iframe handling on iOS in case of unavailibility


Release Notes

This version implements minor internal improvements for config validation and playback start. It also contains a fix related to playback suspension on iOS devices running Safari with activated desktop mode.

Furthermore, the default overlay controls are displayed properly on smaller screen widths.



  • config validation and playback start
  • playback suspension on iOS devices and Safari with activated desktop mode
  • display of default overlay controls on smaller screen widths


Release Notes

This version implements the fullscreen API which enables to request and exit the player's fullscreen mode. The new public event 'onFullscreenChange' indicates that the fullscreen mode has been changed.

The animations and icons in the center of the player can now be independently enabled or disabled by setting the new style.centerView config property to either true or false.



  • fullscreen API
    • new public methods: 'requestFullscreen()' , 'exitFullscreen()'
    • new public event: 'onFullscreenChange'
  • enable / disable animations and icons in the center of the player independently with style.centerView config property


Release Notes

By enabling the source.options.switch.forcePlay config property a paused playback starts after the execution of a 'switchStream' or 'updateSource' request. This obviates the need for an additional play call. To improve the overall switching behavior paused switch completion has been added, meaning a pending 'switchStream' or 'updateSource' request will be completed as the player enters the paused state. The related completion event either 'switchStreamSuccess' or 'updateSourceSuccess' will be emitted to the application level.

This version prevents an occasional CPU load issue on Firefox. To provide additional information to the client metrics the new public event 'onServerInfo' has been added. Version 4.6.1 implements an updated version of the Bintu-Client API internally.



  • paused switch completion to complete pending 'switchStream' or 'updateSource' request as player enters paused state
  • public event 'onServerInfo'


  • source.options.switch.forcePlay config property starts a paused playback after 'switchStream' or 'updateSource' request execution
  • prevent an occasional CPU load issue on Firefox
  • implement updated version of Bintu-Client API


Release Notes

This version contains improvements for stream swiching, buffering metrics validation and connection flags.



  • stability of general stream switching
  • validation of buffering metrics
  • connection flags setting


Release Notes

This version contains a minor internal metrics adjustment.



  • minor metrics adjustment


Release Notes

This version implements seamless ABR and stream switching for iOS and iPadOS devices which works with 2 video elements internally. In special use cases where external video elements are used for playback an array of maximal two external video element IDs can be provided via the playback.videoId config property. Important note: On iOS devices the default z-index of the video layer had to be changed from 0 to 1. In case of using custom controls or overlays please make sure to use a z-index > 1.

The new ABR mode, adaption rule, 'deviationOfMean2' has been added. The new rule is slightly less strict and especially recommended for streams that are already more volatile on the source/ingest side.

This version adjusts the default timeout for the update source request to 20 seconds to improve the overall switching behavior.

The style.displayMutedAutoplay config property is re-enabled which shows a muted audio symbol in case of muted autoplay. The style.displayMutedAutoplay option can be disabled to maintain the recent behaviour. The handling of mute states and autoplay has been improved.



  • seamless ABR and stream switching for iOS and iPadOS devices
  • new adaption rule 'deviationOfMean2'


  • iOS & iPadOS seamless stream switching needs 2 video elements internally. So for special use cases where existing video tags need to be used for playback an array of maximal two element Ids can be provided via the playback.videoId config property (NOT mandatory)
    • if 0 Ids are provided 2 video elements will be created internally
    • if 1 Id is provided the other video element will be created internally
  • set the default timeout for the update source request to 20 seconds to improve the overall switching behavior
    • can be configured via the source.options.switch.timeout config property (we advise to use default value)
  • re-enabled style.displayMutedAutoplay config property to show a muted audio symbol in case of muted autoplay
  • handling of mute states and autoplay


Release Notes

This version introduces the 'setAdaption' API to switch between adaption rules (ex. enable/disable ABR). Furthermore, this version implements optimizations for the ABR feature and minor internal, config and metrics adjustments. Additionally, this version prevents non-critical console errors during initialization and fixes a timeout error during client-side switchStream/updateSource.

Please find more about setAdaption API here.



  • 'setAdaption' API:
  • use to switch between adaption rules (ex. enable/disable ABR)


  • ABR:
  • initial switch up for oscillating source streams
  • handle continuous buffering events
  • config:
  • adjust switchStream event registration
  • enable bintu multi-stream configuration
  • minor metrics improvement
  • prevent non-critical console errors during initialization in 'hidden' state


  • timeout error during client-side switchStream/updateSource


Release Notes

This version handles the usage of metrics with the old deprecated single stream configuration over 'config.source.h5live'.

See here for detailed information about the new stream configuration.



  • handle deprecated 'config.source.h5live' notation for correct metrics


Release Notes

This version removes a warning in case only a single stream is configured.



  • remove adaption rule warning if only one entry configured


Release Notes

This version handles a timestamp offset caused by stream switching to make correct time operations.



  • note timestamp offset after stream switch


Release Notes

This version comes with further ABR and internal improvements and also corrects switch related parts.



  • ABR suggestion performance
  • overall internal optimizations


  • always set new connection when updating source with new server
  • correct error object on initialization error when updating source


Release Notes

This version communicates additional switchStream and updateSource API related data to the metrics service. Furthermore, the ABR prediction cycle is improved to reduce load.



