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Tagging PINT Versions

Paul Ray edited this page Mar 9, 2017 · 11 revisions

The current version string is available as pint.__version__

PINT uses MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH versioning inspired by, but not strictly following, Semantic Versioning. PINT uses to make sure that pint.__version__ is available in the code for version checking. This constructs the version string from git using tags and commit hashes.

To create a new tagged version of PINT (assuming you are going from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1):

  • First make sure you are on the PINT master branch in the nanograv/PINT repository and your working copy is clean (git status)
  • git push origin
  • Check that travis-ci says that the build is OK, before tagging! If needed, push any bug fixes.
  • git tag -a 0.5.1 -m "PINT version 0.5.1" (always use annotated tags by specifying -a)
  • git push origin --tags