A tool to generate a randomized 2D-image NFT collection based on nft attribute layers
is a general purpose nft library to make generating thousands of nft's really easy
Made by Nano Labs in 2021
pip install nft-toolkit
To view documentation, after pip installation run the following commands in a python3 interactive shell.
from nft.image import RandomImageGenerator
Create a directory of attributes that you would like to layer on top of each other. Each attribute must be of the same image size so that the overlays will line up properly.
Create a script similar to below. RandomImageGenerator uses 3 parameters: Number of permutations to generate, filepath to attributes, and filepath to place the images generated.
from nft.image import RandomImageGenerator
nft_collection = RandomImageGenerator(100, "./my-nft-project/nft_images", "./my-nft-project/collection")
- Your collection should be generated with each image's filename describing the attributes that are used.
Issues and pull requests are welcome. If you add functionality, then please add unit tests to cover it. Continuous Integration is handled by CircleCI.