  • additional switchStream and updateSource API event data to metrics
  • optimize ABR prediction cycle


Release Notes

This version implements the communication of switchStream and updateSource API events and data to the metrics service. In addition the internal 'streamInfo' event flow is improved and detailed stream information propagated through the event object.

Please find more about the stream switching & ABR feature in our documentation.



  • communication of switchStream and updateSource API events and data to metrics service


  • internal 'streamInfo' event flow optimized
  • propagate additional stream information with 'streamInfo' event


Release Notes

This version contains a fix for an buffering state error on iOS if static buffer tweaks are set. Now higher 'min' values doesn't lead into unrecoverable buffering.



  • handle higher buffer tweak 'min' values in buffercontrol


Release Notes

This version implements a fix for an ‘Unhandled Promise Rejection’ error on iOS in the context of play/pause and updateSource/switchStream interactions. Furthermore, this version fixes a bug on MacOSX Mojave during buffer underrun where the playing state is not changed to ‘buffering’ which then breaks the playback.



  • ‘Unhandled Promise Rejection’ error on iOS during play/pause and updateSource/switchStream interactions
  • correctly detecting buffer underrun for MacOSX Mojave bug


Release Notes

This version implements a fix to support the regular config as well as an adaptive config to setup the player.



  • config assemble during player setup


Release Notes

This version implements fixes to support the initial switchUp on iOS devices.



  • handle pause reason 'playbackrestart' differently to fix initial switchUp on iOS
  • set prediction block during initial switchUp


Release Notes

This version introduces adaptive bitrate (ABR) playback where the player switches between a set of streams with different qualities to accommodate challenging network situations and avoid buffering and frame drops. A set of stream sources (entries) is expected inside the 'entries' array of the config's 'source' object. Each entry represents an indexed quality step starting with the highest quality at index 0. The 'startIndex' property sets the entry that should be used for inializing the playback. The config's 'source' object now holds an 'options' object to set the ABR 'rule' (algorithm) inside the 'adaption' object and the switch options inside the 'switch' object. To manually switch between entries the new 'switchStream' API is used which comes along with 4 new public events and error codes.

Please find more about the stream switching & ABR feature in our documentation.



  • config object:
    • entries: keeps a set of indexed stream sources which represent a quality step
    • options:
      • adaption: set ABR rule
      • switch: set switch settings
    • startIndex: sets the entry used for inializing the playback
  • 'switchStream' API:
    • use to switch between entries
    • new public events: 'onSwitchStreamInit', 'onSwitchStreamSuccess', 'onSwitchStreamAbort' and 'onSwitchStreamFail'
    • new error code:
      • 1010: in case an invalid entry index is given as parameter over 'switchStream'
  • 'updateSource' API:
    • use to set a new source (ex. with different entries, adaption/switch options)
    • the updateSource method now uses the switch options set inside the config's source object instead of the parameters supplied via the method call


Release Notes

This version contains an improvement of the buffer state detection on Mac OS X Mojave and iOS. Non critical ‘Unhandled Promise Rejection’ logs on iOS during play/pause interactions are now being prevented.



  • Buffer state detection on Mac OS X Mojave and iOS
  • Preventing non critical ‘Unhandled Promise Rejection’ logs on iOS during play/pause interactions


Release Notes

This version patches an issue with iOS 10 playing state detection and the buffer control for hls playback in general. Now playback stats will be correctly used for hls playback to indicate PLAYING and to control the buffer. This issue was introduced with the major player version 4 and doesn't effect older major versions (3 or less). Also a duplicated module declaration is removed to ensure stable builds and a small scope issue is fixed.



  • iOS 10 playing state detection and buffer control for hls in general by correct registering play stats event in buffercontrol
  • removed duplicated module declaration in mediasourcemanger
  • correct scope issue in onUpdateSourceInit in h5live.js


Release Notes

This version contains an improvement for the detection of supported browser types and versions. It furthermore contains an improvement for playback in iPadOS desktop browsing mode, to correctly detect H5Live MSE or LL-HLS modes for playback.



  • improved supported browser version detection
  • improved playback in desktop browsing mode on iPadOS
  • changes applied from 3.18.6/3.18.7


Release Notes


The new nanoStream H5Live Player version 4 brings an updated stream switch feature. We improved the old 'updateSource' functionality by the possibility to switch to another stream by server-side switch and a better client-side switch. Now the switch to another source is much more smoother and faster. The old behaviour with stopping the player by reason 'playbackrestart' and restart playback with the new source is removed except for iOS.

Please find more about the new feature in our documentation.



  • new 'updateSource' methods 'server' and 'client' for smoother and faster behaviour
  • 'updateSource' options object as param
  • new public events 'onUpdateSourceInit', 'onUpdateSourceInit', 'onUpdateSourceFail' and 'onUpdateSourceAbort'
  • new error codes 4005 and 4006


  • pause/play update behaviour except for iOS


Release Notes

This version contains an improvement for the detection of supported browser types and versions.



  • improved detection of supported browser types and versions


Release Notes

This version contains an improvement for playback in iPadOS desktop browsing mode, to correctly detect H5Live MSE or LL-HLS modes for playback.



  • improved playback in desktop browsing mode on iPadOS


Release Notes

This version patches the usage of the 'params' object of the config source object. Now it isn't necessary to pass 'url' & 'stream' if no 'source.h5live.rtmp' object is present.



  • remove check for rtmp queries 'url' & 'stream' in 'params' object of the source config


Release Notes

This version fixes a small bug with buffer config validation.



  • use 'hasOwnProperty' in buffer config validation


Release Notes

This version brings an improvement for the playback stability under higher cpu/gpu load influence like heavy load in browsers caused by complex WebGL animations.



  • optimized playback stability in case of high general cpu/gpu load


Release Notes

This release is adding two configuration options to the section. style.backgroundColor allows custom background colors via the config. style.fullScreenControl allows to show/hide the full-screen button in the inline player controls.



  • new config parameter 'style.backgroundColor' to enable custom background colors in the player div
  • new config parameter 'style.fullScreenControl' to show or hide the full-screen button in the inline player controls = 'black' = true


  • browser version detection for Safari macOS


Release Notes

This release brings the possibility to allow H5Live low latency HLS playback as fallback for Safari on Mac OS X. If enabled the player will decide for Safari Mac OS X the playback method and utilize H5Live low latency HLS if appropriate. Another feature is that we added the quality stats to the metrics stats event. Also several little patches are included in this release. Now for bintu sources without explicit 'h5live' playout object in the response the rtmp object will be choosen and a missing server object in the h5live config will be catched. An 'undefined' error at destroy is fixed too. Now also playback will always be recovered on Edge if frames are dropped and the player is visible.



  • new config parameter 'playback.allowSafariHlsFallback' to enable selecting the playback method in Safari Mac OS X and utilize H5Live low latency HLS if appropriate (default:false)
config.playback.allowSafariHlsFallback = true
  • send quality values in metrics stats event


  • use bintu rtmp playout object in case h5live rtmp object isn't defined
  • catch missing server object in config
  • fix 'undefined' error at destroy
  • always recover playback on Edge at frame dropping if player is visible


Release Notes

This release improves and stabilizes the metrics play event stats collection, the playback stats collection and the general metrics event error handling. There are some checks added to avoid playback interupts in case of metrics collection errors. Further the stats object in the flash fallback is updated with all possible properties. Before this resulted in an error at metrics collection.



  • catch errors in metrics module
  • check play event stats and playback stats in metrics module for consistancy


  • update stats object for flash fallback with all possible properties


Release Notes

This release contains several patches. One patch fixes a potential problem with autoplay policies regarding the play promise implementation of certain browsers. The main problem were side effects with the promise wrapper of the player and some third party libs which manipulate promises. In this cases the promise always resolved, also in case of an play start error. Another patch addresses a bug in Microsoft Edge 18. We removed the 'MediaSource.isTypeSupported' check for all Edge versions because of an inconsistancy in Edge 18. Further a bug in the 'updateSource' function for iOS is fixed. Also now the full screen icon on Chrome changes correctly.



  • change media play promise wrapping to avoid side effects of promise manipulating third party libs
  • remove 'MediaSource.isTypeSupported' check for all Microsoft Edge versions
  • fix 'type undefined' error in 'updateSource' for iOS
  • fix full screen icon change on Chrome


Release Notes

This release patches an issue with metrics fields type. Now the fields 'accountId', 'accountKey', 'userId', 'eventId', and 'customField1' - 'customField10' must be of type String. If one of the mentioned fields has a different type, it will be silently converted to String.



  • convert metrics fields to String, if necessary


Release Notes

With this release comes a new feature. We added new error codes and pause reasons. The errors that can occure during 'loading', 'buffering' and 'playing' state are now more specific regarding the root cause. We added the error code 1009 for playback fail in case of visibility hidden e.g. open a link as unfocused tab (ctrl + click). In this case the pause reason is 'visibilityhidden'. Further not only error 2001 'stream not found' can happen with the loading timeout. If the stream was already connected and the stream info event was fired but not enough data was received the new error code 2003 will be fired. The new pause reason in this case is 'notenoughdata'. Another new error code is 2004 that will be fired if the source stream has been stopped. This can happen during 'loading', 'buffering' and 'playing' state and results in a pause with reason 'sourcestreamstopped'. The last new error is 3100, a media error, that will be fired if the media source extension (exclude iOS) changes it's state to 'ended'. The pause reason is 'playbackerror'. For further informations see the definitions for 'errorcode' ( and 'pausereason' ( In addition we improved the h5live support detection and fixed with the behaviour on error code 3003 (MEDIA_DECODE_ERROR). Now the player don't try to replay automatically.



  • new error codes:
    • 1009: Playback failed because the player was in visibility state 'hidden' at load start.
    • 2003: Not enough media data received. The stream was already connected and the stream info event was fired.
    • 2004: The source stream has been stopped.
    • 3100: The media source extension changed the state to 'ended'. NOT AVAILABLE FOR IOS.
  • new pause reasons:
    • 'visibilityhidden': Paused because the player was not visible at load start.
    • 'notenoughdata': Paused by loading timeout. The stream was alive and connected but not enough data was received to start playback.
    • 'sourcestreamstopped': Paused because the source stream has been stopped.


  • h5live support detection


  • don't restart on error code 3003 MEDIA_DECODE_ERROR


Release Notes

This release introduces new features and several patches. Now it's possible to configure playback timeouts via the new 'config.playback.timeouts' object. You can set timeouts for 'loading' and 'buffering' in a range of 10-60 seconds (default: 20) and for 'connecting' in a range of 5-30 seconds (default: 5). If the timeouts are reached, an error will be thrown and the player stops. Another feature addresses the metrics. Now also the 'LOADING' event will be sent. Furthermore if the player restarts in case of 'updateSource' while in playing state the pause event will be triggered with the new pause reason 'playbackrestart' before the replay attempt. The new version includes patches for the full screen functionality in general and for Internet Explorer (IE) in special. General the full screen icon changes now if exited by ESC and for IE the size is now correctly measured. Another patch fixes the volume change by the controls in IE. Two patches address the bintu service. The first one fixes a bug if the view is disabled and the bintu stream is not live or the services rejects. Now no view will be created in case of an bintu error. The other one enables to use 'updateSource' with a bintu source. In general now within the 'updateSource' promise the error handling is improved too. Further there are patches for displaying muted autoplay correctly and hiding the playbutton in the middle if switching streams using 'updateSource' while playing.



  • new object 'config.playback.timeouts' to configure the timeouts for 'loading', 'buffering' and 'connecting' in seconds
config.playback.timeouts = {
    loading: 20,
    buffering: 20,
    connecting: 5
  • the LOADING event will be sent through metrics
  • new pause reason 'playbackrestart' in case of a pause for update source in playing state
  • updateSource error handling


  • full screen icon change if exited via ESC
  • IE full screen sizing
  • IE volume change via view controls
  • hide view in case of bintu setup error if disabled via ''
  • enable using a bintu source with 'updateSource'
  • hide middle playbutton in case of a playback restart via 'updateSource'
  • display muted autoplay icon till first 'unmute'


Release Notes

This version addresses an issue with the full screen functionality on iOS Safari. The player now can go full screen within nested iframes. NOTE: The iframe(s) must have the attribute 'allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen|true"]**' or just 'allowfullscreen'. Another issue adressed is the handling of stable playback after viewport lost on IE/Edge. Here the detection is improved to prevent misbehaviour in case of not related framedropping.



  • enable full screen on iOS within nested iframe(s)
  • detection of IE/Edge viewport issue for stable playback


Release Notes

This release patches an issue with the config handling. Now a copy of the config will be used for the setup instead of pointer.



  • use only a copy of passed config object for setup


Release Notes

This release patches an issue with bintu sources. Now after a successful bintu call the parsed rtmp config will be passed correctly. This issue was introduced in version 3.15.3.



  • pass rtmp settings correctly in modified config object if bintu source is used


Release Notes

With this release come new features and some patches. One feature is about firing 'onError' with new error codes in case of a setup error. See the docs for more information ( Also a warnings will be fired if config properties are not valid or from wrong type. The other introduces a new metrics api which enables internal event logging and data aggregation with a nanocosmos backend. Please contact our sales team ( for more information and see './js/nanoplayer-metrics-config.js' in the 'Demo Package'. This release also includes patches for IE/Edge regarding play stats and stable playback after viewport lost. Now also 'Windows 10' will be detected correctly and on 'Destroy' pause will be fired only if playing.



  • fire 'onError' if an error occure during setup
    • new error codes:
      • 5001: An exception was thrown during setup.
      • 5002: A forced tech is not supported by your browser.
      • 5003: The players source configuration is malformed or missing.
      • 5004: This browser does not fully support HTML5 and H5Live. Supported are: Chrome >=54 (Windows, MacOSX, Android), Firefox >=48 (Windows, MacOSX, Android), Microsoft Edge (Windows), Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (at least Windows 8), Safari (MacOSX & at least iOS 10).
      • 5005: Configuration error. Could not create player, the rtmp configuration is missing or incomplete. Add an rtmp url and streamname to the configuration.
      • 5006: Configuration error. Could not create player, with this configuration an security token is required. Add an token to the configuration.
      • 5007: Configuration error. Could not create player, the websocket server configuration is missing.
      • 5008: Configuration error. Could not create player, the hls server configuration is missing.
      • 5009: Configuration error. Could not create player, the websocket server configuration for metadata is missing.
      • 5010: Could not embed player.
      • 5101: Could not find bintu stream. The stream is not live.
      • 5102: No bintu stream id passed.
      • 5103: Bintu service rejected.
      • 5201: Metrics configuration error. No metrics config object passed.
      • 5202: Metrics configuration error. Metrics config is not from type 'object'.
      • 5203: Metrics configuration error. Metrics config is empty.
      • 5204: Metrics configuration error. A custom property has no valid index number, the range is 1 to 10 e.g.'customField1'.
      • 5205: Metrics configuration error. A custom property is not indexed correctly, the range is 1 to 10 e.g.'customField1'.
      • 5206: Metrics configuration error. A custom property has an index out of range, the range is 1 to 10 e.g.'customField1'.
      • 5207: Metrics configuration error. A property is not valid.
      • 5208: Metrics configuration error. No credentials passed.
    • this codes will also be passed as property 'code' in the reject error object
    • see
  • fire 'onWarning' if a config property is not valid or from wrong type
  • added a new metrics api
config.metrics = {
    accountId: 'myId',
    accountKey: 'sdfhe457zsjhnrtzd8',
    userId: 'myUserId',
    eventId: 'myEventId',
    statsInterval: 10,
    customField1: 'custom',
    customField2: 42,
    customField3: true


  • stable resume playback on IE/edge if video was out of viewport
  • calculate play stats on every 'play' for IE/Edge
  • detect Windows 10
  • pause on 'Destroy' only if playing


Release Notes

This version comes with some new features. The first one addresses the public 'onPlay' event. Now some startup stats will be passed in the event object. These values represent the different states during startup from 'connecting', 'connected', 'firstFragmentReceived', 'firstFrameRendered', 'playable' and at least 'playing', the total startup time. The second feature is the new public event 'onDestroy'. This event is fired when the player is destroyed. In relation to that new feature we introduced the new pause reason 'destroy'. If the player is playing on destroy, the player will be paused with this new reason.



    "stats": {
        "connecting": 0,
        "connected": 267,
        "firstFragmentReceived": 1865,
        "firstFrameRendered": 2028,
        "playable": 2029,
        "playing": 2448
  • new public event 'onDestroy'


Release Notes

This version improves the demo page. One part is to use 'updateSource' for bintu multistream functionality.



  • clean up demo ui
  • use 'updateSource' for bintu multistream switch
  • update player only if streams changed


Release Notes

This version addresses an issue with mimetype changes on 'updateSource'. Now it can be switched between different mimetypes e.g. video/audio and video only.



  • enable format (mimetype) changes for 'updateSource', e.g. switch between v/a and video only


Release Notes

This version brings a new feature. Now it's possible to change the source without call setup again. The new feature is available over the new public function 'player.updateSource', which is a Promise.



player.updateSource(source).then(function (config) {
    console.log('update source ok with config: ' + JSON.stringify(config));
}, function (error) {


Release Notes

This version corrects two small issues. The playback wasn't stopped on iOS on tab change. Now on every 'focus lost' on mobile devices the playback will be paused with reason 'playbacksuspended'. The second fix addresses the 'playback started' detection on iOS.



  • pause with reason 'playbacksuspended' if focus lost during tab change on iOS
  • playback started detection on iOS


Release Notes

In this version an issue with the loading icon is handled. The loading icon didn't disappear on play of video only streams. The issue was introduced with the previous version and only affected video only streams.



  • hide loading icon on play for video only streams


Release Notes

One part of this release addresses the correct indication of an audio symbol in case of muted autoplay or audio only. The second issue that is adressed handles the muted state on reset after an unsuccessful (denied) muted autoplay (automuted) on iOS. The last improvement is related to the behaviour in case of multiple destroy calls.



  • display audio symbol correct in case of audio only and muted autoplay
  • fire unmute on iOS on reset after not allowed muted autoplay (automuted)
  • fix destroy functionality if called multiple times in uninitialized state


Release Notes

This version fixes the default value of the new config option 'playback.automute'. It is disabled by default.



  • set 'config.playback.automute' to 'false' by default


Release Notes

This version fixes an issue related to repeated setup calls without destroy calls in between. Now during the setup call a destroy/clean up will be performed internally if required.



  • destroy player at begining of setup call
  • clean destroy


Release Notes

This version brings a new feature for autoplay. There is a new option 'config.playback.automute' (disabled by default) which enables muted autoplay on browsers with autoplay policies. In case the play call is rejected by a policy the player will be muted to autoplay. Another feature is the option '' (enabled by default) which shows a muted symbol if playback was started with autoplay and muted. There is also a small fix for detecting playing state on iOS.



  • enable auto muted playback with autoplay set in case of browser autoplay policy restriction
    • can be set via 'config.playback.automute', default: false
  • enable displaying a muted symbol on muted autoplay
    • can be set via '', default: true


  • playing state detection on iOS


Release Notes

This version introduces a new event 'onStreamInfoUpdate' to indicate stream format changes. The event object is the same like in 'onStreamInfo' with the changed values



  • new h5live event 'onStreamInfoUpdate' to indicate stream format changes


Release Notes

This version fixes a small bug with building the capabilities array.



  • capabilities array


Release Notes

This version fixes a small bug with es6 syntax.



  • remove es6 syntax


Release Notes

This version improves the config handling and enables setting rtmp values over the params object.



  • enable rtmp settings over 'config.source.h5live.params' without the 'config.source.h5live.rtmp' object
  • config handling


Release Notes

This version brings a new config option. It's now possible to add custom query params to the connection string. For this there is the new object 'config.source.h5live.params'. Parameters can be added as key/value pair e.g.:

config.source.h5live.params = {
    'url': 'rtmp://',
    'stream': 'dtHSa-aEWRT',
    'custom_param': 'very_custom'

In this example we pass directly the rtmp settings, 'url' and 'stream'. If a 'config.source.h5live.rtmp' object is declared, it will be overwritten. This will result for websocket in a connection string like this:


This version also contains fixes for a wrong buffering state detection on iOS and one for the view. In the view now a configured 'scaling' mode will be keeped over the whole lifetime of the player.



  • new h5live source object 'params' to pass custom comnnection query parameters
    • can be added as key/value pairs
config.source.h5live.params = {
    'url': 'rtmp://',
    'stream': 'dtHSa-aEWRT',
    'custom_param': 'very_custom'


  • buffering state detection on iOS
  • keep scaling mode at players lifetime


Release Notes

This version fixes a bug for secured playback on iOS. In case of an error the pause reason now will be correct.



  • correct pause reason for secured streams on iOS


Release Notes

This version brings several improvements and some fixes. Improvements are a better error message in case of an unsupported browser and the re-enabeling of buffer increase automation in case of significant frame dropping in Firefox to reach stable playback. Fixed are occasionally stream start problems in Firefox with streams encoded by the Open Broadcaster Software Studio and a wrong object path of the quality object as part of the stats event object.



  • optimize setup error message in case that no supported tech is found
  • re-enable buffer increase automation for Firefox in case of frame drop


  • occasionally start problems in Firefox with streams encoded by the OBS (Open Broadcaster Software Studio)
  • fix path of the quality object in the stats event object


Release Notes

This version fixes a bug for Microsoft IE and Edge. Now connection errors will be parsed correctly.



  • correct connection error codes for Microsoft IE and Edge


Release Notes

This version fixes a bug in Safari Mac OS X. Now black blinking on startup will be prevented.



  • prevent black blinking at playback start for Safari Mac OS X


Release Notes

This version brings a new security option. It's now possible to secure streams and play them back savely with the NanoPlayer. After a stream is marked as secured, it's only possible to playback by giving the credentials via ''. New errors will thrown if the token is invalid/mismatching (4901), the service is rejected (4900), the credentials are incomplete or expired (4903) and the service is not found (4904).



  • enable stream security for h5live playback
    • for playback of secured nanostream cloud streams
    • can be set via the '' object (see doc for further info)
    • new error codes:
      • 4900: The security service has been rejected due an internal server error.
      • 4901: The security service denied access. The authentication token is invalid.
      • 4903: The security service denied access. The url is expired or a token parameter is missing (expires, token, or options).
      • 4904: The security service can not be found.
security: {
    token: 'ewr6tzv345zw4z7ezuw4cf3c', // The security service token.
    expires: '1519819200', // The time the token expires (system time).
    options: '15', // The security options.
    tag: 'anyTag' // The custom tag to decrypt the token.


Release Notes

This version brings a new feature and several patches. We now enable adaptive buffer handling. This can be enabled by setting the new 'config.tweaks.buffewrDynamic'. In case of short time bufferings the buffer will be stabilized. If stable playback is reached after a defined cooldown time, it will be tried to decrease the buffer till the original values. Please see documentation for further informations. The patches bring improvements for Microsoft Edge / IE and iOS. Also network related fixes are included.



  • enable adaptive buffer handling (iOS already has one)
    • can be set via the 'config.tweaks.bufferDynamic' object (see doc for further info)
    • disabled if no object is passed
    • detect multiple bufferings and increase buffer if necessary
    • if stable playback is detected a stepwise cooldown will be processed
bufferDynamic: {
    offsetThreshold: 2, //  The threshold time between two bufferings in seconds. If the measured value is lower, the buffer will be increased by offsetStep.
    offsetStep: 0.5, // The step to increase in seconds. Also the step to decrease in cooldown.
    cooldownTime: 10 // The time to check stable playback. If stable playback is detected, the buffer values will be decreased till original buffer values are reached.


  • reconnectable network error handling
  • buffer issue with Microsoft Surface
  • handle unexpected time jumps for hls
  • proper resuming on Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer
  • only handle gaps in case playback is frozen
  • random access point handling for Microsoft Edge
  • try restart on media decode error only
  • hls stats collecting and buffer controlling


Release Notes

This version patches a bug. It fixes a loading timeout on second play call.



  • fix loading timeout on second play call


Release Notes

This version patches a bug on iOS. It fixes the pausing in the case that the player losts it's focus.



  • pausing on lost focus for iOS


Release Notes

This version brings new features. A new member variable is added, ''. Its a unique string of 11 characters to identify the player instance. Additionally this player id will be passed through the event object of all public events as ''. Now the player version will be passed as 'event.version' too. In the stream info event additionally the stream url will be passed as ''.



  • new player member variable '', a unique string created on instantiation
  • pass 'id' and 'version' of the player through every event as '' and 'evt.version'
  • add the complete stream url as 'url' to the stream info event object ('')


  • fire pause normal only once


Release Notes

This version contains a patch for the reconnection functionality. A reconnect will be done after a calculated delay.



  • fix start reconnect after given delay


Release Notes

This version contains patches for mobile playback, especially for iOS. A potentially performance impairing issue in the internal processing on iOS has been removed. If config.playback.forceTech is set to 'h5live', h5live playback will now be forced for all platforms including iOS. The nanocosmos logo has been removed from the flash fallback module. Automatic pausing on lost focus has been added for Android too.



  • handle 'playback suspended' also on Android (iOS since 2.7.1) in case of lost focus / menu by pausing the player


  • buffer removing (shorter)
  • removed 'nano' logo from flash fallback swf file


  • prevent multiple event registering on iOS
  • play/pause functionality over middle play button on iOS
  • stats collection on iOS
  • disable play recovering for mobile
  • fix forcing tech 'h5live' on iOS


Release Notes

This version contains a patch for the full screen functionality. Now full screen will only be exited, if the full screen element is the player instance. Before it exited every full screen on destroy without a check.



  • full screen handling


Release Notes

This release brings new features. There are new statistics available via the 'onStats' event. Now the bitrate in Bit/s will be measured and also the network framerate in fps. For both it will be measured the current value over one second and the minimum, maximum and average over the last 10 seconds. They are accessable over the '' and the '' objects. This feature is not available on iOS and the values are always '0' in this case. Another feature is auto rotation for mobile streams from our nanoStream Mobile Apps. Its enabled if 'playback.metadata' is set to true.



  • new stats objects 'bitrate' and 'framerate' (network framerate) in 'onStats' event (NOT AVAILABLE FOR IOS)
  • auto rotation for mobile streams from nanoStream Mobile Apps if 'playback.metadata=true'


  • remove unwanted currentTarget from '' object


Release Notes

This version contains patches for iOS full screen functionality if meta tag 'viewport' is set and the autoplay policy of Safari 11, where only muted autoplay is allowed.



  • handle autoplay policy of Safari 11 by checking user gesture requirement (muted autoplay allowed)


  • iOS full screen functionality if meta tag 'viewport' is set


Release Notes


This version contains improved connectivity and latency for iOS 11 compared to iOS 10, and a workaround for an internal iOS11 system issue. It is highly recommended to use this version to avoid potentially higher network load and degraded user experience for iOS 11 users.



  • connectivity and latency for iOS 11


Release Notes

This version includes a fix for the muted state of the player, if the player will be set up muted. The state wasn't changed and no event was fired. Now the 'onMuted' event fires immediately with the setuo promise.



  • change muted state and 'onMuted' event firing within the setup promise


Release Notes

This version includes a fix for the flash fallback. It fixes an undefined error on setuo if container div id is different than 'playerDiv'.



  • undefined error with flash fallback player on setuo if container div id is different then 'playerDiv'


Release Notes

This release brings many features. We introduce the new 'keepConnection' functionality (supported with h5live server and higher). This enables to have always a connection to the h5live server (websocket only), also if the player is not playing. Another main feature is the new reconnect logic. It enables reconnects to the h5live server in case of recoverable network errors. If the player is playing, the playback resumes after a successful reconnect. Related to the reconnect we added the value 'connectDelay' to the event 'onLoading', that if positive and not zero indicates that a reconnect is imminent. Also now the network error 4503: service unavailable will be dispatched and passed through the 'onError' event. For diagnostics of the websocket connection we now use 'performance.mark()' to log different states of the connection with timestamps. In this release are also several fixes. There are fixes for the scaling functionality, the h5live source parsing with bintu rtmp playout object only and at least we removed flash test embed on player load.



  • enable always keep connected for websocket to the h5live server (h5live server and higher)
    • can be set via 'config.playback.keepConnection'
    • default: false
  • enable reconnect in case of recoverable network errors (see docs), not supported on iOS with metadata disabled
    • can be set via the 'config.playback.reconnect' object
    • new player states 'RECONNECTION_IMMINENT' (13) and 'CONNECTION_ERROR' (14)
    • default:
reconnect: {
    minDelay: 2, //  The minimum time to reconnect in seconds. The lowest possible value is 1 sec.
    maxDelay: 10, // The maximum time to reconnect in seconds.
    delaySteps: 10, // This number of steps till the maximum delay should reached.
    maxRetries: 10 // The maximum count of reconnect tries. If set to zero no reconnect will be done.
  • add property 'connectDelay' to the '' object of 'onLoading'
    • the delay in milliseconds before start connecting to the server
    • positive if a reconnect is imminent, otherwise zero
  • dispatch network error 4503: service unavailable
  • add performance marks with timestamps (see, the middle part of the name string is the elementId of the player container (not supported on Safari 11 OSX and iOS):
    • 'nano.[playerDivId]**.connecting'
    • 'nano.[playerDivId]**.connected'
    • 'nano.[playerDivId]**.disconnected'
    • 'nano.[playerDivId]**.resuming'
    • 'nano.[playerDivId]**.firstFragmentReceived'
    • 'nano.[playerDivId]**.firstFrameRendered'
  • new public event 'onWarning' with a warning message


  • remove flash test embed on player load
  • enable h5live source with bintu rtmp playout object only
  • fix missing scaling config property




  • start logic for IE/Edge




  • buffer removal check


Release Notes

In this release we added the opportunity to create an audio player without video functionality. This can be enabled by setting in the style object of the config the new property 'audioPlayer' to 'true', for example ' = true'. Controls can be enabled/disabled. The size can be customized via 'width' and 'height'. Default is 640px * 51px.



  • enable the creation of an audio player without video functionality via ' = true'
    • controls can be enabled/disabled
    • the size can be customized via 'width' and 'height'
    • default is 640px * 51px


Release Notes

With this release comes improvements for the playback on iOS devices. We introduce an adaptive buffer control depending on the buffer requirements of the iOS video element to achieve smooth playback while attempting to keep the latency as low possible. The adaptive buffer control is enabled by default for iOS clients. There is a direct correlation between the integrity of the rtmp source stream and the buffer requirements.

The second improvement is that it's now possible to configure the buffer settings also for iOS devices directly. If the buffer tweaks will be set via config, the adaptive buffer control will be disabled and the given value will be used as discret values.



  • adaptive buffer control related to the buffer requirements on iOS
  • enable setting buffer tweaks via config for iOS as discret values
  • buffering detection for iOS


Release Notes

The main improvements of this release are getting more stability in play detection and pausing behaviour.



  • user gesture required detection for mobile
  • hide media errors if pausing/paused
  • enable usage of event handler functions without defining an event object parameter
  • video tag destroy




  • remove source correctly on pause to disable multiple stream connections (iOS)
  • check media source for mime type support
  • fix playback suspension with video only streams in Chrome > 57 on lost page focus


Release Notes

The main improvements of this release are getting more stability for resuming after pause.



  • stable playback resuming after pause
  • resume playback also if PLAY is called while pausing
  • replace deprecated unescape/escape with decodeURIComponent/encodeURIComponent




  • stream start




  • preventing the stream position from moving back in time on iOS devices
  • signalling of pause state reasons


Release Notes


The automatic fallback to the nanoStream Cloud h5live server has been removed. As a result providing the h5live.server configuration object is now mandatory, except if the server configuration is done through the bintu API by providing a bintu source. For playback from the nanoStream Cloud without the bintu API the following values have to be set.

source.h5live.server.websocket = 'wss://';
source.h5live.server.hls = ''; = '';

For the On-Premise setup this server values have to be replaced with the own server urls.


The seperate configuration of the rtmp url for the fallback to flash player, the source.rtmp object, has been removed. Instead the rtmp url and stream name from the source.h5live.rtmp object will be used in this case.

Since this version the last video frame can be kept displayed after pausing the player, instead of displaying a black frame. The related configuration option is 'style.keepFrame' = [true/false]**, which is enabled by default.

Support for playback of audio only streams has been added (at least server version 1.7 required). An audio symbol can be displayed during the playback of an audio only stream. The related configuration option is 'style.displayAudioOnly' = [true/false]**, which is enabled by default.



  • add audio only support
  • add new public event 'onStreamInfo' with an streamInfo object about audio/video in the stream
  • change player behaviour to always keep frame
  • new config flag 'style.keepFrame' (default = true)
  • new config flag 'style.displayAudioOnly' (default = true)
  • add new state PAUSING to protect pausing phase
  • new server event onRandomAccessPoint to enable stable seeking to keyframes in IE/Edge


  • removed external code from source code incl. config etc.
  • removed rtmp source for flash, instead use the rtmp object from h5live source as fallback
  • removed nanocosmos server defaults


  • adjusted minimum buffer for ie/edge
  • more stable start behaviour
  • frame drop handling only for Firefox
  • destroy player on new setup call


Release Notes

The main changes of this release are adding quality metrics for firefox to detect frame dropping and handling by buffer increasing. Fixed is the user gesture error on playback start by tapping on the interaction playbutton on Android 5/6. Fixed is the playback start on start buffer.

  • Added quality handler for firefox with frame drop detection/handling.

  • Fixed user gesture error on Android 5/6.

  • Fixed is the playback start on start buffer.



  • quality handler with quality measuring and frame drop detection/handling (Firefox)


  • start playback on start buffer
  • removed deprecated single/double tap logic
  • added simple click event


Release Notes

The main changes of this release are improvements for playback on safari. The stream does not stops anymore in case of large gaps in buffer or unexpected pause calls. It is added a handling to keep low latency playback in case of multiple buffered ranges by a seek over buffer gaps (exclude iOS).

  • Added a handling to prevent playback stopping on unexpected pause calls.

  • Added a handling to seek over buffer gaps to keep low latency playback. This does not apply for iOS.



  • handle 'playback suspended' on iOS in case of lost focus / menu by pausing the player
  • added new pause reason, state & errorcode for 'playback suspended'
  • tweak buffer times


  • google map parsing in multiplayer demo




  • google maps to nanoplayer-multi demo
  • player capabilities
  • enable video tag re-use




  • remove doubleclick interaction
  • click on player let controls appear
  • click on playbutton starts playback
  • disable mobile autoplay in demo
  • buffer value change for stable playback on IE/Edge, framerate dependent




  • add multiplayer
  • online flashplayer path for snippet
  • buffer improvement for ios
  • webpack build
    • native script tag, require, commonjs
  • separate demo html's for native and require load
  • destroy function
  • native hls playback enabled for safari
  • remove online dependency for flashplayer (relative path)
  • remove online dependency for external code (must load separately else not supported)
  • controls
    • play/pause
    • time
    • mute/unmute
    • volume
    • full screen
  • config option to set flashplayer path (default is html root)
  • events for mute/unmute/volumechange
  • buffer control for ios
  • general IE/Edge support, more buffer
  • playback watcher to detect if playback started (user gesture required on mobile)
  • new pause reason/state/error


  • ignore force param in demo
  • check config for source object
  • docs
  • removing players in multiplayer
  • default server error
  • seek instead of increase speed in buffer control for IE/Edge




  • scaling
    • play with different video scaling modes
    • letterbox, crop, fill, original, resize
  • responsive
    • view (playbutton/buffersign/errorsign) sizing should depend on player size (small/bigger player -> smaller/bigger signs)
  • interaction
    • try to scroll or move while mouse pressed should do nothing
    • play/pause per click/touch
    • full screen per doubleclick/doubletouch
  • (ie/edge), more buffer on lower framerates


  • interactive handler
  • reset connection
  • scaling resize
  • scaling iOS
  • interaction touch/left mouse only




  • ios 10 metadata
  • enable/disable metadata
  • playbutton, buffersign
  • configuration errors


  • cross domain load